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Superfriends! (for command zone)

Commander / EDH


Submitted to The Command Zone for deck doctoring

This deck is super fun to play. When I play in multiplayer games, almost every single time in the second game someone asks me if they can try this deck, which makes me feel great (and allows me to try a plethora of other people's decks too!)

My main problems are the early game, ramp, and card draw. The planeswalkers give me a little bit of all of those, but I think I need cards that do solely those things. The high amount of spot removal is for the early game and 1v1 situations, but the vast majority of time I play this deck multiplayer. I'm also not sure how I will fit some of the new walkers, I'm thinking of switching Jace Beleren for the new Jace.

Hivestone is in the deck to make my tokens indestructible when I have Sliver Hivelord out. I have actually won a decent amount of games on commander damage.


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