Superfriends with Super Benefits

Commander / EDH Enral

SCORE: 280 | 183 COMMENTS | 46597 VIEWS | IN 151 FOLDERS

I'm a newbie to EDH and deck-building in general, but I suppose I'll give the best feedback I can.

Firstly, the layout and organization of the description is great! I love it when people capitalize on that, because it makes everything a lot easier.

As far as the deck itself goes, having all planeswalkers certainly intrigues me, but sounds like it could be a fun and challenging deck to run. The four-color mana-base may make things harder (but I have no experience with anything over two colors, so I'm not one to talk, haha..). I will say, though, that if you plan on buying this deck on paper, good luck..?

(Also, I know you aren't really focusing on adding more cards, heh, but I believe Sorin, Grim Nemesis could be able to generate a lot of tokens, card draw, and life, especially with the last ability, since the game starts with 40 life. Just a suggestion, though, of course!)

Well, uh, that's all I've got, haha. Sorry I can't offer more of a detailed mechanical feedback.

August 14, 2017 12:07 p.m.

Valius says... #3

I think Captain Sisay could be fun in this kind of deck now.

October 9, 2017 11:15 a.m.

Enral says... #4

Valius: I would totally add Sissay if not for my one creature only Proteus Staff combo.

October 10, 2017 3 p.m.

Valius says... #5

Ahh gotcha

October 10, 2017 3:45 p.m.

The_Malkavian says... #6

I feel like I'm missing something that someone must have already mentioned...

But Rings of Brighthearth can't trigger a duplicate Basalt Monolith since it's a mana ability

And in the rules, "A mana ability is an ability that (1) isnt a loyalty ability, (2) doesnt target, and (3) could put mana into a players mana pool when it resolves."

October 19, 2017 9:52 a.m.

Right, but you can double Basalt Monolith's untap ability since it it is not a mana ability. See, here

October 19, 2017 10:01 a.m.

The_Malkavian says... #8

Oh... that's dumb


October 19, 2017 10:13 a.m.

Edskelton says... #9

How do you feel about Doubling Season + Jace, Cunning Castaway for infinite tokens?

November 27, 2017 4:09 p.m.

Enral says... #10

Edskelton: Tarzan Jace by himself is just a wonky situational loot enabler and doesn't really synergize with my more controlling deck direction. That incidental infinite combo doesn't immediately end the game due to lack of haste and can be easily blown out by a well timed boardwipe. Not worth the slot imho.

November 28, 2017 1:31 a.m.

Carnak says... #11

Your thoughts about Humility , Eureka , Contamination Along Sorceries that act as ramp spells?

February 1, 2018 6:45 a.m.

Carnak says... #12

A couple more inquiries about your thoughts on certain cards: Tezzeret's Gambit , Deploy the Gatewatch , Rhystic Study / Mystic Remora , Mirari's Wake and other mana doublers?

February 1, 2018 6:51 a.m.

Enral says... #13

Carnak: It really depends on how you wanna build your superfriends deck. If you want a more creature hostile environment, humility and contamination is a great addition. Eureka is alright and can backfire real quick. I love tezzere's gambit but just can't find the space to include it. Deploy the gatewatch is just too clunky and slow for me. Mana doublers is not needed in my build due to mana rocks but if you can't afford the more expensive rocks, mana doublers can be a good addition. I would recommend no more than 2 though. Hope that help.

February 1, 2018 8:47 p.m.

Carnak says... #14

As for regarding card-draw, would you perhaps consider the addition of Rhystic Study, Mystic Remora or even Skullclamp due high amount of tokens? Asking simply due the fact that Necropotence or Library will not likely be there every time.

Secondly, our meta is very creature heavy currently, with a staxy Bloodpod (Tana and Tymna), along other creature menaces. Which cards would you cut from your deck to make space for Humility and even Contamination, or would you have additional suggestions to add against such metas?

I own the expencive mana-rocks from the list, so that is not an issue regarding mana-doublers. I think I'll stick to my stones as you suggested.

And lastly, due having so many mana rocks, any particular reason you do not run Armageddon?

February 6, 2018 7:01 a.m.

Enral says... #15


I agree with the need for additional card draw, I am still finding space to include Rhystic Study at the moment. In your meta, I would probably cut one of my walkers for Humility...maybe cutting Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath. To be honest though, even in a creature heavy meta, the amount of tokens generated should be more than enough to block attackers. My meta is extremely creature heavy and aggressive but I still won a couple of games. Humility also nerf Deepglow skate and Atraxa so I don't really like that. I don't play Armageddon as my playgroup kinda hates MLD.

February 6, 2018 12:26 p.m. Edited.

Edskelton says... #16

The new planeswalker stuff looks pretty awesome for this deck!

March 9, 2018 8:44 a.m.

Enral says... #17

Deck updated with new Dominaria toys.

April 22, 2018 4:42 p.m.

cicely24 says... #18

New to superfriends, this is a really cool deck! Is there a reason to not include oath of teferi? When you can activate planeswalkers abilities twice?

April 24, 2018 11 a.m.

Enral says... #19

cicely24: Good catch, I've totally missed it. Added.

April 24, 2018 11:11 a.m.

NeonEndymion says... #20

Did you remove a combo piece (top) for darksteel plate just to slow down games a bit/enjoy the new toys?

Ive been having a blast jamming your build (thanks!), but the draw your deck wincon has been super reliable for me.

How has Imperial Seal been for you over other tutor options in witch-maw?

April 24, 2018 11:47 p.m.

HighOnBuffs says... #21

Ah also before i forget any good counters to Immortal Sun? :(

May 2, 2018 2:45 p.m.

Enral says... #22

NeonEndymion: Hey sorry for the late reply, been working on the plethora of my other decks. I did remove top to slow the game down and enjoy the new toys but have since added it back. Imperial seal is great due to the amount of planeswalkers that can draw me cards so I technically get the card I tutored immediately most of the time. Glad my combo is working well for you!

HighOnBuffs: I would recommend adding at least 4 to 5 answers to enchantment/artifacts if your meta runs immortal sun. I have beast within/anguished unmaking/nature's claim/cyclonic rift/merciless eviction/Urza's Ruinous Blast and a slew of tutors to answer it when the situation arise. Hope that helps!

May 2, 2018 3:19 p.m.

Enral says... #23

Just acquired a foil Karn, Scion of Urza for below market value from a friend that cracked it in a pack during draft (I hate his luck). Seems to be a great addition since I run a good number of artifacts which can have Karn make a fatty immediately with his -2. Will be testing him out.


May 2, 2018 3:35 p.m. Edited.

NeonEndymion says... #24

No worries/thanks for getting back to me.

FWIW, I've had a lot of success adding some redundancy to the "draw your deck"/infinite mana combo; I cut Darksteel Plate, Lightning Greaves, and Mana Vault, and Fellwar Stone for Grim Monolith, Power Artifact, Staff of Domination, and Transmute Artifact.

All the suggested new toys from Dominaria have been powerhouses, but I haven't loved Primeval's Glorious Rebirth (often stuck in hand so far). You?

May 2, 2018 4:44 p.m.

Enral says... #25

NeonEndymion: You're definitely on the right track in adding redundancies to the infinite mana combo. Since my meta is more casual, I'd try to go the slower route using Atraxa more (hence the darksteel plate and greaves). I haven't seen your list so this is my vague recommendation if you wanna make it more competitive beyond those additions. I would cut down my planeswalkers to the bare necessities required by the deepglow/staff combo to add in more permissions/tutors.

I haven't got to test out Primeval's Glorious Rebirth yet (didn't get to draw it in any games I've tested) but I've often wished I had it due to the nature of my meta which is more aggro/boardwipe heavy. I might end up cutting it if it proved to be lackluster and add in more card draw or something.

May 2, 2018 4:56 p.m.

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