EDIT: Oh boy, I should've scooped up those Master of Waves before it decided to win a Pro Tour. Now the buggers are $20 a piece! Might be quite a while before this deck sees the tourney tables.
Since I really can't make Biovisionary work in this format, I've taken a different route. Master of Waves is one of my favorite Theros cards so I decided to make a deck around him. This is a pretty rough draft so help me out guys. I'm accepting constructive criticism.
Here's a rundown of the components:
Cloudfin Raptor - Early one-drop that contributes to devotion. Gets big pretty quickly.
Omenspeaker - Fixing the top while doing decent early game blocking.
Master Biomancer - This guy wants to make my Master of Waves tokens massive, as well as pretty much everything else that hits the field..
Progenitor Mimic - Copy Master of Waves to drown the opponent in water horses.
Master of Waves - The king of the deck. He doesn't need to make as many tokens as possible since I'm planning on cloning him a couple times or maximizing his power output by making his tokens bigger with Biomancer.
Vaporkin - He's an Elemental. He flies. He hits early. He counts for devotion. Why not?
Frostburn Weird - Two drop, double blue, and stonewalls most aggro starts. A 1/4 that can change it's p/t at will is pretty decent.
Thassa, God of the Sea - Gives evasion, scrys every turn, and becomes a 5/5 for 3 pretty quickly. Oh, and she's indestructible which is simply icing on the cake.
Mizzium Skin - Mass hexproof for protection from targeted removal.
Bident of Thassa - Counts for devotion and nets me advantage when I swing in with my armies. Also puts the opponent in an awkward position when they have to swing in and I have plenty of blockers.
Dissolve - Seems like a blue deck staple.
Jace, Architect of Thought - Gives two to blue devotion and his minus ability is obviously pretty decent.