Sworddude098 says... #2
I've thought about it, the only problem is you need to evolve it first, and with Elvish Archdruid, it just makes it harder to evolve.
March 1, 2013 4:26 p.m.
thats very true. my brother sues it and ramps like a fiend, but that is bc of his Growing Ranks each turn and Master Biomancer. late game he plays at will.
March 1, 2013 4:28 p.m.
Sworddude098 says... #5
Idk maybe for sideboard that would be a really good idea, because my first game wincon is based off of emptying my deck with Primal Surge, but then game 2 I might sideboard out the Primal Surge and the Diabolic Revelations for 2 Entreat the Angels and 2 Wolfir Avengers.
March 1, 2013 8:51 p.m.
2zettaslow says... #6
you're doing it wrong, Elf Hoof Surge (1st at fnm, three weeks in a row)
March 2, 2013 12:41 a.m.
Sworddude098 says... #7
Yeah but my entire deck can come onto the field yours has to stop once it hits your second primal surge :P
March 3, 2013 4:52 a.m.
CamperCarl00 says... #8
Well, if I were to deal with it, I would either Cyclonic Rift you once they hit the field, or countered Primal Surge and called it a day. If all else failed, you could always Inspiration for the insta-win.
March 3, 2013 5:13 a.m.
Sworddude098 says... #9
Like I said before, i usually leave 3-5 cards in my library, just in case, or, I instant speed sac all my creatures with Undercity Informer to mill you out.
March 3, 2013 4:15 p.m.
Sworddude098 says... #10
Also, second game, Primal Surge and 2 of the Diabolic Revelations go into sideboard, replaced by 2x Entreat the Angels (thanks Chrisbox!), and a Wolfir Silverheart, making the deck more "green/white ramp" oriented. This strategy has proved effective in throwing off my opponents, and also effectively deals with a second game Slaughter Games. Ah, the look on their faces when they can't find the Primal Surge :'D Of course, I also sideboard in other cards depending on the deck type i'm playing against.
March 3, 2013 4:26 p.m.
2zettaslow says... #11
yeah good luck drawing into the one surge you got. not going to happen :/
March 3, 2013 8:22 p.m.
Sworddude098 says... #12
Do people even read the description? My god, first; I draw a Diabolic Revelation, spend 8 mana on it to get the 2 other Diabolic Revelation and the Primal Surge (effectively drawing all non-permanents out of my deck), then I cast Primal Surge. I almost never cast it if I draw into it, unless it's a life or death situation, but luckily I did the math and this happens about 55% of the time by turn 5. Other times I just kill with Thragtusk and other fatties.
March 4, 2013 5:04 a.m.
seeemwhykay says... #13
It's a cute idea, but it seems incredibly fragile. I've playtested a few times, and at least on tapped out, it mostly seems to just durdle for a bunch of turns but not really do anything except make mana. Which is nice, but considering that if you don't draw into Diabolic Revelation/if you don't have enough black (also very common, as all of your mana accelerants make green or white save for the two of Gilded Lotus) you can't do much, I've gotta question how you make it work. But I mean hey, if it wins for you it wins.
Are there any real serious control decks in your meta? I must imagine that the deck completely fails to control - I mean, what control deck worth its salt won't have a single counter ready to counter either your Diabolic Revelation or the Primal Surge that follows? Maybe transitioning it into a more well rounded Frites deck with Unburial Rites and more fatties? With three Unburial Rites, you'll still get to Primal Surge for about 10 permanents on average. That's still probably enough to win the game, but it'll also keep your deck from doing nothing when the combo can't be assembled.
March 4, 2013 5:20 a.m.
Minister_Crabtree says... #14
Yeah herp derp on top decking the Primal Surge +1 great deck! I love Johnny decks and with this I think you may be in contention for King of the Johnnys, keep on brewing!
March 4, 2013 6:10 a.m.
2zettaslow says... #15
but that's IDIOTIC. using dig spells to look for other dig spells.....what an idiotic attempt. seemwhykay is right. its incredibly fragile. what happens when you fight an aggro deck? that's like 90% of the metagmae right now and this deck will be shat on. im telling you, try again <3
March 4, 2013 4:07 p.m.
2zettaslow says... #16
btw nice try on the adding top placer to your deck name. nobodys buying it.
March 4, 2013 4:08 p.m.
Sworddude098 says... #17
Haha thanks so much Minister_Crabtree! And @seeemwhykay for some reason this deck has been pounding all aggro decks, which is mostly what I play against at my FNM's, but yes, unfortunately, control decks usually beat it game one. I've been trying to make a sideboard against control, and so far it's been about an even 1:1 loss:win ratio with the sideboard I'm using, so it all depends on whether or not I can draw the right cards. So far, I use 2 Entreat the Angels, another Wolfir Avenger, and 2 Revenge of the Hunted, and completely take out the Primal Surge, but I'm always looking for ways to improve the deck! If you've got any suggestions, please don't hesitate to say so! Also, I'm thinking of adding in Oblivion Ring to the sideboard, what do you guys think? Also, at 2zettaslow, maybe the FNM's I play at are just really bad, but next time I run this deck I will post a video to prove it. Also, I'm going on vacation soon though, so I'll get a chance to play it at some FNM's in other places, so I'll also post how it does there, in case the FNM's I've been going to ARE really bad. And also, I'm going to ignore the comment about digging for dig spells, because I've already posted a few times about that strategy: It allows my entire deck to be put on the field guaranteeing a win. Also, I'm not exactly as old and experienced as some of you players, so I"m very proud of this deck and the deck idea, H8A!
March 4, 2013 4:18 p.m.
Minister_Crabtree says... #18
Maybe for side board against aggro you can swap your Elvish Archdruid for Axebane Guardian and that would help your mana issues if any as well.
March 4, 2013 6:32 p.m.
Minister_Crabtree says... #19
Hell might as well switch out some Arbor Elf for some Gatecreeper Vine since you actually use guild gates
March 4, 2013 6:40 p.m.
seeemwhykay says... #20
The main thing is that the deck seems like overkill. Definitely fun, but mostly overkill. It's like this - a deck that wins by a slim margin 70% of the time is objectively better than a deck that absolutely obliterates the opponent beyond recognition 50% of the time. You don't get bonus points for how big the victory is. Then again, magic is all about doing whatever makes you happy. If you're fine with a deck that has a high percentage chance of whiffing and doing nada, just because seeing your opponent's face when you deal thousands of damage is worth it, then more power to you!
And yeah, no offense, but your FNM meta might be strangely weak. Without the combo going off (which I think is a good half of the time), your deck is a half hearted green white midrange build with way too many mana accelerants and not enough Thragtusk, Silverblade Paladin, Loxodon Smiter, Rancor, or shock lands. I don't see how it could pull off a victory against, for example, a full fledged mid-range deck that has the correct number of cards for the archetype. Get what I mean?
March 4, 2013 10:37 p.m.
2zettaslow says... #21
you think you're the first to come up with surge decks? plus like ive mentioned your digging for dig spells takes WAYYYY to long and consumes way to much time that you dont have. i take mine to FNM every week for 3 months now. i know the meta game and if you are actually winning with this deck then your games have to be fixed because like 90% of the REAL comments on this deck are talking about how it wont match against metagame. please swallow your pride and actually just take the advice people are giving you.
March 5, 2013 8:49 a.m.
Sworddude098 says... #22
I'm completely open to all suggestions, and yes, I built this deck more about having fun but was presently surprised when it did really well. Like I said, the first game is like flipping a coin to win, before I sideboard out to make a better ramp deck. Also, how long do you think the combo takes? It's usually available by turn 5 in game one.
March 5, 2013 3:19 p.m.
Neat deck ide tho seems more like for fun then for competiton neat ide tho! +1
March 11, 2013 4:59 p.m.
hiddengibbons says... #24
I like it, that Undercity Informer solves the Cyclonic Rift Problem. I don't know If I'd use the Revelations, though. When I build a Surge deck, I usually use a lot of Garruks to draw cards until I get the surge. Maybe I'll try it though.
March 18, 2013 5:05 p.m.
nikolajknudsen says... #25
Super sweet idea, BUT the beastmasters, the cathars crusade and the champion of lambholt are totally unneccesary and only serves as an overkill really. Add in other cards for more consistancy. Like this:-3 beastmaster-1 champion-1 cathar+2 thragtusk+3 resto angel
This doesn't compromise your primal surges either
capriom85 says... #1
what about Gyre Sage to ramp more efficiently?
March 1, 2013 4:22 p.m.