Energy Commander? Nah, Surgin' General. This is a token copies & clones deck first, Energy deck second.

The most difficult thing about making this deck was picking a name I liked; "Creatively Cloned Combatants", or some other option wasn't entirely off the table. The second most difficult thing was convincing myself that my third attempt at piloting a Jeskai commander will finally be my most fruitful attempt. My last two attempts with Jeskai were Vadrok, Apex of Thunder (one of my first attempts at a combo deck, which I eventually trimmed down to just U/R), and Hinata, Dawn-Crowned(one of the most control & spellslinger focused decks I've piloted to date). Hopefully the third time is the charm.

I pulled a full art foil Satya from a MH3 pack, and upon closer inspection, realized that he might be up my alley after all:

  • Aggro focus that wants to swing at faces.
  • Provides opportunity to snowball value, especially by getting copies of valuable creatures.
  • The build direction is open-ended enough to have a couple of potential different directions, & doesn't railroad brewers to one specific path.
  • Satya is gas for the deck, which can function without him.

I am looking to keeping things fairly familiar and straightforward, but still allowing room for adjustments to what I feel the deck needs. For now the game plan pacing is fairly simple:

  1. Play creatures with a variety of ETB effects
  2. Utilize Satya and a handful of Clone effects to get additional copies of creatures with ETBs, or non-legendary Clones of Satya that he can then copy.
  3. Semi-optional: utilize Energy accumulation to keep around value-engine creature copies, or utilize the Energy for a variety of Energy related pay-offs.
  4. Snowball value from token copies and Clones
  5. ???
  6. Have fun and all that good stuff.

As I get to know this deck and get some games under my belt, here are the cards that I'd consider for initial swaps, also since I know I have these in my collection:

From brewing, play-testing, and general eye-balling so far, my gut is telling me that I might be able to scale back on some of the Energy cards. If I do, I think that some of those slots can probably be swapped out for stuff that can blink creatures, and enable additional re-uses of ETBs. Of the stuff listed here, I'm a bit more inclined to include one of the instant speed options, given the flexibility to also act as protective effects.

Non-creature spells


Given that Energy is more of a secondary focus to the deck, I will continue to play around with which pay offs fit best. For now, banking Energy to pay for "valuable" creatures (think Professional Facebreaker or other combat damage/attack triggers) will be the primary use.

Although getting additional copies of ETB triggers is helpful, I've also considered adding in a sprinkling of Death or Leaves the Battlefield triggers. Taking advantage of death triggers on Legendary creatures could also prove useful.

The Maybeboard for any of my decks is more so a mix of stuff on my radar for quick reference on future swaps, as well as a general reference list for anyone checking out the deck. This is everything that was listed in the Maybeboard as of 01/14/25. I wanted to clean up the page a bit.



1 MV

2 MV

3 MV

4 MV

5 MV

6 MV

7 MV




For this deck, I'm primarily focusing on creatures that have Enter the Battlefield or Combat Damage triggers, since copies created by Satya enter tapped and attacking. Focusing on these types of triggers helps ensure that creatures are impactful as soon as they hit the table, & can snowball value with repeated usage from token copies & Clone effects.


Copies need sources

These are truly all stars that I love to slam down and make as many copies of as I can get away with. I'm not listing every creature in this deck with an ETB or combat trigger, just the ones that can really help snowball your momentum:

  • Guide of Souls - After a few games with Satya, Guide of Souls truly stood out as a key piece that helped with life stabilization and accruing Energy. At 1 mana, this is an easy copy to keep around, if it can survive combat.

  • Agate Instigator - An Impact Tremorsfoil effect that can copy itself with Offspring, & be copied by Satya the same turn it enters.

  • Imperial Recruiter - An excellent tutor for this deck, which can grab 15/30 creatures in the 99, as of 7/15/24. Recruiter can grab two out of the three Clones listed above, as well as most of the other creatures in this section.

  • Skyclave Apparition - Great repeated and versatile single target removal.

  • Solemn Simulacrum

  • Aerial Extortionist - Can essentially 3 for 1 on "removal" if copied the turn it hits the table.

  • Terror of the Peaks - Although the 15/30 creatures in the 99 (as of 7/15/24) have power 2 or less, being able to make multiple copies of ToP to balloon damage & create a challenging board presence feels great.

Given that Satya can make copies of creatures, I tried to include some cantrip draw on creature ETBs as a means of getting that repeated value.

A mix of mana rocks for early game acceleration, and treasure production and rituals for bursts in the mid to late game. Ideally, Satya can either drop turn 3 to start chipping damage at open boards, or accelerate out a copy target before Satya hits the board.



Sad Robot

  • Solemn Simulacrum - Sad Robot does a lot of work the turn it comes down. If Satya is around to make a copy, that's two tapped lands to the field, and a drawn card if the copy isn't kept around.


As mentioned earlier in the primer, I don't intend for Energy to be the primary focus of this deck. I intend to utilize Energy to keep around copies of value creatures when possible, or to dump into one of the outlets listed here. Many of these cards gain chip amounts of Energy either as a one-off, or have potential for repeated production if they're on a creature with an ETB trigger.

  • Aether Hub

  • Guide of Souls - Absolute All Star in this deck, and a great copy target for Satya. He really does it all: Energy production, incidental life gain, and an effective outlet to help get combat damage through.

  • Roil Cartographer - An excellent early curve set up, and decent Satya copy target for early turns. In play-testing, it isn't too difficult to get to 6 , so getting the card draw activation isn't unrealistic.

  • Whirler Virtuoso - Mostly here for the 3 Energy on ETB. Can make thopters as needed for chump blocking in a pinch.

  • Localized Destruction - Scale for asymmetrical wipe.

A mixture of instant speed options, and removal options on creature ETBs that Satya can copy up as needed. The creature-based removal has a bit more of a tempo lean to it, as much of the removal is temporary. Although temporary, this creature-based removal is key for removing blockers.

Satya can quickly snowball value if his copies can stick around. This section will help to keep the board as intact as possible, threaten life totals, & throw wrenches into all sorts of plans.


Please Don't


Table Slappers

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Aetherdrift spoiler season is still in the swing of things. Yesterday the Command Zone revealed the Living Energy precon, helmed by Saheeli or Pia Nalaar. I won't get into specifics about the deck or those commanders, but most of the new cards are much needed Energy support. I don't feel like I'm missing much, since this deck isn't as Energy focused as other Satya or Jeskai Energy commanders.

I might be a bit premature (I can always edit this later), but I think these are currently the only cards I will be considering as potential additions to this deck.

  • Territorial Aetherkite is likely going to replace Localized Destruction. At baseline, a 6/5 flyer with Haste is fairly solid. The production and scalable board wipe feels decent enough to justify it being 6cmc in addition to its other stats. Satya's baseline stats are hefty enough that he can dodge a 4 paid wipe, and can copy up Aetherkite for additional pressure in the air.

  • Aetheric Amplifier could likely replace Cursed Mirror. I like that Amplifier is colorless and produces mana of any color for more baseline ramp flexibility than Cursed Mirror. Being able to double up my for 4 mana feels like it should be worthwhile, especially as a rebuilding action, or to really bank up for keeping copies around. Cursed Mirror does have the upside of being able to copy any creature on the battlefield, and then copied with Satya. I'll play test with Amplifier for a bit to see which flavor of flexibility I prefer.

It doesn't seem like there's going to be any Energy in the main set beyond a possible cameo appearance.

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97% Casual


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 7 months ago
Date added 8 months
Last updated 4 days

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

60 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.88
Tokens Agate Instigator 1/1 R, Bird 1/1 W, Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Elephant 3-3 G, Energy Reserve, Fish 1/1 U, Goblin 1/1 R, Illusion */* U, Treasure
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