Surrak's Savage Scrappers

Standard* ManiacMike0643


Accoil says... #1

Something that possibly could work well with Temur Ascendancy is tribute, as not only do you get a big creature but draw or you could force your opponent for the effect. Just a suggestion; consider Nessian Demolok , Siren of the Fanged Coast or Flame-Wreathed Phoenix .

Polis Crusher and Restock might also work

And for synergy with Temur Ascendancy maybe try Garruk's Packleader for some double draw trouble

September 2, 2014 9:36 a.m.

ManiacMike0643 says... #2

Nessian Demolok my other 5 drops are so much better than him

Siren of the Fanged Coast opponent always pays tribute, it becomes a Stormbreath Dragon without haste or pro-white. it's just bad

Flame-Wreathed Phoenix I can actually see working in this deck quite well thank you

Polis Crusher sideboard at best, against enchantment heavy decks

Restock too expensive for what it does

Garruk's Packleader I don't need this because I'm running Temur Ascendancy which I'm only running for the haste, the draw cantrip is the bonus, not the other way around.

Another thing, Tribute is not a good mechanic, it lets your opponent dictate what your creature does, and they will always manipulate the decision so it works better for them than you.

September 2, 2014 10:07 a.m.

dagbaker says... #3

I'd suggest two Temple of Epiphany a Forest and a Mountain for 4 Wooded Foothills.

September 2, 2014 5:30 p.m.

dagbaker says... #4

Maybe an Island instead of that forest I mentioned actually.

September 2, 2014 5:31 p.m.

dagbaker says... #5

Dammit, sorry for the 3 comments in a row, Fanatic of Xenagos would be your best Tribute option.

September 2, 2014 5:34 p.m.

ManiacMike0643 says... #6

I'm not using tribute, end of story

And the Temple of Epiphany are proxies for the Temur Wedge land

September 2, 2014 6:15 p.m.

Fetches. Wooded Foothills , At the very least.

September 12, 2014 7:49 p.m.

ManiacMike0643 says... #8

There's 2 already there if you look, won't run more than 2 because I don't have enough basics to justify them

September 14, 2014 2:42 p.m.

mgolden356 says... #9

I love this. I'm adding this to my folder. Thanks.

September 14, 2014 2:57 p.m.

People say KTK is a more midrange set, I believe I have built the most Aggro-type deck seen so far in KTK

September 18, 2014 11:25 a.m.

belligerence says... #11

The most aggro deck is ornithopter.

September 18, 2014 11:29 a.m.

Turn 3/4 Arbor Colossus , I'm fine

September 18, 2014 11:43 a.m.

belligerence says... #13

Not really. Turn 1 ornithopter/whatever land. T2 ensoul artifact swing 5 flying. T3 can be maybe 1 more ornithopter, cheif engineer, or generator servant. another 5 flying. your at 10. T4 can be scuttling doom engine from either the cheif engineer, or gen servant whichever they put out. And either swing with orni and scuttling doom engine or wait for t5 with the scuttling doom engine due to no haste. Or they can just use 2 shrapnel blasts. Either way you are not fine. I know the chances of it happening that exact way doesn't happen much but im just proving a point that you have NOT built the most aggro type deck.

September 18, 2014 12:43 p.m.

Ok ok, you don't have to dick on me, I get it

September 18, 2014 1:11 p.m.

belligerence says... #15

:) i do like your deck though man. +1 maybe sideboard some back to nature (destroy all enchantments?)

September 18, 2014 6:11 p.m.

I'm toying around with SB ideas at the moments

September 18, 2014 6:15 p.m.

Ajex says... #17

You need 4 Wooded Foothills . You also need to run at least 23 lands even with 8 mana dorks, preferably 24 lands. No Elvish Mystic s? Best mana dork in standard right now. You also don't need the islands. You should be running Yavimaya Coast . I'd never run a playset of Mana Confluence , but you should at least run 1 or 2. I am also curious to why Temur Charm is sideboard and not mainboard. I find Archetype of Endurance very underwhelming. Its only a "win more" type of card. I also find Avalanche Tusker to be relatively weak, but perhaps you have a way to justify him. You should also run a whole set of Polukranos, World Eater . If not 4, then atleast 3. He is one of your best cards against the aggro match up, and if they can't kill it they just lose. I'd also suggest at least another Xenagos, The Reveler and maybe another Kiora, the Crashing Wave if you can fit her in.

September 21, 2014 11:07 a.m.

To your first point, why run a full set of fetches when I have barely any basics to fetchTo your second point, Mystic (imo) is not the best mana dork in standard, I will stand by my caryatids because they work.To your third point I will never run pain lands or confluence because they suck, end of storyTo your fourth point, my 3 drops are courser, knuckleblade and ascendancy, all of which do a specific thing that I want them to do, charm is versatile, and more use to me in the sideboardTo your fifth point, Archetype has won me many a game against G/B Rock decks, Mono Black, Jund etc. and he is stayingTo your sixth point Tusker is pseudo-removal To your seventh point, Polukranos becomes a dead draw if you have one on the field as he is a legendary, so running more than 2 is liable to give me dead draws which I hateTo your final points, Xenagos is only here for the mana, and kiora is only here for damage prevention, they are not key focus points in the deck and I do not need to be running more than one of them

This deck works, I built it that way

September 23, 2014 4:36 p.m.

Ajex says... #19

Calm down. I'm not hating on your deck. I'm merely offering my advice and opinions. In fact, I really like your deck. My first suggestion, 4 basics is more than enough to fetch with your fetchlands. Your rarely going to have all 8 lands, and if you do, then you most likely won't need anymore anyway. My second suggestion, I see why you may not think of it as the best, but it really is. One mana dorks are the most powerful of all. Turn 1 elvish mystic I find much more powerful than a turn 2 sylvan caryatid. If I could i'd run 8 elvish mystics. I highly suggest you test them out so you can see how powerful they are. My third suggestion, please explain how painlands "suck". They are no fetchlands but they are the best fixing we have so far in enemy colors. My fourth suggestion, yeh okay. I would run them in the main board but if sideboard works for you that's fine. For my fifth suggestion, i'm not saying he's bad. I'm just saying that 8 mana is a lot. Especially as a one of, It seems quite difficult to cast. My sixth suggestion, like I said, you could argue playing him. I was just giving my opinion of finding him underwhelming. My seventh suggestion, like I said, aggro can't beat a race with a polukranos. Other decks struggle too, but they are usually able to kill it.Not if you have a second in your hand. In the aggro match up it doesn't matter if you have a second, because your going to win. In the mid range matchup, when they kill yours you cast another one. Even if it becomes a dead draw, you monstrosity your polukranos and kill some guys, then cast your new one and repeat. As a 2 of, it is very difficult to draw. If polukranos becomes a dead draw then your probably winning the game anyway. For your point of kiora and xenagos, think about things this way. If you only have a 1 of in your deck, then you should assume that your never going to draw it. If they are not a key focus of your deck, then you should cut them entirely. The only one-ofs you should have are ones that a: are relevant almost every matchup. B: Are extremely powerful. C: They can be entirely cut from your deck and make little difference, or make the cut due to little interactions. I can see kiora as a one of, but xenagos should be at least two. Note that all this is my own opinion. you are NOT obligated to follow my advice. As a (somewhat) experienced magic player, I'm only telling you what works for me.

September 23, 2014 5:24 p.m.

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