Swarm and Conquer V 2.0
SCORE: 466 | 2012 COMMENTS | 128898 VIEWS | IN 253 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/27
TrumpetsforKings says... #2
Also, Sorin, Lord of Innistrad would do well here to rovide tokens, and a boost that cna be repeated.
May 29, 2013 11:50 a.m.
Oh yeah, I was going to add Hero of Bladehold in, I just haven't had time to start editing this. And Sorin, Lord of Innistrad isn't my favorite because he provides black tokens, and not white tokens (no Honor of the Pure ). I like Ajani Goldmane 's boost better. I also intend to add some Brave the Elements as well. So what do you think? I decided to finally test whether or not a BW token deck would be better than my current version.
May 29, 2013 2:08 p.m.
TrumpetsforKings says... #4
I like the look, and have created a deck that tried to incorporate red, making it Chavest, as well as battle-cry abilities for everyone.
May 29, 2013 7:49 p.m.
Interesting idea that. I'll make sure to help as much as I can. I love token decks. So do you think this has more potential than my current deck, Swarm and Conquer, or should I stick with what I have and keep working on my mill creature deck? Thanks for the upvote by the way.
May 29, 2013 8:08 p.m.
bman5604, I'll cave and work on this deck for a while. I'm still a personal fan of Mono white just because it's unique to me that way, but I'd love to give this a shot as well. Any helpful hints?
July 27, 2013 4:22 p.m.
Zealous Persecution is really good here. Not to mention Sorin, Lord of Innistrad . But I think a card hat can really shine for you I'd Deathrite Shaman . It can get you those last few points of damage and can sure up some of your weaker match ups.
July 27, 2013 4:44 p.m.
Hmm, Deathrite Shaman is something I'd never thought of, but you're right. That would certainly be fun to have in here. And I'm iffy between Sorin, Lord of Innistrad and Ajani Goldmane . There are pros to each one. Zealous Persecution is something I wanted to add, but I'm not sure what to take out. What would you recommend taking out to add in each of those?
July 27, 2013 4:47 p.m.
All your Inquisition of Kozilek , Hero of Bladehold and Brave the Elements can be sideboard. Also make your enchantments a 3/2 split with Honor of the Pure being 3. Also why no Windbrisk Heights
July 27, 2013 4:56 p.m.
I'd rather keep a 4 set of Intangible Virtue . The vast majority of my creatures are tokens, and vigilance is such a great mechanic with them. As for my Hero of Bladehold I was actually thinking of getting rid of her. Sad to see her go, but she doesn't fit in this version as much as my old. Brave the Elements is such a great defense against things like Pyroclasm and it can give me lethal unblockable swing though. I'm not certain I want to get rid of that just yet. And I'm just not a giant fan of Windbrisk Heights ...I just don't like it coming in tapped mainly.
July 27, 2013 5 p.m.
Understand ur argument for Intangible Virtue but you have creatures you need to pump as well. And Brave the Elements is situational. It's really a amazing sideboard card then anything
July 27, 2013 9:34 p.m.
Yeah, but I think the extra chance of vigilance is worth it for a 4 set. I took out a Raise the Alarm to add in another Honor of the Pure , so I think that should make things better. And I find Brave the Elements to work in most situations actually. Whether making it so my tokens don't die from chump blocking, surviving a Pyroclasm , or swinging for an unblockable assault, it can be used in a lot of ways.
July 27, 2013 9:40 p.m.
Don't take away from your token spells or u make Intangible Virtue bad. U can easily go 3/3 on the enchantments . But Have seen that most go 3/2 in favor of honor
July 27, 2013 9:53 p.m.
I think I would be more comfortable with a 4/3 mix between Intangible Virtue and Honor of the Pure . I've run into plenty of cases where I never drew a much-needed anthem. And I think I'm ok on my token spells at the moment, especially with Lingering Souls flashback. Control can help change the course of the duel in my favor, but I still need the win condition through my tokens attacking.
July 27, 2013 9:59 p.m.
MetaphysicalxProdigy, I made a more competitive version of Swarm and Conquer. What do you think?
July 27, 2013 11:04 p.m.
MetaphysicalxProdigy says... #16
I think your list is starting to look pretty damn good.
These are my suggestions:
For now, I would probably axe DRS and add 2 more Champions. DRS is a little more situational and without running a full set or any green mana sources, you can't take full advantage of draw probability if you need it, or use his third ability to gain life. Life points are a very valuable commodity in modern and you can better gain those with additional Champions. Not to mention Jund is a very difficult matchup for tokens, and Champion is nuts against Jund. Nuts! Don't rule out DRS forever by taking him out now, though, he may make a comeback, meta-depending.
Some competitive token decks opt for a mass of creatures to compliment the tokens (i.e. yours + Squadron Hawk , Martyr of Sands , Hero of Bladehold ), while others opt for more tokens. It seems that you have chosen the latter. Thus to compliment your strategy you need to focus on instants + disruption. I know how good Gather the Townsfolk is but I am going to suggest removing it altogether. Also take out one lingering souls. You need at least half of your token sources to be instant speed, so you can flash them in at the end of your opponent's turn if you didn't need to use a disrupt or killspell card. You won't be able to stay in the game in a competitive setting without mana left open on occasion. As such with three new slots, I would add one more Raise the Alarm and two of your choice of either Beckon Apparition or Midnight Haunting . If using DRS to remove cards from the graveyard was your thing, then maybe the apparition would be good here.
With 7+ creatures I would invert your anthems - 4 HOTP and 3 virtue. You only need 1 virtue for vigilance to take effect, and they are useless for helping your other creatures, which HOtP can do.
You also need at least 4 killspells, aka Path to Exile . Either add one more path, or a specialty removal like Dismember , Gopher or Smother . You should probably take out one HOTP to make this happen. You are going to need to exchange a bit of firepower for control to make this work. Remember you are maximizing firepower with your other Swarm and Conquer deck. :)
To push the game over the edge, you need a finisher. Some people use Elspeth, Knight-Errant , Hero of Bladehold or a Sword of X and Y. Your choice of Brave the Elements fills this role, and I think is an excellent addition.
The only other spell I haven't really discussed is Zealous Persecution . It is a great card for token decks, but also meta-dependant. I would count it is a flexible card if you want to add or remove more control / firepower elements in the future. It should be one of the first cards on the chopping block if you decide to make changes.
Your land count is good at 22. However keep in mind you have a majority of white mana sources here, and tons of W/B lands that will eat away at your health. I would take out 2 Caves of Koilos for 2 Vault of the Archangel , and 2 Fetid Heath for 2 Windbrisk Heights . Both of those specialty lands are invaluable for token decks. Use them!
Finally your SB needs work. Tokens typically have poor matchups vs Jund and combo. Pyroclasm and Izzet Staticaster are also big threats to you. Thus I would consider 3 Rest in Peace (will hurt your Lingering Souls but will hurt them much more.. in a controlled environment you can always sub souls for this). I have a detailed description of the pros of RiP on my Knights page. Then I would add 3 Memoricide , which can shut down or severely cripple combo decks. I would probably also add 3 Sundering Growth (especially good with your dominance of white mana sources). Affinity isn't a dealbreaker for you because you have so many tokens and flyers to slow them down until you can deal with them, but the growths can help (albeit they are primarily for other sources). Then add two more Duress to SB. The other 4 slots are up to you, maybe 1 or 2 more BTE for red or blue mass removal sources, then maybe 2 of your choice of Fulminator Mage , Dismember or Ethersworn Canonist //Rule of Law . If you face a lot of discard, burn and/or storm in your meta, however, I would seriously consider running a 4 SB set of Leyline of Sanctity . +1
July 28, 2013 4:21 p.m.
MetaphysicalxProdigy says... #18
MB:-2 Caves of Koilos -2 Fetid Heath -2 Deathrite Shaman -2 Gather the Townsfolk -1 Lingering Souls -1 Intangible Virtue
MB add+2 Vault of the Archangel +2 Windbrisk Heights +2 Auriok Champion +1 Path to Exile +1 Raise the Alarm +2 Midnight Haunting
SB add+3 Rest in Peace +3 Memoricide (or Extirpate , but I think Mem. is better)+3 Sundering Growth +2 Duress +2 Dismember +1 Brave the Elements +1 Rule of Law
Maybe make one of those Memoricide a Cranial Extraction , in case they try to use their own cruel control to take all of your Memoricide away from you. XD
July 28, 2013 4:32 p.m.
MetaphysicalxProdigy, thanks for all the advice. I'm not a huge fan of cards like Windbrisk Heights coming into play tapped, but both you and bman5604 both suggested it, so I'll get over my personal issues with it. And it's hard to see my 4 set of Intangible Virtue go, but I guess you're right in that this deck focuses more on control than firepower. I did like Deathrite Shaman 's ability to deal damage after playing my cards, but I'll put him to the maybeboard for now. You've helped out a ton with both of my token decks, so thanks a bunch for that. I aim to get into competitive Modern with this deck eventually, so I'm glad for all the advice you can give me.
July 28, 2013 4:55 p.m.
MetaphysicalxProdigy says... #20
No worries man glad I can help. We all want your deck to succeed. :)
If you really are partial to keeping 4 Virtue, one avenue I didn't really think of (and may be a better choice for your deck) is to replace your Tidehollow Sculler s with 3 Castigate . The castigate fits your curve for a t2 play and can't result in a tempo loss, unlike the sculler (who, if killed, gives them their card back). In this manner you can justify keeping 4 virtues if the only nontoken creature you are running is Auriok Champion . Again, this may give you a little less firepower, having 3 less sources to gain life from via the champion and 3 less bodies to attack/block/buff from HOTP, BUT he also is a creature your opponent can make effective use to target (and not lose tempo killing) with a spot removal.
It's unlikely they can target your Champion with a killspell, and they are sputtering on a massive loss of tempo trying to use spot removal on your numerous tokens. Plus this allowance of an additional virtue can also help your odds of drawing an anthem with vigilance for your tokens. This is not necessarily a change I think you have to make, but it is something you can at least consider (especially if you are playing in a removal-heavy meta). What do you think?
July 28, 2013 5:09 p.m.
I think I like Castigate better than I do Tidehollow Sculler . So I'll swap those. And I'm trying to decide between an even split between Honor of the Pure and Intangible Virtue or having 4 virtues and 2 pures. For now I'll go with the 3/3 route.
July 28, 2013 5:16 p.m.
MetaphysicalxProdigy says... #22
Sounds good man. If you need to you can always alternate +1 Castigate / -1 Auriok Champion depending on how you think the deck is handling. Auriok is really bad in some matchups but really important in others. Given the dominance of Jund in modern and how effective she is against it, I would keep a 4 of her for now.
Also don't worry too much about Windbrisk coming in tapped. So long as you can activate its ability, the tempo loss will be well worth it (and you have the best style of deck for making that card work). Also, the only other t1 play you have is Thoughtseize (and MAYBE Path against a reanimator deck or something), and if you don't draw any Thoughtseize in your opening hand or lack black mana sources, and happen to have Windbrisk in your hand, you can play it tapped for no tempo loss at all. Some pro tour BW token decks like those of Craig Wescoe and Melissa DeTora actually run 3-4 Windbrisk Heights .
July 28, 2013 5:52 p.m.
Sounds like a good plan to go on. And that is true. A turn one Windbrisk Heights would work well in that case. I think I'll just have two though.
July 28, 2013 11:48 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #24
Leyline of Sanctity would cover more combo decks than Rule of Law would. Honestly with Duress , Memoricide , and Cranial Extraction covering so many matchups, including getting rid of Ratchet Bomb s and Engineered Explosives s, I don't think you should try to fit in Stony Silence .
July 31, 2013 4:05 p.m.
For adding a pair of Stony Silence , I would cut 1 Auriok Champion and 1 Lingering Souls .
It's a tough call to make. I spent a few minutes mulling it over before making this post.
TrumpetsforKings says... #1
Hero of Bladehold would do well here.
May 29, 2013 11:46 a.m.