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Swift Delver-Fiend





Creature (1)

Instant (1)

Sorcery (1)

Red/Blue storm-esque deck based around Kiln Fiends, Delver of Secrets' and Monastery Swiftspears fondness of instants and sorceries.

Dream scenario: Get Kiln Fiend out ASAP and swing for lethal with an unblockable-double striking creature (Assault Strobe + Distortion Strike ) on turn 3.

Real life scenario:Go out strong with Swiftspear or Delver and fuel/flip them with the many cantrips. If the game go long an unblockable Kiln Fiend finnishes the job.

This deck has gone through many iterations over the years. It started off as a Nivix Cyclops + Kiln Fiend combo deck, but got upgraded as I acquired more of the traditional storm cards. For a moment I played it as a pauper deck, and even now there are very few changes needed to make it pauper legal again.


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Finally got a playset of Serum Vision, they go right into this deck. Also the Artful Dodges are now replaced with Slip Through Space for the cantrip vs flashback. Not entirely sure if I should run only Slip Through Space, only Artful Dodge or something like a mixing them for a total of 5-6 spells for unblockable. I have to consider that I already run Apostle's Blessing, which doubles as protection and making creatures unblockable. Distortion Strike is also an option.

I also got 4 Monastery Swiftspear replacing Nivix Cyclops. Guess I have to rename the deck...

Crimson Wisps has stolen games from a burn opponent of mine. I would have died on his next turn but I could play a Kiln Fiend, give it haste and swing for the win. Still, apart from the card draw its a useless card if I can't target anything but Monastery Switfspear. So, I might look into replacing it with something more synergistic.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Rares

16 - 6 Uncommons

28 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.23
Folders Real Life Decks
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