Swiftspear Stampede

Modern Curius52

SCORE: 297 | 242 COMMENTS | 68318 VIEWS | IN 107 FOLDERS

HairyHorux says... #1

Kalonian Hydra is an amazing trampler. Put it in, I promise you won't regret it.
Take out all of the illegal cards. As in, the cards that are banned in standard, unless you are actually making a standard deck. the illegal cards are: Dragon's Claw , Troll Ascetic , Gruul Turf , Lightning Bolt , Urabrask the Hidden , Revenge of the Hunted , Might of Oaks , Prized Unicorn , Balefire Dragon.Take out Woodborn Behemoth while you are doing that, that card is bad unless you are playing mono green, and even then...In a normal magic deck, you want 60 cards total.
You want multiple copies of everything that you find the most useful in your deck, so that those cards come up more often.
Once you have done that, reply to this comment and I'll give you more advice.

May 22, 2014 10:32 p.m.

Curius52 says... #2

I was a little confused what kind of deck I had. Turns out it's modern. I'll definitely take your advice on Woodborn Behemoth. I've been iffy about it for a while. Looks like my only illegal modern card is Bearer of the Heavens. I'll probably swap Kalonian Hydra in for that. I would like to move a little down in cards, but my friends play a LOT of mill decks. Anyways, thank you for the help!

May 24, 2014 11:07 a.m.

OpenFire says... #3

Make it more consistent. Take out your worse cards and add in more of the better ones.

May 29, 2014 4:48 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #4

Like OpenFire said it's very inconsistent. Is it purposefully singleton? You said you're new to the game.... You do know you can have up to four of each card, right?

June 1, 2014 2:47 p.m.

Curius52 says... #5

Yes I know, I just like too many cards.

June 1, 2014 6:28 p.m.

OpenFire says... #6

Then you should move it to EDH instead of Modern.

June 1, 2014 6:31 p.m.

Curius52 says... #7

What is EDH? And what is wrong with having many different cards modern?

June 1, 2014 10:38 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #8

Commander is a game variant with 40 life, 100 card singleton decks, and different rules, you can read about it here: http://mtgcommander.net/rules.php

Whenever you run only one copy of a card you drastically decrease the probability of getting it each game. Mtg is a game of probability on a deck building level, if you run 4 copies of 10 cards that all work beautifully together you stand a far better chance of getting what you want and winning than the guy who's running one copy of forty cards. Plus when you tag a deck as Modern people expect it to viable in the "Modern" tournament format. A format where if your deck doesn't win by turn four, you've already lost.

June 3, 2014 12:38 a.m.

Curius52 says... #9

I'll see what I can do in terms of focusing my deck.

June 3, 2014 1:54 p.m.

HydraOoze says... #10

Not trying to dog on you but I have to agree with everyone else about needing consistency, I highly suggest having 4x Lightning Bolt as they are great in this deck also I would replace Street Spasm with Red Sun's Zenith lastly I would replace your Gruul Guildgate with Rootbound Crag it's cheap and a huge upgrade to your mana. Also check out my deck Counting With Hydras for more ideas. we'll there's my two cents hope it helps

June 3, 2014 5:31 p.m.

Curius52 says... #11

Yeah I've been wanting to upgrade to 4 Lightning Bolt s for a while, but they're a bit expensive. I debated getting Rootbound Crag s instead ofGruul Guildgate s, but they are also a bit expensive. I'm hoping to trickle them into my deck over time. Red Sun's Zenith looks much better than Street Spasm , plus it can damage the player. That could probably turn into a win condition later in the game too if the opponent is tapped out. Thanks.

June 3, 2014 6:14 p.m.

Hickorysbane says... #12

Any green AND red creatues will be a great help with Boartusk Liege , and Rancor is just amazing cause it's almost impossible to get rid of. You could try Scuzzback Scrapper , Boggart Ram-Gang , Vexing Shusher , and a Giantbaiting or two. Also Tattermunge Witch can help with your trample granting, especially for the ones that need it (the on'es being blocked). Also of note is that you can use it multiple times a turn, the double or triple trample is irrelevent but the boost gets better every time

June 4, 2014 12:49 p.m.

Curius52 says... #13

Not sure about most of those in my deck. Maybe Tattermunge Witch but I do have Skarrg Guildmage . I don't really like the idea of using wither since it doesn't deal poison counters to the player.

June 4, 2014 8:48 p.m.

Jechtt says... #14

First of all, cut down to 60 cards.

Are you going for aggro or midrange here? Cause if its aggro theres no way you need 26 lands.

If you're going for aggro, you might want to cut down on the big cost creatures and go for smaller ones, because the goal of aggro is to win the game asap, you don't want to let it drag out long enough to even get big creatures out.

I don't know much about Green/Red, but I do know there are much better card and creature choices out there.

Some mana dorks to help make your plays wouldn't hurt. Burning-Tree Emissary would do nicely. Kird Ape would be great in here. Flinthoof Boar would also be pretty good. Experiment One would be worth trying, I've seen quite a few R/G/x aggro decks running it.

Also theres not really any enchantments that are worth running in R/G other than Rancor .

June 17, 2014 1:31 p.m.

OpenFire says... #15

Why is Goblin Gaveleer in a deck with no equipment?

June 17, 2014 6:18 p.m.

Curius52 says... #16

I wanted a red 1 drop 1/1 with trample that was red

June 17, 2014 7:18 p.m.

sdefender says... #17

I would probably add a couple equipments for your Goblin Gaveleer if you would want to put it to it's full use.

June 25, 2014 2:49 p.m.

Curius52 says... #18

I don't have room for any equipment in my deck. I only have Goblin Gaveleer because I wanted a red 1 drop 1/1 with trample. I didn't have much choice, in fact none. I took out all my equipment to make the deck smaller and because they were too slow.

June 25, 2014 3:01 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #19

Why not drop the trample goblin completly for Goblin Guide ? Seeing how if turn 1-2 he drops hes going to be easily getting in over 4 damage as a 2/2 haste swinger with lettting you know what your opponent has comming up unless it is a land

July 6, 2014 12:22 a.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #20

Well Legion Loyalist can also work due to his battalion but i think guide is the stronger choice for your deck

July 6, 2014 12:23 a.m.

Curius52 says... #21

Goblin Guide does look pretty good. I'll pick up a few and see how they do in my deck. Thanks.

July 6, 2014 12:07 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #22

No problem. I run them in a lot of red decks i made and he is almost aways useful no matter the time in the game be ause at the least i can see what is comming up

July 6, 2014 10:13 p.m.

Goblin Gaveleer doesn't do much since you don't have any Equipment to make him better i would highly recommend Goblin Guide he is the best 1 drop red has. also check out my deck Goblin Affinity to see some cool red creatures. +1

August 2, 2014 8:34 p.m.

Curius52 says... #24

Sorry that I can't take your advice with Goblin Guide . I don't have the money to throw down on a play set right now. If I do I'll probably try and replace Goblin Gaveleer with it. Thanks

August 2, 2014 10:21 p.m.

sdefender says... #25

Have you ever thought about Ghor-Clan Rampager ? It would go well with your deck if you got it on the field or if you're impatient or just need a quick boost you can just bloodrush it

August 4, 2014 10:59 a.m.

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