Swing to Win~ W/U(G) Heroic [Theros-Khans]

Standard* Saucealicious


sonicorigami says... #1

One thing I see is that the Ajani, Caller of the Pride you have listed is not legal in Standard. It's M13. Other than that, I like this deck and I might try and build it in the future.

March 20, 2014 8:57 p.m.

Saucealicious says... #2

sonicorigami Actually, Ajani, Caller of the Pride was updated to be a part of the 2014 Core Set :)

March 21, 2014 9:07 a.m.

narahi says... #3

Okay here is my suggestions. Cut out Auramancer and add two more Aqueous Form s, you have no way bouncing her back to continually use like with Deputy of Acquittals or something of the sort, so two of her won't help you at all. I would cut out both Precinct Captain and Phalanx Leader for 4 Battlewise Hoplite s, this guy is a tank and the scry ability when he is being hit with hidden strings allows you to search your deck for whatever card you want, I've had two hidden strings on him before scrying at least 4 times a turn, while making him huge of course. Bump up to one more Ajani, Caller of the Pride , he is just a great 3 drop planeswalker and his neg 3 ability is a game ender most times, god forbid you get his ultimate, no one stands a chance unless you can board wipe. Think you should take out Judge's Familiar to main deck at least two Detention Sphere . I know this is more an aggroish deck and judge will stall a few turns, but sometimes its just so much more useful to have that badass removal in your hand. And have you considered Ephara's Enlightenment over Gift of Orzhova ? I understand the lifelink is great from gift but the reusability of enlightenment is really nice, allows you to keep getting those heroic triggers latter in the game if you need them. Think I'm done now.

March 24, 2014 2:03 p.m.

veritas723 says... #4

The deck is a little all over the place. and IMHO not really a heroic deck. Ajani, and thassa seem pointless. You won't really have the U devotion to swing with Thassa, and Ajani will either cost you your creatures to defend him, or just get nuked, cheaper ways to get counters

in my opinion drop U all together. (unless to splash for cards to reload your hand)

max(4) Phalanx Leader and Fabled Hero cut Favored Hoplite to 2 add in the new flying white heroic from Botg Akroan Skyguard or add Hero of Iroas if running any sort of auras max your heroic creatures, and available spells.

look for things with cantrips (draw card) I also love the built in avoidance of Glimpse the Sun God if used to tap their creatures pre-blocker declaration, and target your already declared heroics for trigger Also the double/multiple targeting spells from theros, If you're splashing, splash for access to crucial spells. to activate heroic. or card draw. I also love pumps Blessing and if you're running any non-heroic card. make it the Archetype of Courage it has to be dealt with, and just clogs up the early game.

Gift of Orzhova is great, but oddly hard to find the mana to cast. Mortal's Ardor is super cheap Lifelink. Ordeal of Heliod on a heroic(with 2/3 counters already) should be able to cast and swing for the sac/+10 life & gain a counter Brave the Elements is good but for heroic Gods Willing is better protection functions as avoidance against mono decks

also, if you're gonna take my silly advice and go mono white. Acolyte's Reward is a trixie/great card to use if they want to chump block a ramped to hell fabled hero

all just suggestions, if you like U/W run that. but if you're going for heroic, really try and tighten that game, every creature should synergize with that mechanic, and you'd want to ideally be triggering almost every attack. the cipher gimmick is interesting and would get nuts quick, paired with Aqueous Form for scry advantage, i can see U being tempting. best of luck

March 24, 2014 2:32 p.m.

Saucealicious says... #5

narahi Thanks for the response!

I added the Auramancer just to have some kind of back-up when against Enchantment hate (because I noticed how wrecked I've gotten by that), I haven't really gotten to try it out yet so it's gonna stay in as of now. (But since the deck focuses more on Hidden Strings now that card is less valuable, I agree)

The Precinct Captain is a leftover from when the deck focused on Eidolon of Countless Battles , I took him out during the weekend to make room for 2x Battlewise Hoplite (I didn't have that card before). Updating the deck now.

I'm currently just testing Judge's Familiar out and it's really only good when I get to drop it on Turn 1, otherwise it rarely helps. But I don't feel it's worth to have 4x of it so it's probably gonna go soon to make place for either 2 more Battlewise Hoplite or Gods Willing /Brave the Elements

So far I've had a lot of value coming out of Phalanx Leader just because he pumps everyone on my side, not just himself. Getting a double strike past with just 1 Hidden Strings can get me 6 counters on 1 creature and 3 on everything else with this guy on the board!

Detention Sphere is all-around awesome and I'm gonna test it out to see how it feels as soon as I get my hands on it :)

I've tried Ephara's Enlightenment but rarely felt that I had the chance to use it multiple times, so far Gift of Orzhova have made for a better buff all-around since I've got Hidden Strings to do constant Heroic-triggering.

veritas723 This is in no shape or form close to being finished. A lot of the cards in it is just there because I'm currently trying them out. But I'll try to explain my reasoning behind a few of the cards.

Ajani, Caller of the Pride is just an all-around great 3-mana drop and so far I've been really successful using him. Do not underestimate what double strike will do with Hidden Strings when basically your whole board consists of Heroics :)

Since I'm using cards together and not just cards that got great value on their own I've felt a need for either card draw or someway to control my draws. Considering what options I've seen out there I think Thassa, God of the Sea is almost worth it just with her constant scry for 3 mana. Add to that the unblockable effect (which helps me get Hidden Strings /Bident of Thassa through it's more valuable. Having her as a creature is just an occasional bonus, not a deal-maker.

I'll probably not drop U since Hidden Strings is just amazing with heroics and Aqueous Form helps with making it even more amazing :) It's gimmicky, but it works efficiently since it happens early and can continue throughout the game!

Hero of Iroas was taken out of the deck when I dropped all the more expensive auras, as of now I think that Phalanx Leader //Battlewise Hoplite makes for better 2-drops since most of my enchantments are dirt-cheap.

Ordeal of Heliod could make for a good replacement to the lifelink, I'll try it!

Gods Willing is indeed more valuable paired with Heroic than Brave the Elements , but the offensive power and sheer utility of the latter one is not to be underestimated.

Archetype of Courage is a really great card (I used him in the earliest version of this deck), but I felt that he's more useful in mono-white or creature spam decks. A lot of my dudes already have first strike/double strike (though I've taken out a lof of the ones who had it naturally so the archetype may be rotated in again soon).

I'll certainly try both Glimpse the Sun God and Acolyte's Reward , thanks for the input!

March 26, 2014 8:45 p.m.

narahi says... #6

Yeah i just feel Auramancer isn't effective enough or fast enough, the slot would be better suited for another creature of another way to trigger heroic. If you are getting recked by enchantment hate then I would change your sideboard to have some more instants in it and sub those out when you need it. Like more Mizzium Skin s, Gods Willing , or Brave the Elements .

I agree with taking the Precinct Captain s out and with the thought of taking the Judge's Familiar s out. The other card options you have are just better, Detention Sphere being the best in my opinion haha. It gets rid of gods, kills tokens, shuts down Pack Rat like it is its fucking job.

I can see how Phalanx Leader , I agree with that, he's not my style haha, but good.

I would say to keep Gift of Orzhova instead of some cheap way to get lifelink. Mortal's Ardor , or cards like it, are harder to deal without a counter spell and are quicker and easier with being a one drop but you get a lot more for the slot with gift. It doesn't just give you the lifelink but a way of getting through with flying and the same goes for Ordeal of Heliod , it gives you one more power and toughness and more instant gratification with life gain, but still not as good as gift and won't synergize with Ethereal Armor . If you are trying to make the deck strictly aggro though then I can see why you would run ardor. If anything I would do Ordeal of Thassa for the card draw, much deadlier than the life gain.

I agree with keeping Ajani, Caller of the Pride . I have him in my selesyna hexproof deck and not even a Hero's Downfall or a Dreadbore will solve the problem because you can activate the neg 3 ability before he dies.

I would say keeping Thassa, God of the Sea is worth it. The ability to control your draws and make anything unblockable is really valuable, even if you can never make her a creature, using her as a badass Zephyr Charge is good enough.

I wouldn't put Archetype of Courage in the deck for a number of reasons. Not having two many 3 drop creatures to make sure you get your damage in earlier is pretty important and he just won't synergize well enough with the rest of your deck. Having an almost elusive deck with Hidden Strings , Aqueous Form , and Thassa, God of the Sea just doesn't make sense, you wont need the first strike.

I think Glimpse the Sun God is a great utititly card and worth trying out in the deck and I'm a big fan of Acolyte's Reward , creature saver that counts as removal or overhead damage? count me in.

Unless you add Heliod, God of the Sun , main deck 4 Acolyte's Reward , or something else that runs on devotion primarily, then I don't see what you gain from dropping U. I wouldn't drop U, just saying, refine the deck, yes, drop U, bad idea haha

I guess thats all I got.

March 27, 2014 12:57 a.m.

narahi says... #7

Oh and I almost forgot, I would try Artisan of Forms , just two of her. She is not only really fun to play around with but can be very deadly. I have netted myself Blood Baron of Vizkopa , Desecration Demon s, Boros Reckoner and a bunch of other destructive cards that I gave ethereal armor to make it stronger than than theirs. With ways to not only trigger her but keep her alive with Gods Willing and Mizzium Skin , she has won me games just using her to play the strong cards of my opponents deck, and the look on their face is fucking great haha

March 27, 2014 1:35 a.m.

Saucealicious says... #8

narahi The more I think about it the more I agree with you on the Auramancer . Before I had more big enchantments which I needed to seal the deal, but now when so much of the strength lies in Hidden Strings and heroic, Auramancer isn't really all that useful anymore. As you say, she'd be way better to combo with Deputy of Acquittals in a deck with more enchantments.

Righ now I'm not considering Mortal's Ardor but I've just gotten both Ordeal of Thassa and Chosen by Heliod which I'm gonna try out soon!

Yeah, by dropping U the deck becomes something completely else so U is staying in :)

I actually ran Artisan of Forms at first but back then I couldn't activate Heroic as easily and I felt that I would rather put my auras on other creatures. But now the dynamic of the deck is completely different and I will certainly try her out again!

Thanks for your thoughts!

March 27, 2014 12:52 p.m.

narahi says... #9

No problem!

March 27, 2014 4:13 p.m.

Dorotheus says... #10

I would almost suggest adding green purely for Hardened Scales .

October 2, 2014 5:04 a.m.

veritas723 says... #11

Heliod's Pilgrim paired with Gift of Immortality could be interesting, would make that card less of a dud, and if you're looking to ramp into auras using Hero of Iroas

Although, I'd honestly advise against ordeals(standard is always so heavy in removal, most creatures get very few untapped swings), and go for better aura spells. Invisibility, Spectra Ward, Battle Mastery, --- Oracle's Insight and maybe a set of Taigam's Scheming would let you sculpt a hand pretty well. ...hell, if you can search up bestow creatures as auras, the sky's the limit card draw, flight, first strike, life link, Eidolon of Countless Battles ...also Ephara's Enlightenment seems a given in U/W

December 17, 2014 5:35 p.m.

veritas723 says... #12

ugh... apparently, judge ruling site states, bestow creatures are not aura's while in the library. drrrp

December 17, 2014 6 p.m.

Saucealicious says... #13

veritas723 Thanks for dropping by yet again! Just having a short trade of ideas back in march with you certainly helped me tighten the deck up and I've had a great track record throughout the summer because of that.

The first alteration I made to the deck (adding X-costs and Battlefield Thaumaturge made it be able to rival the new meta decks I'm up against weekly (currently it's Mardu Midrange, Jeskai Tempo, Abzan Midrange, WhipDisi). But I always felt that I needed that lucky draw to really seal the deal otherwise I just fizzled out. Though removal haven't really been a problem, other than Crackling Doom which I have to sideboard against. But the heavy-removal meta makes me not want to invest too much in a single creature or aura, having everything be as cheap as possible makes me able to get threats out quickly while still having the mana ready to protect them. Or just replace them. I don't really dare to put in real mid/late game cards. Relying on the early game have been working so far and I feel like I still scale well into mid/late game, because I get going early.

I've been able to playtest this new version a little and having these cantrip auras feels really great, my hand is never empty and that's just what I feel that I need the most. Ordeal of Thassa have been working wonders ever since I added it way back (I mean, in the least it's 2 counters + 2 cards for 2 mana. At the most it's 3 counters + 2 cards for 1 mana!) and putting in Ordeal of Heliod just made sense because of the fast Jeskai decks or to actually be able to trade hits mid/late with some of the slower decks. Usually I only need 1 swing to trigger them or I'm ready with the protection because at the most I only need 2 swings.

The problem I have with Taigam's Scheming is that it feels clunky to cast since it's not an instant (I'd rather cast it during their end step than on my turn) I like it but sorcery speed is a deal breaker. I tried Ephara's Enlightenment during the summer but it too feels clunky and above all slow. It looks great on the paper but Stratus Walk fills the same utility with the added benefit of card draw and being cheaper.

Aqueous Form is a better version of Invisibility which I'm probably going to sideboard from now on (With the Battlefield Thaumaturge + Glimpse the Sun God combo out I don't really have a way of getting through Hornet Queen). I haven't really fixed my new sideboard. I took out Curse of the Swine when Battlefield Thaumaturge left the main board and put in Stubborn Denial instead. Negate is probably going to be replaced by Aqueous Form!

Also, could you expand on why you think that Heliod's Pilgrim is a dud? Being able to pay 3 mana to fetch either card draw, flying, life gain or unblockable (in addition to triggers) depending on what I need should be really good? At 4-5 mana I can cast the aura I fetched, at 5-6 I can also have protection ready the very same turn.

Also, what are your thoughts on thew new 2 mana instant coming in Fate Reforged, Valorous Stance? (Choose one - Target creature gains indestructible until end of turn. OR Destroy target creature with toughness 4 or greater.) That's really something I think I'll want to sideboard, for sure.

December 17, 2014 7:04 p.m.

Saucealicious says... #14

veritas723 Spectra Ward looks really delicious though. I'll maybe try 1 or 2 out, atleast having the option for some end-game/comeback could be nice.

December 17, 2014 7:19 p.m.

veritas723 says... #15

yeah... after i read your list i started compiling a Hero of Iroas deck with Heliod's Pilgrim as the aura engine.

Aqueous Form was a clear better choice over Invisibility

i say Heliod's Pilgrim a dud because it's 3 cmc for a 1/2 body and one aura "fetch" Then what do you do with it? waste aura's to voltron it? swing in a 1 damage with a 2 body? basically it becomes a chump to put in the way of your opponent's creature. If you have in hand/cast Gift of Immortality that creature becomes an engine, and would require multiple removal to deal with a 1/2 creature you would at least fetch 2 auras with.

i mean, to me... absolute best "hand" Hero of Iroas by turn 2 Heliod's Pilgrim turn 3 fetching Spectra Ward and casting that on Iroas turn 4 (although with spectra ward, you loose the ability to cast any colored spells on Iroas from there on out... colorless artifacts, or world based effects I think would apply... but spectra ward would seem to lock him in at 5/5)

Ordeals, i've never had luck with in standard, as i understand it, best use is to cast it on a creature that either already has 3 counters, or when you swing will get the 3rd, so you're casting the ordeal as a "say go -trigger" type action. Otherwise, no one who could prevent you from getting the benefit of letting the ordeal drop, is ever going to let you get to 3. but would concede. Ordeal of Thassa might be worthwhile as card draw. I personally would prefer Bident of Thassa as i like permanents with gimmicks.

from what little i know, you always want to pick cards with the greatest hit the ground impact, or cards with multiple uses. Armament of Nyx vs Battle Mastery both 3 cmc. armament has the potential to be cast on an opponent's creature to neuter it. then again Iroas isn't an enchantment creature, but... Eidolon of Countless Battles is, as well as lots of other great enchantment creatures. All vs flat dbl strike. but... to me options, or multiple uses or gimmicks always wins out.

--like when i saw Heliod's Pilgrim, my mind instantly wanted a way to use it over and over again to empty my library of all my auras. and have some mechanic to use the body of Pilgrim to slow down my opponent. Gift of immortality works great for that.

Polymorphist's Jest is a great spell... i keep putting this in my blue decks i think it's just overall better than Curse of the Swine

I'm always shaky on control. it's not my style, i'm really bad at holding back mana, or being patient. I want to slam creatures or burn spells into their face. As far as counters, I try and find the cheapest that target the most stuff.

trouble becomes chasing two rabbits and catching none. Blue has so many great spells. but you try to get too fancy and you're trying to pair down from 70+ cards.

i'm finding the deck i put together feels really slow or vulnerable. counter is almost worse than protection instants, as targeted spells to Iroas would at least pump him. vs just trading cards 1 for 1

There's also not a lot of good Auras at 2 cmc. where a turn two Iroas could potentially explode into 3 solid auras for a massive turn 3 swing. (seems to me it's sort of a wash. x 3 Divine Favor is functionally worse even given the drop off effects of any of the ordeals (Divine Favor would at least synergize with a Eidolon of Countless Battles player later, but combination of card draw or life game... i dunno "might be better"... but seems like max might be 8 damage swing on turn 3

vs Ensoul Artifact + Darksteel Citadel or Ornithopter as an early 5/5 indestructible or flyer respectively. could conceivably get to 10 damage with turn 3 ensouled artifact and a 3 cmc dbl strike aura in hand. and also a 5/5 helps stabilize the board.

but once you have Iroas out, and can play around with 4 cmc cards, actually paying 3 or less for them. Then it shines. but getting there would take some control or walls/big bodies or something.

but so many decks side step, or just murder creatures, if you're not putting serious pressure on someone by turn 5 or 6 without a solid control game play... forget it.

ugh... sorry for the rambling nonsense, up late, more tipsy than i should be on a wed. will try and link to the deck i put together at work... many hours ago.

December 18, 2014 1:38 a.m.

Saucealicious says... #16

veritas723 I mostly consider Heliod's Pilgrim a sorcery. Having the chump blocker is just a bonus. I agree that in a deck favoring heavier auras the card is even better, but even for this low-end deck I think it's worthwile.

The Gift of Immortality + Heliod's Pilgrim looks really sexy though. The reason I haven't been using Gift of Immortality is of course because the heroic creatures have no synenergy with it (since they lose all their counters even if they're brought back). Gift of Immortality would only be used on Heliod's Pilgrim which is why I don't think I will end up running it, but I'll atleast give it a try!

Thanks for reminding me of Polymorphist's Jest! It's a great card and I'm going to make room for it in my sideboard now that Curse of the Swine is out. I agree that Polymorphist's Jest is an overall better and more usable card, but Curse of the Swine was a combo-card with Battlefield Thaumaturge, that's why I played it. But now when Battlefield Thaumaturge is not in there anymore there's no place for it!

The control cards and counters that I run in the sideboard is only there to help out with some specific matchups. Hornet Queen, Crackling Doom and Whip of Erebos are the biggest offenders. Other cards that's hard to handle with the mainboard are stuff like End Hostilities and Anger of the Gods.

This deck usually does around 10 dmg in 3-4 turns depending on the matchup, so I'll say that the pressure is not bad. Especially since the creatures constantly gets bigger.

December 18, 2014 6:44 p.m.

BoardFire says... #17

you are actually very close to a very competitive W/U scissors deck. The only difference is that that deck runs 4 Ornithopter and 4 Ensoul Artifact mainboard, and it also runs Darksteel Citadel. It runs only 12 creatures, 4 ornithopters, 4 heroes, and 4 pilgrims.

I hope this helped! If your unsure of the list I just described to you, look up "Protour KTK Azourius soul blade" in youtube, and you will find a deck tech.

December 20, 2014 4:23 p.m.

dkellyukatu says... #18

I personally love Graceblade Artisan for anything that involves auras.

April 13, 2015 6:27 p.m.

Saucealicious says... #19

dkellyukatu Graceblade Artisan, while being a cool card, doesn't really do anything for the Heroic-creatures or style of play.

First of all, it's 3 CMC which is clunky and slow to cast.

Secondly, it doesn't get a permanent benefit from investing resources in it.

Thirdly, the Ordeals are only good with Heroic but with it they're pretty amazing. Adding Graceblade Artisan would mean taking out the Ordeals for permanent auras, auras which would be worse with the Heroic-creatures and only better for the Graceblade Artisan.

Sadly, a deck involving the Graceblade Artisan would have to be an entirely different deck altogether.

April 15, 2015 7:03 a.m.

dkellyukatu says... #20

You're right!

April 17, 2015 11:18 p.m.

KranonV2 says... #21

graceblade artisian

April 20, 2015 8:58 p.m.

Saucealicious says... #22

KranonV2 Did you not read the other comments, or just making a joke? xD

April 22, 2015 11:14 a.m.

veritas723 says... #23

i keep getting notices of comments on your deck. nice to see you still working on this idea.

have you seen the current bant heroic deck lists? slightly less enchantment heavy, but still cheap critters, and pump spells.


i've been running the mono-red aggro deck a lot lately. and decks like the above really mess up my strategy. the w/g command adds a ton of versatility.

I still feel like Heliod's Pilgrim is too slow. and i think there are much better options than Battlewise Hoplite

how have you been finding the deck? what archetypes are you playing against?

April 24, 2015 4:05 p.m.

veritas723 says... #24

also Artful Maneuver might be a good spell. has rebound, fairly cheap and gives a good little pump. same with Center Soul for avoidance/sneaking in damage.

April 24, 2015 4:18 p.m.

Saucealicious says... #25

veritas723 Hi again and thank you! Yeah, I was drooling over Dromoka's Command when it was first spoiled and I even have a playset. But I haven't really been able to get my hands on Mana Confluence (been wanting that for this deck for some time now) and I've got bad luck with mana (no matter the deck) so I'm not that hyped about adding another colour.. xD I'm really tempted though, but economy is hindering me.

Battlewise Hoplite is constantly going in and out of the deck, switching places with Lagonna-Band Trailblazer. I like Battlewise, having him on the board makes a difference. It's mostly up to what tempo I'm aiming for/can get away with. Seeker of the Way have always been a candidate but there's not too much early pressure here that Ordeal of Heliod can't handle. The Pilgrim have been working so far, I don't know how many times I've fetched something for the win next turn.

Quoting the description: "I'm currently trying out some rebound cards but I'm not really sold on any of them just yet. Probably gonna go back to main boarding Ajani's Presence/Stubborn Denial instead." The cards I was trying out here was Artful Maneuver and Center Soul in the main board :) They felt pretty hit or miss, actually.

The decks I'm playing against are Temur-Monsters/Dragons, Abzan-Whip, Abzan Aggro, Jeskai/Azorius Control, Jeskai Tempo/Aggro, Sidisi-Whip, Mardu Midrange, Simic Morph, Red Deck Wins and a few Warrior decks. We're a small community but we play often and we do tourneys every month. I feel like I generally have a good matchup against most of these decks, especially after sideboarding. The biggest weakness is hand disruption of course, but there's not too many Thoughtseize's flying around here.

April 28, 2015 6:18 a.m.

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