Sydri is Still Just Meh

Commander / EDH Deckologist

SCORE: 85 | 122 COMMENTS | 19286 VIEWS | IN 28 FOLDERS

Dokujin says... #1


This is a really cool freakin' idea! and i felt as though sydri could actually be more than supporting cast in another oloro build (or just not present) even though i like oloro too!!! +1 man!

November 26, 2013 3:30 p.m.

Deckologist says... #2

Thanks dude, Oloro is a silly little devil as well though, you'll have to link it on here for me to see (and undoubtedly upvote) because I have plans for him but Im not too caught up on ways to break life gain.....yet :P

November 26, 2013 6:20 p.m.

Dokujin says... #3

I haven't got an official deck for oloro just yet. Still playing with the precon. I intend to put one up soon but i am following this idea to see how it goes for you i may just do something like this because i loooove artifact decks.

November 27, 2013 10:45 a.m.

Deckologist says... #4

That sounds awesome. If you like combo and control might i suggest Arcum Dagsson . His ability to tutor for game winning artifacts is insane!!!

November 27, 2013 10:36 p.m.

Dokujin says... #5

Y'know, i actually really like him! control strategies are something i like to use in multiplayer because due to its lack of heavy creature aggression, you can sorta mingle without drawing too much attention to yourself.

November 28, 2013 7:08 a.m.

Dokujin says... #6

This is what i am putting together for a heavy aggro strategy: Vast the stampede it's gonna be deliciously fun _

November 28, 2013 7:31 a.m.

Dokujin says... #7

Check these cards out! I ran them in an old artifact deck i had:

Etched Champion , Phyrexian Revoker , War Report

November 28, 2013 11:03 a.m.

Deckologist says... #8

I had considered all 3 of those at one point. Just not sure they have the force I need them to.

November 30, 2013 12:16 p.m.

Dokujin says... #9

well, War Report should almost be an auto include if you consider the lifegain potential of creatures that are also artifacts. Which brings to light this card: Remember the Fallen and Frantic Salvage as other possible includes the other two are just fantastic low cost artifact creatures that deal with certain situations quite well.

Etched Champion is a monster with swords (silencing annoying spells with Phyrexian Revoker is always clean too) even though he hits for only 2 it's four with a sword or, if you include Fireshrieker well, you know how it goes. playtesting your deck, i love Master Transmuter with the Silver Myr so kick ass to just keep up the transmute with him!. perhaps if you added Shimmer Myr it would give more utility to your artifacts.

i am currently considering a multitude of options that you have in this decks arsenal for my own take on this wonderfully delicious (yup i say delicious alot lol) Galvanic Mistress

November 30, 2013 12:49 p.m.

Dokujin says... #10

tired of people single targeting important parts of your artifact combos? Indomitable Archangel can always lend a hand...just put your swords on first lol

November 30, 2013 12:52 p.m.

Dokujin says... #11

i actually have a protodeck up now that is using sydri check it out Fullmetal Sydri

November 30, 2013 3:41 p.m.

Erisium says... #12

If you are going to have Indomitable Archangel for the protection, I would instead reccomend Leonin Abunas . He provides Hexproof instead of Shroud, and doesn't have the Metalcraft clause. Though he's not as much of a beater, a 4/4 flyer isn't that significant, and this is more of a combo deck as you pitch it.

Anyways, my own little combo:

Umbral Mantle + Basalt Monolith : Animate Monolith with Sydri. Equip it with Mantle for 0. Keep tapping and untapping it with the Mantle to make it arbitrarily big. Give it lifelink with Sydri and swing to gain a bunch of life. If someone happens to be open, you could kill them with this as well.

December 1, 2013 10:27 p.m.

Dokujin says... #13

Leonin Abunas is strictly better than Indomitable Archangel i put her in there for an extra chance at untargettable permanents even if it is at the cost of myself too. Metalcraft trigger does not seem to have a lack of ways to stay operational.

Good little combo there Erisium food for thought.

December 3, 2013 6:42 a.m.

Erisium says... #14

Tried out your deck today, and it's AMAZING. There's a lot of unlisted combos.Ones I've found:Arcum Dagsson + Thornbite Staff : Nice for tutoring/removal. Works well with:Thopter Foundry for reliable tutors.Mycosynth Lattice for mowing down creatures.

There's a lot of combos in here that are not stated. If anyone discovers one, please post and show us :)

December 11, 2013 10:04 p.m.

Deckologist says... #15

That combo is awesom! Cant believe I didn't see it. Some of the more obvious combos I left out of the description but please feel free to make a list and I will add them all to the description :) Im so glad you liked my deck. Changes are happening soon though!

December 12, 2013 2:27 a.m.

Dokujin says... #16

Seeing as we are all fans of Artifice combos and control colors here Erisium i have been waiting patiently for you to unprivate your sydri deck :p. Your advice has been sound so i'm ultra curious about what you have done

December 12, 2013 8 a.m.

Dokujin says... #17

Yeah. That combo is sweet Emory! i love it and am considering placing Thornbite Staff and Staff of Nin back on my list i love how patient esper colors are.

I honestly thought tempo was what won games but rockstar synergy seems to be much more dynamic

December 12, 2013 8:10 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #18

Wicked deck but there seem to be a lot of combos that revolve around a) expensive cards and b) Mycosynth Lattice . Whilst this is fine it removes some of the durability of the deck, given that it's an easily removable card and that it's a 6 drop. At least in my meta (I obviously can't comment on yours) - hardcasting a card to complete a combo on turn 6 results in it almost certainly being countered or immediately destroyed. I'm a massive fan of combo decks but they really need to be quick and vicious - that means ramp is necessary. Being restricted to a deck with no ramps slows you down to a pace where most of the opponents will know what's coming as you're about to play each card. If you truly wanted a really good deck you'd keep the structure the same but splash out on Grim Monolith , Mana Vault and the other artifact rampers along with tons of tutors (that are easily accessible in black). This would make it faster and more consistent. At the moment I would say this deck is fun and good but not awesome.

December 12, 2013 9:43 a.m.

z2aaa says... #19

Seems legit I'd wanna face this with my deck karn-got-nothing-on-me

deck chart Karn got nothing on me

Commander / EDH z2aaa Playtest

I'm a big fan of artifacts

December 12, 2013 9:51 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #20

Loads of people in my meta run Bane of Progress , Austere Command and Nevinyrral's Disk literally just to stop these kind of shenanigans.

December 12, 2013 9:58 a.m.

Deckologist says... #21

My play group does as well. there have been very few times i have had to hardcast big artifacts. I usually get darksteel forge and mycocynth lattice out on the same turn (4-5) thanks to arcum and master transmuter. I've noticed the problem with this deck is people assume it is strictly combo and don't understand the true power of the deck lays in its ability to morph. Just last night before posting my forum posts i was playing in a group i dont normally play with but someone had seen my decklist on facebook and assumed it was just combo win. He exiled lattice and was about to do the same to magister sphinx when i bounced the sphinx brought our akromas memmorial, tutored our darksteel and basically sat there beating everyones face in with artifacts. I had considered artifact ramp cards and after using them in testing ( grim, vault, crypt, mox) they never truly made or broke my deck, same with signets which Im used to running in zur and Sharuum. I wish we could play in the same group, my group said very simmilar things about my deck :P Now this deck is actually banned in 3 shops in my area :P

December 12, 2013 2:08 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #22

People who ban decks just aren't used to playing against high powered decks - scrubs. I don't really understand how you can have consistency when you rely on Master Transmuter and Arcum Dagsson to cheat them out. These are two cards in 100. I noticed you have tutors as well (3 I think). This makes it 5 in 100. Which is 1/20. What I don't understand is how you maintain consistency.

December 12, 2013 2:12 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #23

It's pretty clear if someone is playing a deck like this that you just try and instantly kill Master Transmuter and Arcum Dagsson as soon as they're cast haha. Same when someone's playing Mayael the Anima . As soon as I see that card I'm like, 'lol nope, you're not keeping that'.

December 12, 2013 2:16 p.m.

Deckologist says... #24

there are 7 tutors that can grab master transmuter. Even with them gone its still not an issue. In fact I normally welcome early creature kill/artifact hate. There are very few things that happen early game that warrant any response from me and thats what a lot of people forget when they play combo. There are MAYBE 4 things i will counter/kill before turn 5. and even fewer things afterwards. Killing my master transmuter only gives me more reason to find sword of light and shadow and sharuum while giving me time to naturally draw boots or grieves. Killing arcum is a non issue as 9/10 times i will play him as a threat to bait out creature kill before i cast sydri or a bigger threat. I do agree that more tutors would be nice. I think Im gonna go pick some up today.

December 12, 2013 3:09 p.m.

Dokujin says... #25

Like Emory had said before, even though there are a number of combos listed or unlisted inside this deck he has strived to separate this from strictly a combo deck as have i with Fullmetal Sydri but more of an adaptive list that can choose which way to go anytime it wants.

It really does a good job of that and another note that this decks general is more of a "cherry on top" of a really functional adaptive decklist whereas Mayael the Anima really does kinda need to be there so shutting her out is a detriment to the deck strat playing out.

I felt i needed to bring that up because functionality is still apparent here even without Arcum Dagsson , Master Transmuter , or Mycosynth Lattice

December 12, 2013 3:21 p.m.

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