Sylvan Colossuses (Colosseese? Colossi?)

Standard Fal1entrixt3r

SCORE: 107 | 172 COMMENTS | 16466 VIEWS | IN 42 FOLDERS

Fal1entrixt3r says... #1

Finchy I'm debating on switching out world eater for him, and thanks beakedbard no +1 though? Haha

October 1, 2013 2:19 p.m.

Jacques says... #2

My biggest concern is the 17 lands. Yes, you do have a lot of ways to tutor for them, but playtesting it a few times I very frequently ran into mana problems and was unable to play something until late in the game, in which a loss would already occur I would suggest bumping up to 20 at least and taking out a few things, such as Darksteel Forge , because your biggest threats aren't artifacts and Colossus of Akros is indestructible already.

October 2, 2013 1:46 a.m.

inanimateblob says... #3

I recommend maindecking Alpha Authority , all three of them. Traveler's Amulet is kinda bad, even in a deck revolving around mana ramp as fast as possible. For that last card to replace the fourth Traveler's Amulet , throw in another Mistcutter Hydra , in my opinion. You have great ramp, but not much of a finisher in any aspect if you don't pull one of your enormous creatures, so having more would help the odds out. Another great card to throw in would be Polukranos, World Eater . With your mana ramp, he could be a great late game creature to pump for an enormous amount.

October 9, 2013 5:34 p.m.

Fal1entrixt3r says... #4

I actually came up with a damn good idea from your suggestion, inanimateblob, I'm gonna take out the four Traveler's Amulet and toss in three Ordeal of Nylea and one more Mistcutter Hydra . The ordeals will pop instantly on the hydras if I carry them with three counters, or if I have Primeval Bounty out at all and cast them for an instant two more land and six life. Thanks for the inspiration!

October 9, 2013 7:07 p.m.

Frayace says... #5

October 9, 2013 7:39 p.m.

Fal1entrixt3r says... #6

Frayace there's no need to run a playset of Axebane Guardian , since he attracts hate anyways. And Guardians of Meletis helps pump my Gyre Sage and they can take a burn to the face and survive

October 9, 2013 10:08 p.m.

flyguy says... #7

Great job! This looks great. Also, this is a rare deck where you can just throw in a Worldspine Wurm . Obviously, I don't know this deck as well as you, and this could be a gamble, but you can get to 11 mana pretty regularly.

October 9, 2013 10:58 p.m.

Fal1entrixt3r says... #8

flyguy yeah this deck could totally use a Worldspine Wurm or two with ease. They only thing I would worry about is him getting countered instantly since tapping 11 mana would be a flag to get rid of him haha although it's not like 8 doesn't do the same hahaha

October 9, 2013 11:11 p.m.

Looks really cool. Playtested and found it gets going really fast. The only card I found to be a dead draw was Into the Wilds . I feel like there will rarely be a time when this has higher priority to be played than anything else in your deck. It's a nice passive. reducing your chance to topdeck lands is great, but I think 3 of them is overkill. Maybe drop one for an extra forest? That way the other two are more likely to benefit you.

October 10, 2013 1:10 a.m.

Fal1entrixt3r says... #10

ZeroOneGoatToken good call, I haven't been able to properly playtest since I changed it up. Thanks for the advice :)

October 10, 2013 1:12 a.m.

Fal1entrixt3r says... #13

RedZebra yeah I had him in there for a bit, but Sylvan Primordial was a little bit more useful.

October 10, 2013 10:03 p.m.

kevinator says... #14

Really creative deck +1. You will have a very tough time with flying. Might I suggest Deadly Recluse , Arbor Colossus , or sideboard Tower Defense (that would be a funny surprise. Sylvan Primordial 's ability kind of sucks. And really, do you need more forest with all of the other cards??? By the time you have 7 mana to cast this beast I think not.

One of my friends is playing something very similar with Colossus of Akros , blue splash and he did 3-1 last FNM. That card is hilarious. He uses the Deadly Recluse . Deathtouch makes people scared.

Also to think about, is how to defend against board wipe (Supreme Verdict ) It is going to hurt. Odds are you are going to get board wiped before Colossus of Akros hits.

October 11, 2013 1:59 a.m.

kevinator does your firend have his list up anywhere? I'm running a B/U/G wall deck The best offence, with Colossus of Akros as a win condition aswell. It would be usfull to find out how his deck works if he did so well.

I actuly agree with leaving in Sylvan Primordial . Originaly I dismissed it but with this amount of ramp the mana cost is unimportnat, However the 8 toughness and reach deals with all the major flying threats such as Desecration Demon and in adition it can kill plainswalkers and Assemble the Legion etc. I would be myself more drawn towrds Arbor Colossus but you definitely have me thinking.

October 11, 2013 9:16 a.m.

kevinator says... #16

TheAlmightyPillock That's a good point about Assemble the Legion ... I still like Arbor Colossus better. The only thing about both of them is that they will be easily removed. Maybe Ranger's Guile or Alpha Authority mainboard. There is SO much removal, I would not sideboard Hexproof. Burns, enchantments, instants, sorceries, counters; these creatures are gonna die. A hexproof, monstrous Arbor Colossus is enough for me to have to check my pants setting aside Colossus of Akros .

My friend isn't on here, but I can tell you he was running Prophet of Kruphix and Master Biomancer but otherwise was mono green. He was also running Nylea, God of the Hunt , Kalonian Tusker , Deadly Recluse , Sylvan Caryatid , Elvish Mystic and got his MAIN MANA RAMP from Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , which in my personal view is a great way to generate lots of mana you guys need. I'm not sure if he was running Gyre Sage .

October 11, 2013 10:15 a.m.

dstroker says... #17

The plural for "colossus" used in the form of a noun would be "colossi." Nice deck, btw! :)

October 11, 2013 10:37 a.m.

wwweee says... #18

Any score in fnm or something??

+1 From me!

October 11, 2013 2:12 p.m.

Fal1entrixt3r says... #19

wwweee I actually haven't gone to an fnm with it yet, I'm planning on wrecking game day with it though! And thanks for the upvote!

October 11, 2013 2:28 p.m.

boligbent says... #20

I was wondering why u dropped the Nylea, God of the Hunt ?

October 11, 2013 2:58 p.m.

Fal1entrixt3r says... #21

boligbent I dropped her since at the time, Colossus of Akros and Guardian of the Ages were my main attackers and they both have trample. But now I'm considering adding her in place of Into the Wilds since usually when I pull it, I dint need it. Whatcha think?

October 11, 2013 4:22 p.m.

boligbent says... #22

I think i would trade of the Into the Wilds for 2 x Nylea, God of the Hunt

October 11, 2013 5:27 p.m.

boligbent says... #23

Or perhaps remove the Ordeal of Nylea s... I feel like they arent that usefull, they give u some slow mana accelleration, since u have so few earlygame creatures that u use for attacking and when u get your attacking creatures, u wont need neither the counters or lands... The only thing it really works with is Gyre Sage , but 3 x Ordeals that u really only use on your Gyre Sage s is too many

October 11, 2013 5:36 p.m.

boligbent says... #24

I now realize that it can also be activated by Bow of Nylea , but i still think 3 is to many :)

October 11, 2013 6:20 p.m.

pedub84 says... #25

I can see the value in ordeal, but i think that at the rate you are pumping cards on the battlefield, Garruk, Caller of Beasts would be more beneficial over Ordeal of Nylea . It helps you to keep a steady flow of cards to play with all of your massive amounts of mana ramp. Cheers!

October 11, 2013 8:32 p.m.

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