Synergic Efficiency

Modern nickiru


nickiru says... #1

Oh i am aware of the mana base, and yes I am a very adept with mana: thus I am playing a 4 color deck (thinking about blue, not sure what to use from blue though to benefit me.) The mana base is working for now, but I am in the tweaking stages of this deck. I am formulating the mana to non mana to color ratios as we speak. so that efficiency change with the fetches will be altered. the non manas have shifted so much in the last month or two while the mana base hasn't so that's why there is the inefficiency.

yah everyone says phyrex is bad in this deck, until I take them out with it. I play him regularly and 99% of the time don't have a hard time casting him. if I can't cast him, there are others to cast :D

also I was comparing this deck to the other high tier decks in piloting demand. This deck requires THE MOST amounts of piloting skill and knowledge of ALL the synergistic properties the cards have. I would expect you to fail to beat a burn like some of my very skilled friends have as well because without extreme analysis of the deck you won't know what your doing. All I can say is, this deck completely counters burn and affinity decks. You would need to see me play it, cause when I do you would understand why its on a 14 game winning streak.

Leyline of Sanctity: i would rather a Sun Droplet. droplet comes down for cheap and it straight up negates half the enemy's burns over time, long enough, all of them. if it gets removed than it was still better than leyline being removed because I gained some life back. leyline just stops their casting 'till they mainboard, or sideboard, their removal and deal with it. once they do, because they haven't cast their stuff, they unload like ea machine gun and kill. the idea is to prevent burn decks from sniping you like that. doplet extends the game out which burn decks can't handle whatsoever.

by the way, I assume you sideboarded in Sun Droplet when you played right?

April 12, 2015 4:30 p.m.

nickiru says... #2

oh by the way, can I get a link to the burn you tested against? I would love that for testing purposes.

April 12, 2015 5:13 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #3

Burn decks are 80+% the same. Here's a reasonable decklist.

Also, you may be giving your deck a little too much credit with regards to difficulty level. If you know how fetchlands work and what utility lands you have access to, it comes down to a matter of sequencing and timing your spells properly, which is no harder than any other deck.

Leyline of Sanctity costs less than Sun Droplet if you're doing it right. If your anti-burn card is in your opener, might as well be a Leyline.

April 12, 2015 5:42 p.m.

nickiru says... #4

Yah that is the benefit of leyline, i would probably mullign for a droplet anyways so why not already be a leyline. I of course will test that, which was why I was wanting a 'good' burn deck to go against with me handling it. i have fought other burns and won, its just I question their skill level cause burn decks are so simple I ca hardly tell if its a good build in a couple games (plus they could get unlucky).

thanks for the deck list :D nice to see you GlistenerAgent, been a while xD

April 12, 2015 5:47 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #5

Burn is not a simple deck to play. People lose more games to misplays with burn than with most other decks. Sequencing is everything, and screwing that up loses you the game.

April 12, 2015 5:48 p.m.

Programmer_112 says... #6

Umm. Leyline of Sanctity is essentially free. The only thing burn has to kill it is Destructive Revelry, which kills Sun Droplet as well. The difference is that burn can beat a Sun Droplet with Skullcrack and Atarka's Command, whereas the only thing that can possibly be done about Leyline of Sanctity is Destructive Revelry, and if they don't draw their Destructive Revelrys, you have won the game before it even started.

I tested against Modern Burn (past 2 months: 4th place worst place), which probably isn't the best possible version of burn due to the current exclusion of Skullcrack, but is pretty close. For your deck, I brought out the 3 Dark Confidants (I don't want to give them a free bolt that beats Sun Droplet every turn) and 1 Phyrexian Obliterator (as you said, I don't know this deck well enough to know if this was the right cut, but one resolved in G1 and it was 100% useless, so it seemed like the right card to bring out). For the burn deck, I brought in nothing G2 (didn't see Sun Droplet and didn't want Destructive Revelry to be a dead card), and brought in Destructive Revelry G3 because I saw the Sun Droplets. Every subsequent game, this was how the sideboarding stayed. If this was wrong on your end, I don't see how, unless the Obliterator has some invisible ability that I'm not seeing. I think maybe Volcanic Fallout should have come in from Burn, but I don't think it made much of a difference.

You expect me to believe that this deck just has great game against Burn and Affinity despite the fact that my playtesting reveals otherwise. You claim that my playtesting is faulty due to inexperience. This is very possibly true, considering how you seem to think this is one of the best decks in Modern. Thus, I propose the following test, so that I can see whether or not this deck really has any game against burn:

I will set up two playtest windows, one for this (w/ sideboard), and the other for burn (again, w/ sideboard). I will draw opening hands, etc. However, I will post the boardstate and all known information for this deck here, so that you can tell me what to do. This way, I can gather true info about this deck's burn matchup. Unfortunately, you yourself will not be able to guarantee that I am presenting a legitimate boardstate, but this test is not for your benefit, so this is the best way for me to determine what I am doing wrong in this matchup. Sound fair?

April 12, 2015 5:52 p.m.

Programmer_112 says... #7

Oh, I almost forgot. If you accept, please tell me if my sideboarding was correct, and, if it wasn't, tell me what to change before I begin the simulation.

April 12, 2015 5:54 p.m.

nickiru says... #8

well, that is an inventive idea. and I do trust you actually. :D

but I think it would be easier if we go to and play real time. I can't today as I am working but i will MORE THAN HAPPILY!!! play you on untap tomorrow or another day? if you use that site... its free.


just a note: depending on the burn deck of course, but usually I board out phyrexian cause he is to resource intensive to whip out. he would be replaced, as well as the urborgs, with droplets and ..... maybe Fiery Justice or Aurelia's Fury to deal with critters (again depends on the deck which is the piloting element.)

BUT YES I WOULD happily like to do combat for testing sake. you can also whip out anything you want after the burn test and try to kill me. I would really like you to expose my weaknesses as I am confidant I have some, that would be great. and you can see the interesting design of this deck when I play it. (watch it craps out when I play xD now that would be embarrassing after all my big talk lols. then I wold have shut my mouth.)

April 12, 2015 6:02 p.m.

Programmer_112 says... #9

Untap would work, I really can't believe I didn't think of that.

I think I'll be open at some point tomorrow, but I'm not really sure when, so I'll tell you when I know.

I'd also like to test against this with a Gifts Rock deck if we both have time. I don't have any idea who will end up winning, but I think it would be a very interesting matchup, and might give you some ideas if you end up splashing blue.

Hopefully we'll end up having time to do this, it should be interesting to see this deck piloted correctly. Good luck!

April 12, 2015 6:54 p.m.

WicKid52 says... #10

Programmer_112: Gifts wins. It ALWAYS wins.

April 12, 2015 7:15 p.m.

If Gifts always won, the world would be a happy place.

April 12, 2015 8:54 p.m.

nickiru says... #12


dang wish i wasn't working. i want to play on untap, sadness...

April 12, 2015 8:55 p.m.

WicKid52 says... #13

Programmer_112: (puts on denial face) Bro, I don't think you get it. Gifts ALWAYS wins. (moral victory. Skillful deck)

April 12, 2015 9:48 p.m.

nickiru says... #14

(puts noob cap on) What's a gifts deck? I probably have seen it I just never heard that name.

April 12, 2015 9:51 p.m.

lemmingllama says... #15

@nickiru It uses Gifts Ungiven to get a big creature like Iona, Shield of Emeria or Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and then you use Unburial Rites to reanimate it. Instant speed tutors are very powerful.

April 12, 2015 10:12 p.m.

nickiru says... #16

ahhh, yes that one. gotcha. I actually need to test fighting one of those. I haven't with this deck. I actually haven't fought one of those in a long while in general. they are pretty good.

April 12, 2015 11:10 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #17

No wonder you have mana problems. You are running Phyrexian Obliterator in a 4 colour deck that has a focus on Noble Hierarch (why are you running him in this build...) and not Birds of Paradise. And you are running ETBT lands. Never run ETBT lands unless it is Windbrisk Heights or man-lands. Finally, you actually only have 21.5 lands. Lands that don't give you mana should count against your land count by 1.5 for not generating mana and taking up your land play for that turn. Tappedlands should generally only count for about 0.75, meaning your land count is now actually 21. I also generally make the consecutive legendary lands worth 0.75 too, but that is preference.

April 15, 2015 2:14 a.m.

nickiru says... #18

NO nononon (bang head on table) nononnonoo lols no

I wasn't telling you I was having mana problems as far as 'colors' and quantity of mana in that it is my deck:


ok: the 'issue' (like other decks i play test) is that when I split the deck in half, (when I draw 30) 1/2 of the deck has 3/4 of my lands and the other half has 1/4 of my lands. INCLUDING arena which doesn't make mana, but it is a land!-- I am not counting 'mana,' I am counting the 'land' card type. your snuffling system doesn't care whether my arena/lands make mana, it shuffles it with the other lands and does so poorly. Please I beg you, It has nothing to do with this deck in particular, I just gave you this as an example of what I was playtesting when I noticed the trend. I tested two other people's decks and noticed the 'exact' trend. This 'is' not my deck having issues. I also play on untap and happen to be holding a 14 game winning streak due to this decks efficiency, I implore you to ignore the fact that my deck is weird and only look at the shuffling of card types.....(though people argue to their grave that this deck is crap. maybe I shouldn't have showed you this: I risked damaging my concern's worth now... Grrrrrr...!!)

Ah whatever: I don't want to fight this anymore, I don't have the time too (college etc....) I leave it up to you to tend to the shuffling system. Notify me if you make any changes, or if you don't, but as it stands I honestly don't have time for debating this and I can't play test here until there is a change to prevent this seemingly mechanically calculated trend.

if its fine for everyone else but me (and my other friends have this issue as well, I represent them (as they aren't here anymore for them to complain CAUSE they quit due to foul play testing)) than obviously don't change anything as we are in the minority.

April 15, 2015 10:12 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #19

I'm not the one who works on the playtester. I just so happen to have data refuting your points.

April 15, 2015 10:27 a.m.

OK. The shuffling system isn't wrong. Your lands aren't perfectly distributed because that is how randomness works. If your lands are always perfectly distributed in real life, there is something wrong with the way you are shuffling, that is all. The playtester randomizes your cards without caring about card type.

If you actually take the time to do ~100-ish playtests (just a random number that's high enough to eliminate most variance) and graph your results, you will get something like the graph shown here, where x is the number of lands in the first half of your deck (or second, it doesn't really matter), and y is the probability of that particular event happening. You cannot make the claim "my deck is perfect, thus it is not effected by variance and your shuffling is wrong", because it is simply not true.

Also, sorry I haven't been able to play on Untap. My schedule tends to get busier the more I try to calm it down for some reason, so it might be a while before I can, unfortunately.

April 15, 2015 11 a.m.

nickiru says... #21


likewise, my schedule is busy, i'll probably be freed up sunday/monday most regularly

April 15, 2015 12:49 p.m.

nickiru says... #22

(sigh) I laugh every time I look at my deck. its so impractical at first glance but its such an efficient powerhouse. Just speaking out loud xD this deck requires I think teh most extreme piloting skills and knowledge of the deck to play efficiently.

I am so curious if there are any more dramatic ways to improve it... 'till I come up with something more revolutionary; I ''really'' want to go to a grand prix....

May 4, 2015 10:40 p.m.

kylothian says... #23


May 4, 2015 10:41 p.m.

nickiru says... #24


May 4, 2015 11 p.m.

nickiru says... #25

I can do untap im at home

May 4, 2015 11 p.m.

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