Synergic Efficiency

Modern nickiru


GlistenerAgent says... #1

How about Lightning Bolt ? That's a good card. Abrupt Decay is strong, as are Dismember and Slaughter Pact .

September 1, 2014 2:54 p.m.

nickiru says... #2

I am liking Dismember . not sure about Slaughter Pact . It seems very very risky seeing how if I for somereason don't get black or can't pay the 3 I lose. I do see its benefit though, it allows me to tap out and still respond if necessary and the yaren't expecting it if I am tapped out so I can take out a queen piece. I am really liking that. hmmmm

Mortify is like the other variant to Putrefy : cool! If I throw in 8 removal, i might do these two back to back.

Abrupt Decay can't kill kikijiki, that is the only reason I don't want to main-board it.

So here is what I am really liking: Path to Exile , Unmake , Mortify and Putrefy , and Slaughter Pact .

September 1, 2014 4:26 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #3

Lightning Bolt is the best removal spell in the format. Play it. Unmake isn't very good in that it isn't very cheap, and does strain the mana a little. Path to Exile has a drawback, but it's very worth it.

September 1, 2014 7:04 p.m.

nickiru says... #4

In my opinion I think Path to Exile is way over powered and that that is the best removal. The draw back is negligible. I would totally take it over Unmake and have Unmake back to back with path to make 8 exiling cards.

A bit commanding about playing Lightning Bolt eh? I will consider it but it only does 3. If a creature is threatening it usually is larger than 3. The only reason I would consider it is that it kills Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker . Other than that, why not just exile it for the same cost with Path to Exile . The enemy having an extra land turn 4+ doesn't matter hardly at all.

But then again, bolt can bolt mana rampers like noble and birds... Maybe I can play bolt and path back to back.

September 1, 2014 7:40 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #5

I'm not trying to be commanding about Lightning Bolt , sorry if I came across that way. You can't really say that it "only" does three damage, because it's the best burn spell in all of Magic. If you need to kill larger creatures, I recommend Flame Slash , which is less versatile but kills more creatures.

Many decks simply have a removal suite of 4 Bolt and 4 Path, and that is as robust as you can get. Do a lot of your friends play Kiki Pod decks? You seem to really hate Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker .

Finally, sorry if I came across as a conceited dickhead on the other thread. When I said "people who know more than you", I was actually implying the others who posted on the thread, not myself. I think it's important to defend your ideas, but I also think it's important to learn from people who know things you don't, and at least test their ideas to see if you believe them as well. The best decks became the best decks from trying ideas from lots of people, not just one. I'm sorry if I created any animosity.

September 1, 2014 7:45 p.m.

nickiru says... #6

I accept your apology :D

And I'm sorry for my hostility as well.

Lol, yah I really dislike kiki pod decks. In my opinion, infinite loops should either be a crap ton harder to get going, or banned. When all you need are two pieces and win, it is as bad as land destruction when you can't even fight back. There is no struggle for survival or epic battle before you fall, you simply lose if you can't respond to kiki loops. I usually do okay against them, I just don't like it when an infinity variable is accessed so easily. Only 1 person where I am plays pod. He is really good and he is the only person I have not beaten. He runs an extraordinarily good pod deck. The one's I play on are dwarfed by his pod's superiority.

Yes. I completely agree about listening and taking from others who know more. I love talking with experienced people. They may not like talking to me but... lol. I try not to be stubborn but it is my nature to not just simply take someone's word for it. I want to debate evidence, logic, comparisons of data to show how one thing is better than another and most importantly, i need to be convinced. If I can't than we move onto another subject. I completely admit to my stubbornness and I am sorry. it is a fault of mine. :D

now about Lightning Bolt . True, it is able to torch mana rampers, small key pieces, torch the enemies face when they are about to die and I just need another poke and so on. Your idea of running path with bolt is a good mix. I am either going to do that or path and Slaughter Pact . The more I think about it the more I really like sl-pact.

So either path + bolt or slaughter + path, or all three, lol, that would be overkill me thinks.

September 1, 2014 9:22 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #7

Don't play more than two Slaughter Pact . It's very nice, but you don't want too many removal spells that you can only cast after turn 3. By the way, ten removal spells isn't necessarily overkill always. This deck may not need that many, but remember that there is no shortage of creatures to kill.

Infinite combos are a ton harder to bring together. All combo decks play some form of tutoring (Birthing Pod ) or deck manipulation (Serum Visions and friends) to find their pieces. They have to find protection to make sure they don't get blown out. It's hard being a combo player.

Do you know the Pod player's decklist? I am working on a Kiki Pod deck myself and would love to see his.

September 1, 2014 9:27 p.m.

nickiru says... #8

Ahh there we go, no more five minutes of loading with my crap internet.


Lol, I WISH I new his pod decklist. It is freakishly efficient. I only play him occasionally when I go to my sunday night modern tournys. I have no idea if he is on the internet. (He probably is, I just don't know him.)

Yah I agree, only a couple pacts.

September 1, 2014 9:38 p.m.

nickiru says... #9

So here is what I have done. I added some removal. I put in Arena and Path to Exile .

the deck synergy is decreasing but firepower is increasing.

September 4, 2014 5:39 p.m.

Don't splash blue just for Electrolyze . Lightning Bolt is just as good, cheaper and makes your mana more consistent. You're already pretty dead to Blood Moon , so don't stretch farther than you have. Speaking of which, cut the Mountain . It does nothing.

September 10, 2014 6:01 p.m.

nickiru says... #11

( sigh ) lol, I have said so many times before, and I will say it again. "I don't care about colors (period)"

I get mana screw less often then most people's dual or trio colored decks; I am five colored including a quad black phyrexian. Please spare me the COLOR SPEECH. I BEG YOU.

Talk to me about card interaction rather than color: like this...

I believe that Electrolyze is a great card because it can take out potentially 2 utility creatures, which can be devastating, while replacing itself by drawing another card: in my mind that is a 3 for 1 card ratio. It also can torch the enemy in the face if their life is super duper low like Lightning Bolt . bolt can only hit 1 target. which is a 1 for 1 ratio. Also they can both take out Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker . Thus I am happy with Electrolyze . it kills what I hate and can do far more :D

back to colors: Blood Moon screws me anyways. I might as well go all in and get another color. The only time moon doesn't slaughter is against a mono or dual colored deck.

Furthermore, the mountain is for me to search for when I need red. Although it would be the first land to go, seeing as I got Stomping Ground s in there, it is useful until I change my nonmana cards. Searching for that allows me to not torch myself anyways, it gives me access to Electrolyze , Domri Rade , and Slayers' Stronghold . it is needed on that rare occasion.

September 10, 2014 8:17 p.m.

You have very few red cards in the deck. Trust me, I know at least something about manabases (which can obviously never compare to your knowledge), and I know that that Mountain should be a Forest . It's very OK to fetch Stomping Ground if you need green and want to do red things later.

I'm not arguing about the landbase, I'm just stating a fact. With four colors, your mana would be more consistent. That's a fact. Spare me the explanation of how you're amazing with mana.

I know Electrolyze is a great card, but sometimes you just need to be a little conservative. Playing every single card you want regardless of mana requirements will come back to bite you, so I recommend playing Lightning Bolt instead not only because it is more efficient, but because it lets you do other things while killing their creatures. If you want to argue that Electrolyze is the better card, go ahead and play it. I do think that you'd be better off with Bolt.

September 10, 2014 8:35 p.m.

nickiru says... #13

Actually it is nice to fetch a red and not be shocked. Since I am running 5 colors, I take about 2-4 damage average every game for shocks and fetches. Mid-late game when life is precious and I need a red immediately, it is nice to not have to shock myself. Thus I run only a single Mountain . This is only on the rare occasion that I never searched for a Stomping Ground due to other color taxations.

I have never had an issue with mana, thus I am not concerned about my deck coming back and biting me in the butt. There is a reason I play any card I want; it is because I 'can.' I have no need to be conservative.

Explain in more depth as to why I should run bolt rather than Electrolyze . I have given my argument, which is that Electrolyze can kill up to 2 things and replace itself. bolt only kills 1 thing. They both can hit the player and so on. All you have said is that it costs less, (both quality and quantity of mana.) But for 2 extra mana and I get Electrolyze which is so much more effective. I need more before I can be sold on it.

September 10, 2014 11:30 p.m.

tclaw12 says... #14

This deck is a GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL DISASTER! Really though, I think it's great that you have the nuts to play cards like Qasali Pridemage and Phyrexian Obliterator in the same deck! :D as for the sideboard, It seems your deck is mostly in the Junk colors, so maybe some Golgari Charm , Surgical Extraction , Creeping Corrosion (Shrapnel Blast if you think you can pull off the double red), Maelstrom Pulse , Thoughtseize Inquisition of Kozilek could all see a place here. Rakdos Charm and Batterskull are also good. I guess the best thing you can do is just test to see what decks you are good against and what decks you need help with.

September 11, 2014 12:07 a.m.

tclaw12 says... #15

Shit I meant to say Shatterstorm I don't know why I said Shrapnel Blast lol.

September 11, 2014 12:09 a.m.

Nomp says... #16

Over all, I like this deck but the manabase is a little finicky. Drop Electrolyze for something else.

September 11, 2014 3:17 a.m.

nickiru says... #17

tclaw12: haha thanks for the compliment. Yah I am pretty gutsy xD

Some of the cards you suggested I have considered in the far past. Now that the deck has changed so much in form, you reminded me of some cards that I discounted and forgot about long ago.

Like Rakdos Charm . Takes out an artifact, or can wipe a graveyard, or burn someone who decided to make infinite tokens with kiki-jiki.

Or Batterskull . Lifegain, a decent sized 4/4 creature that can be pulled back to your hand instant speed.

Hah, thanks tclaw12

Nomp: I really like Electrolyze , and I never have an issue casting it when I have it. so I am not to concerned about my mana base. Honestly, it may seem weird, but it is consistent. But, what would you suggest over Electrolyze ? GlistenerAgent agrees with you saying I should change it out, he suggests Lightning Bolt but I don't think bolt is good enough.

September 11, 2014 10:19 a.m.

asasinater13 says... #18

is playing Electrolyze really worth it? you could take blue out of the deck for it, and just run Lightning Bolt instead. or Flames of the Firebrand

September 14, 2014 11:25 a.m.

nickiru says... #19

Maybe not bolt, but the Flames of the Firebrand is looking good. I mainly like the damage splitting property of the cards. Though the reason I am playing Electrolyze , is because it can draw me a card while dividing 2 damage. Blue requires little or no effort to get because of Noble Hierarch . or I can fetch Watery Grave and get a black while I'm at it. I'll consider it though cause it can split up 3 damage; and no blue :D

September 14, 2014 11:29 a.m.

nickiru says... #20

I did some looking around asasinater13, and all I could find that were of much good was Forked Bolt , Hail of Arrows , and Electrolyze .

Flames of the Firebrand i didn't realize until just now that it is not an instant. If it can't kill Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker instant speed, it is not a worthy removal spell. Thus I like Electrolyze , and it replaces itself by drawing me a card. Too bad Forked Bolt is not an instant, I would consider that one over Lightning Bolt if it were...

September 14, 2014 11:50 a.m.

Looks interesting. +1

September 14, 2014 11:52 a.m.

nickiru says... #22

RedMurderDemon, lol, thanks.

September 14, 2014 11:58 a.m.

Why are you worried about Kiki-Jiki so much? You act like Kiki Pod is the most popular deck in Modern.

September 14, 2014 12:05 p.m.

Also, how is this a combo deck? That label should probably be Midrange.

September 14, 2014 12:07 p.m.

nickiru says... #25

well it is where i live. I just have a particular/personal hatred for turn 3-5 i 'win' and if you no removal you lose; type of crap. Kiki has far too easy infinite combos, I don't want to be doing well and hit a loop deck and lose simply because I didn't have a particular removal. Thus I hate pod because it decreases strategy and forces others to accommodate. It is because of them that turn 5 i better be winning or they win due to loop. Shall I vent more of my hatred?

September 14, 2014 12:11 p.m.

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