pie chart

[[Tabled]] Tana & Tymna, the Blood Weavers

Commander / EDH* BRGW Tokens



Creature (1)


Instant (1)

  • Aim for winning 1/X games where X is number of players.
  • Scalable spells help tailor your cards to the power level of your opponents' decks.
  • Always start weak and improve the deck—never weaken a better deck.
  • You can skew toward power provided you skew away from consistency.
  • It is better to punish everyone equally for doing something rather than prevent someone from doing it.
  • Building around a theme will keep the power level from skewing too high.
  • Imposing limitations encourages creativity and promotes balance.
  • Do what you need to do to protect the execution of your strategy.
  • Try to vary the game experience, and build with multiple paths to victory in mind.


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95% Competitive