A deck that aims to win by casting Consultation / Tainted Pact to empty our library then follow up by casting Oracle / Lab Jace to win the game!

Search For:

  1. Thassa's Oracle

  2. Demonic Consultation / Tainted Pact

  3. Unearth

What to do with the card you are given:

  1. Cast Oracle & respond to ETB with Consultation / Pact from your grave with Kess's ability.

  2. Cast Unearth targeting Oracle & respond to ETB with Consultation / Pact from your grave with Kess's ability.

  3. Cast Unearth from grave with Kess targeting Oracle & respond to ETB with Consultation / Pact .

  • Ad Nauseam . Extremely strong as the average cmc of the other 98 cards in the deck is 1.21, meaning it is extremely likely to hit 20 cards while losing only 24 life in exchange.

  • Necropotence . If you have 90 cards in your deck and you pay 20 life into it, there is a 76% chance of hitting at least 2 combo-pieces / tutor spells.

  • Muddle the Mixture . Can be used to either counter an instant/sorcery or tutor for a 2 cmc card, namely Oracle / Tainted Pact .

  • Ashiok, Dream Render . It prevents our opponents from searching their libraries which can be huge in a lot of situations! Often it can be beneficial to not use it's -1 loyalty ability so it has a better chance of staying on the battlefield but in a pinch it can be used as top-of-deck or graveyard removal.

  • Cyclonic Rift . With a cmc of 2 we do not get punished for hitting our boardwipe with Ad Nauseam , it can be used as targeted removal for , or an asymmetric boardwipe for . Oh yeah and it's an instant too.

In the event they ever ban Consultation I will probably run a Doomsday pile ordered as follows:

  1. Gitaxian Probe

  2. Street Wraith

  3. Oracle

  4. Unearth

  5. Lab Jace

While i would consider this combo to be slower than Oracle Consultation , it will not do much in terms of saturating the deck with unnecessary cards as the only addition (besides Doomsday ) is Street Wraith which isn't even that bad because if we draw it before Doomsday , we can still just cycle it due to Doomsday choosing 5 cards from the library and graveyard too.

  • Cyclonic Rift is an exceptionally strong card without a doubt, however, we rarely need to use the overload cost as our deck is extremely resilient to most stax pieces, often being able to win through only bouncing one piece, usually a Rule of Law , Arcane Laboratory or toropor orb. This means that it not being able to bounce our own permanents is actually technically a downside and this became more obvious as time went on and cards were printed and included in this list like Dockside Extortionist which can allow us to create a lot of mana by replaying dockside.

  • Drown in the Loch is a very powerful card if multiple conditions are met, first of all it can't be used in the earlygame due to graveyard not being filled yet and taking quite a few turns to get multiple cards in the graveyard. It also relies on there being no active rest in piece effect in play which nullifies the card too. This situationalness makes the card less than desirable at stages in the game

  • Steal Enchantment dead card if opponents don't play an enchantment you want and there aren't many you want, you don't want most stax pieces as they're symmetrical, Sylvan Library ruins ad naus which is a better card. This leaves a few enchantments like Mystic Remora (which you still have to pay cumulative upkeep for so provides limited / bad value often) and Rhystic Study . TLDR not enough worthwhile targets

  • Narset, Parter of Veils - Hullbreacher is just a better anti-draw stax piece for easier mana cost and has flash and can't be directly attacked and can block and generates value from it's stax effect... yeah it's better

  • Sleight of Hand not a very good cantrip, not sure if Disrupt is better, if i include it, it'll be replacing this

  • Dramatic Reversal bad if rocks are staxxed or we haven't got 3 mana+ worth of mana rocks.

  • Plunge into Darkness too risky? worse ad nauseam? replaced by Wishclaw Talisman

  • Lab Jace is redundant when Thassa's Oracle is no longer the only other win con card and we can win through Underworld Breach and Lotus Petal combos, yes i know Lion's Eye Diamond exists but i can't afford that.

  • Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   not doing something the turn it's played really holds the card back as the flip side isn't even very good we often early want to use the -3 once then the cards's dead, we have to flip jace too so it can't be used every turn as a loot, Teferi, Master of Time is just better at that too.

  • Sunken Hollow is a shit land that shouldn't be in the deck, so it will not be in the deck, it will be replaced with Training Center


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

51 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.77
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure
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