Tainted Grixis

Commander / EDH Wedge-cEDH

SCORE: 111 | 31 COMMENTS | 53850 VIEWS | IN 53 FOLDERS

iDestroy says... #1

I have a couple of questions, how is Necropotence used successfully as it only lets you drop instants at end of turn? Does it allow you to go off with something other than reservoir? sorry for the rookie question, also is there something similar to timetwister not as pricey? And lastly seeing as nauseam hurts for a while should I worry about hitting things like Force of Will or are those higher cmc's completely justified and irreplaceable due to their effects?

December 6, 2017 8:56 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #2

iDestroy Not my deck but the reason necropotence is so good, especially in edh, is because you can draw like 10-20... or even 30 cards depending on the board state and your current life, go to end step, and ditch the stuff you don't need into exile while hopefully getting enough of the correct cards to just win on your next turn.

Same thing with Ad Naus. It's an instant, so you just cast it at the opponent to your right's end step, and keep going until you hit the combo pieces you need. Then untap, draw, and win.

Lastly, the presence of creatures in cedh games is pretty low (unless you're opponents on Azusa or Meren or blood pod or something), so you're life total is a lot more flexible as a resource.

December 7, 2017 10:55 a.m.

roguelikedev says... #3

I play against wedge/greensquiggly regularly. He mostly uses necropotence to keep his hand full, for instance he might be at 38 life with 4 cards in hand and necro for just 9. Time spiral is the closest thing to timetwister but it's pretty medium in general and very questionable in an ad naus deck. I think wedge might recommend putting in some super secret experimental technology like isochron scepter instead. Lastly, hitting stuff like FoW or mind's desire with your ad naus is acceptable because you're not trying to draw 50 cards with 35 life like sidisi, it takes him maybe 15 cards and a lot of thinking to win off a main phase ad naus.

January 13, 2018 4:41 a.m.

BolasFucks says... #4

I see Dramatic Reversal in the list but no Isochron Scepter. Is that a mistake or do you not run the combo? I was thinking about building Kess and figured DS was an auto include.

May 2, 2018 4:38 p.m.

Tappyy says... #5

I’m curious what some of your budget options might be? I’m interested in building Kess Storm, and I have some good staples already like Wheel of Fortune and Force of Will, but I just can’t afford Candelabra,Timetwister, Imperial Seal, Grim Monolith, Mox Diamond, or Lion’s Eye Diamond. What would you suggest? Are these cards integral to game plan or just improve consistency? Thanks!

June 3, 2018 5:10 p.m.

Tappyy says... #6

Also just in general, if we’re interested in running the doomsday package, what would you cut for it?

June 14, 2018 12:39 a.m.

HighOnBuffs says... #7

Hi love the deck list a ton! Might be even my favorite storm list ever!

Any good budget replacement for Candelabra/Twister?

June 28, 2018 10:02 p.m.

helldanno says... #8

Do you think it's worse running High Tide without Candelabra of Tawnos? I run Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal with slightly more "bigger" mana rocks do go infinite mana (Basalt Monolith, Gilded Lotus) and of course Paradox Engine. As a mana sink I really like Capsize. And I am not a big fan of Baral, Chief of Compliance, since a lot of the Instants/Sorceries don't have colorless mana in their casting cost. Is he really worth playing?

August 3, 2018 2:25 a.m.

Barbola says... #9

Hi there,

I am remodelling my Moxnix Jeleva into a turbocharged Kess version with the lowest possible CMC. I was wondering, with you current build and meta, how often are you actually able to cast Mind's Desire for the win? I have found it to be a sort of a dead card - if I have cast several spells for the turn, or have infinite storm, I should be able to win without it. I have cut it for Paradox engine, since I don't own a candelabra. Paradox, as an enabler, is amazing, since it can transform 1 floating mana into endless mana, with just a little bit of gas.

August 3, 2018 2:39 p.m.

Here is my semi-budget Kess, Dissident Mage deck. Kess Storm/Doomsday

August 16, 2018 1:55 p.m.

MDKcommander says... #11

hello, I like the deck and the concept of storm, but I do not understand how you to the storm, maybe you can generate infinite mana, but I do not understand how you draw cards from the library in enough quantity to the storm. Is it only with ad nausea or necropotence ??? If so, the cost of sticking points of damage is not very high ??? I am starting in commander I will appreciate the orientation .. greetings

September 22, 2018 8:39 a.m.

Hello Wedge, how its Mind's Desire working out for you? Since you don't run any extra turns or gigantic "I win" spells, is there anything we are hoping to hit aside from Reservoir and Yag Will?

October 1, 2018 12:56 a.m.

WUBRG97 says... #13

How do you feel about some of the new GRN cards? We have gotten some nice new storm support cards and some interesting cantrips :)

And just in general how do you feel about Guttersnipe and similar effects?

October 5, 2018 5:11 p.m.

Kross33 says... #14

Do you mind if I ask your experiences with Necropotence I always have mixed feelings about that card

October 25, 2018 1:31 p.m.

Kross33 says... #15

Hi, are Isochron Scepter combos not worth playing anymore? I see a lot of list cutting it even though it compliments Sensei's Divining Top and list that play Aetherflux Reservoir ?

October 31, 2018 4:34 a.m.

Soren841 says... #16

Kross33, it's usually too dead without an outlet in the command zone. Odysseus_97 those are all way too fat or don't do enough

January 7, 2019 6:18 p.m.

Kross33 says... #17

Hey Wedge, I've been following your list for a while and I wanted to get your thoughts on a couple cards if you don't mind sharing. Mind Harness Hydroblast Cremate and Fire Covenant Thanks for your time.

January 17, 2019 1:44 p.m.

Kiyomei says... #18

Hey there, I am doing a bit of research on The more competitive decks out there for my Stax deck.

  • So the first question is: what kind of "Stax" or "Hate cards" would shut this deck down or make it impossible for you to win under certain singular or combined Effects?

  • And the second question is about Sanctum Prelate as I am trying to gather as much information about the stopping power of calling specific CMC with this card vs certain strategies, Would you consider CMC , or CMC to be more effective here to disrupt your gameplan?

February 1, 2019 5:14 p.m.

Kross33 says... #19

Any tips or card choices for the breakfast/shuffle hulk matchup?

March 15, 2019 8:38 a.m.

Kross33 says... #20

April 8, 2019 10:23 p.m.

damwing says... #21

I really like Jace. Wielder of Mysteries instead of the LabMan. It costs 1 more to cast, which makes it kinda unwieldy in a doomsday list. However if you are like me and not a big fan of doomsday, and just prefer to storm more, I think the payoff for switching them out is huge. LabMan is just a dead card if you draw it and does nothing by himself. The new Jace on the other hand fills your graveyard, draws you cards and does the same thing as LabMan while at the same time being a harder target to remove than a creature.

Bonus Round I am unsure of. I am worried that having to pay 3 mana before doing anything worthwhile might be too big of a stepping stone to go off. Sure it is nice to double tutors, but so far I hadn't really had problems to recast my tutors from the grave the turn i go off and if you don't cast it the turn you go off double tutor might just be too scary for the board. But I am still open for discussion on the inclusion of Bonus Round if others had good experiences with it.

April 10, 2019 3:09 a.m.

Kross33 says... #22

Bonus Round + Demonic Consultation is game on it's own and if you're familiar with ReverseMermaid's list it can give you a win without the use of obvious permanents and you don't have to play dead cards

April 10, 2019 9:12 p.m.

Kross33 says... #23

In your opinion, do you feel the Thousand-Year Storm / Bonus Round Grixis list are better or the Laboratory Maniac / Jace. Wielder of Mysteries list?

April 19, 2019 7:36 a.m.

Kross33 says... #24

April 23, 2019 3:17 a.m.

Wedge-cEDH says... #25

Kross33 I think the tainted/consultation strategy is overall better than the storm route. Its more resilient to stax, is extremely slot efficient and its pieces are more flexible. Also with how lean the package is, you have ample slots to adjust your deck to your meta and playstyle.

As for Narset, I'm not sure if she has a home here. I'm down to test her, but time will tell.

April 23, 2019 11:27 a.m.

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