Tainted Shimmer Zur

Commander / EDH* Suasion


Alexdagreat says... #1

Just saw this pop up on my feed. How are the changes working for you?

March 25, 2018 8:10 p.m.

Suasion says... #2

Way more consistent shimmer turns, slighly lower cmc, plays better into stax.So far so good, but we are much weaker to nonbasic hate

March 26, 2018 2:26 a.m.

Alexdagreat says... #3

I was going to experiment with the mana base a bit due to Blood Moon. Maybe a couple more islands and one more swamp. See how it played, but so far, this looks very cool.

March 26, 2018 10:10 a.m.

Alexdagreat says... #4

The compactness of Tainted and Lab Man really streamlines things. Good call. Any other ideas youre floating? I found subbing Sunken River and Exotic for Islands didnt seem to impact things too much, but I need to test more.

March 26, 2018 5:13 p.m.

Alexdagreat says... #5

And if Candelabra is gone, how is High Tide serving you?

March 26, 2018 5:15 p.m.

Suasion says... #6

High tide becomes a mediocre ritual but is still a ritual. You can't run any more islands or tainted pact won't work with lab man

March 26, 2018 9:32 p.m.

Alexdagreat says... #7

Ah yeah, good point. Forgot about that. Maybe even adding a Plains might work?

March 26, 2018 9:40 p.m.

Alexdagreat says... #8

Hey, I've been using a Snow Covered Swamp in place of Sunken Ruins, and it's been decent. I've managed to evade Blood Moon through an early fetch, so the non-basic hate wasn't as bad. Good call on the Opt for Candelabra swap.

March 31, 2018 12:24 a.m.

Suasion says... #9

Another basic is worth looking at for sure, thanks!

March 31, 2018 9:32 a.m.

Alexdagreat says... #10

Overall though, this feels like a far stronger list with the Doomsday exclusion. Great work!

March 31, 2018 10:10 a.m.

Alexdagreat says... #11

Hey, so a friend had an idea for Necromancy or Shallow Grave to reanimate Lab Man in response to the Necro trigger and let the combo happen at instant speed. Dont know if it would work in the build, but an interesting idea nonetheless.

April 1, 2018 6:34 p.m.

Suasion says... #12

It's something you can explore, but it seems iffy to me.First off, you need to have lab man + tainted/demonic + draw spell in hand, which requires setup that could be used for the normal storm lines, and you run a mostly dead reanimation card. You also need to discard using something like frantic search or the cleanup step.

If you use the cleanup step, whatever mana you had from storming off during end step drains away, and you discard down to 7 cards in an action which doesn't use the stack. Then, you can respond to the delayed Necro triggers to Necromancy/shallow grave, exile your deck, and draw a card. This means You need at least for shallow grave + demonic + blue cantrip and you lose if interrupted in any way.

You aren't really sculpting a great hand if stopped, since you need to dedicate 3/7 cards to reanimation + exile + draw, and you can't storm off with only 4 remaining cards on your next turn, since these remaining cards are likely protection.Compared to the shimmer lines, where you at worst sculpt an amazing hand to win with the next turn, this seems almost strictly worse IMO.

April 2, 2018 12:02 a.m.

Alexdagreat says... #13

Yeah, that's what I was thinking as well. He made the point that Necromancy could be used as pseudo 'grave hate' to reanimate an opponents creature, but that's too narrow. I agree, it's not worth running, but an interesting idea nonetheless. I'm still tooling with some nonbasic hate and finding a slot to maybe put Dispel. The extra swamp has been helping for sure. Anything your tweaking?

April 2, 2018 3:23 p.m.

Suasion says... #14

Not yet, I still need to get more testing in. I've been spending too much time on Jhoira and Sisay lately

April 8, 2018 1:27 p.m.

Sgnading says... #15

Hey, I love both versions of Zur you've built and it's been fun piecing this together. I was wondering about your thoughts on high tide though? Since this version has cut down on islands is it still worth it? Also, I followed your advice earlier and replaced notion thief with a Bob since I'm missing time twister, and was planning on putting in a helm of obedience/rest in piece for another win con. Would you recommend another line instead? Thank you for the time and a great deck!

July 13, 2018 12:58 a.m.

Barbola says... #16

So I switched to this version of Zur, and I must say, the win rate is pretty consistent in any cEDH meta, much more so than the Doomsday build. I've made some alterations to the list, most importantly paradox engine and voltaic key, which really do get me out of tight spots mana wise during a fat necro endstep. Paradox in particular, despite being a dead draw and 5 mana to cast, has always fixed me so nicely, especially if I can sneak it in main phase before the necro. With shimmer myr in the necro hand, you don't have to worry about colors at all, since one mana vault/monolith into a paradox engine turns all your tutors and draw spells into rituals (can also abuse the scroll rack with the engine or the voltaic key).

Check out my list and comment what you think about it. Obviously lacks timetwister, but it isn't such a huge loss not having it.

August 6, 2018 10:35 a.m.

Barbola says... #17


August 6, 2018 10:35 a.m.

Suasion says... #18

Hey Barbola, sorry this is so far after your comment, I don't go on here very often.

I think Paradox Engine isn't very necessary outside of fringe cases where you're playing against tap stax such as Blind Obedience or Root Maze. On storm turns or post shimmer, if you're able to generate 5 mana to cast it, you probably didn't need it. Unlike Thrasios/Sisay/Jhoira, we don't have a commander that can take full advantage of playing many artifacts or abusing untaps. It also hurts quite a bit off naus.

Without paradox engine, Voltaic key is too frequently dead to warrant playing.

August 14, 2018 9:12 p.m.

Barbola says... #19

Hey, thanks for yoy reply. I still haven't had the chance to playtest voltaic key, but for the engine, I am absolutely positive it's worth the ad naus hurt, since you're all fixed mana wise. I have also done some silly things with it and Isochron scepter, when my other wincons are not available. E.g. I've drawn my whole deck with isochron with opt and engine, and have created infinite swans with swan song. But yea, I agree that its only useful in certain cases where you're stuck in mana, against stax, or when your primary wincons are not available.

August 15, 2018 12:48 p.m.

Mr9Loganja says... #20

Im bringing this to my casual group...lmao jk thats rude. This list is absolutely bonkers though. Curious as to what you name with Demonic Consultation. It seems super risky running it in this one. Ive seen it win games with fc tazri or prosh, but id be a little worried with zur. And besides lab man, are there any other win cons?

December 30, 2018 1:15 p.m.

Suasion says... #21

Hah, thanks!

You name a piece you need on a shimmer turn, or something not in the deck when lab man is out. It's generally fine when you have some knowledge of the top few cards, otherwise it's a ~10% chance of exiling your card in the top 6 on a shimmer turn.

The wincons are lab man, aetherflux, and angel's grace + windfall + flash back windfall

December 31, 2018 2:17 p.m.

Gosse says... #22

HI! Brand new to zur here.. ill start by saying there's definitely a steep learning curve to this type of build. Haha been having alot of fun so far and I'm about to try out this tainted pact thing just a quick question when you say Angel's Grace + Windfall + flashback windfall what typically makes you win? Drawing your opponents out? Also in a creature heavy meta what adjustments would you make for getting focused with beats early if any? Thanks for posting the great list!

January 29, 2019 12:59 p.m. Edited.

Suasion says... #23

Hey, yep, you'll have lots of fun with Zur.

The windfall line is to draw lots of cards, angel's grace to not lose, probably silence, put yawg's will on top of your library with brainstorm/scroll rack, windfall, flash back windfall, and deck opponents.

In a creature heavy meta, some decent cards are more wipes and spot removal. There's Path to exile, Massacre, and if things are really bad, the 3 mana -2/-2 wipes or even damnation.

Most of the time though, there's enough of a life buffer to not need too much removal.

January 29, 2019 9:47 p.m.

Mr9Loganja says... #24

Is Extirpate a meta call? It would help when fighting tnt shenanigans (atleast in my meta) but i find the spellbomb to be pretty clutch with the draw a card ability

January 31, 2019 7:11 a.m.

Suasion says... #25

Yep, the instant card draw is cool, but I need more grave hate. Containment priest was another consideration here, but I settled on the lower CMC, uncounterable option.

If you don't need too much grave hate, or it doesn't have built in answers like hulk does now, nihil is still a good choice

February 1, 2019 12:12 a.m.

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