Tainted Shimmer Zur

Commander / EDH* Suasion


Suasion says... #1

I've liked new jace quite a bit. Narset's is still in testing and honestly may not come in

July 8, 2019 1:15 a.m.

GHoag says... #2

Would it be worth using Leyline Of Anticipation over Shimmer Myr and also removing a card in favor of either Lodestone Bauble, Mishra's Bauble or Urza's Bauble be worth it just to gain the possibility of a T0 win? Hand would have to be Leyline Of Anticipation, Lotus Petal, Mox Opal, a Bauble of some sort, Dark Ritual, Laboratory Maniac (over Jace, unfortunately) and Demonic Consultation or something extremely similar.

July 8, 2019 3:58 p.m.

GHoag says... #3

Edits to my prior comment: Not "worth it", but "would it be viable"; it is technically not worth it as this T0 hand only comes up only once in a billion opening hands of seven (and it would have to be the full seven), however, other things are possible with Leyline Of Anticipation that aren't with Shimmer Myr, though the latter is 1 CMC less and all colorless.

Also, I realized after my previous post that the correct card to play for the Bauble slot for the T0 hand is Mishra's Bauble as Urza's Bauble is strictly worse in the format (and in general) and Lodestone Bauble doesn't work at all, requiring 1 colorless Mana in its activation cost. Unfortunately, it is likely strictly worse than every single other card in the deck as it stands. However, I suspect a land could be cut in favor of it with a small fraction of a percent of performance (if any) lost. If anything, it may actually make the storm plan stronger due to one more free cast when drawn and still hits for 0 on an Ad Nauseaum cast.

July 10, 2019 1:23 a.m.

GHoag says... #4

One last advantage of Leyline Of Anticipation with the additional inclusion of Mishra's Bauble in my previous two posts: with these two cards in the deck and starting the game with Leyline Of Anticipation on the table and T0 possible for the deck, we automatically know that means that as soon as you drop the start-of-the-game Leyline, you could potentially combo off at any moment barring a Split-Second card being in the stack, making your opponents more likely to permanently play with their shields up (not necessarily a good thing in some metas).

July 10, 2019 1:30 a.m.

Suasion says... #5

Hey, so if you absolutely must go this route, emergence zone exists for 'combo off at literally any time' shenanigans if it's on the field.

Otherwise, shimmer is better since it has flash. If we're presenting a threat on board, it will likely be removed. We want to be able to win as consistently as possible with as little setup as possible. The shimmer line requires untapping with our commander and having ~4 mana, which is a pretty low cost.

Leyline requires having other cards in hand, can't be flashed in if drawn off necro, can't be tutored with Zur, hurts off naus, etc. Finally, Leyline is hit by common removal in the format, very few run any land removal, so emergence zone is better.

That said, you probably shouldn't run emergence zone either.

July 10, 2019 7:19 p.m.

GHoag says... #6

Unfortunately, Emergence Zone doesn't allow for a T0 win. I hadn't considered the fact that you can't flash in Leyline and combo off at the end step off of a Necropotence draw. Hitting for one more off an Ad Naus isn't the worst, but not being able to win at instant speed when drawing it makes it strictly worse. Abandoning my T0 aspiration now.

July 10, 2019 7:58 p.m.

Jsc149 says... #7

Shouldn’t run emergence zone? What’s wrong with a back up shimmer myr? It’s technically cheaper to run off of and there are fewer interactions with emergence zone. You could easily call this build emergence zur.

July 10, 2019 8:27 p.m.

WisdomComes says... #8

Why not lab man instead of Jace? I feel that casting lab man on your turn and end of opponents turn that is passing to you casting demonic/tainted pact is a more realistic line that can win then doing the same with jace since creatures can easily attack and kill him and this deck is very low on creatures to help prevent jace from dying, not that it is an ideal line by any means but it is far more playable then the same with jace and you don't always get ideal draws. Otherwise they win in the same situations and jace costs more mana, is more color intensive and realistically will only activate once if at all which should never hit top deck tutors unless an opponent misplays due to sorcery only and most top deck tutors being instant speed.

July 11, 2019 9:27 a.m.

Suasion says... #9

Emergence zone- can't be flashed in and is more difficult to tutor. It's not terrible, but I don't think we particularly need it.

Jace over labman- Lab man is entirely dead unless we're executing the combo. It's also easier to remove when it's on the field than Jace. Consider pongify/swords/abrupt decay/elesh norn etc. Miss Jace entirely. Jace also at minimum replaces himself, and if there aren't many creatures on board, possibly after a wipe, can grind value. With Jace you also don't really need to consulation at opponent's EOT, since he has a built in draw effect.

July 11, 2019 9:41 p.m.

WisdomComes says... #10

Yeah I can see your point but then Jace is way more vulnerable to creatures than lab man, what are there more of elsh norns and swords or mana dorks and tymnas? Also if they use creature removal on lab man it makes a follow up with zur more potent.

July 12, 2019 1:57 a.m.

WG_Terra says... #11

So me and two other people in my playgroup have become very interested in cEDH and I wanted an interesting deck which requires lots of thinking to pilot. There is a Baral polymorph-control and a consultation breya. I really like this deck but I have a few questions before I build it.

  1. can it function without Scroll Rack , Timetwister , Vampiric Tutor , Imperial Seal , Scroll Rack , Grim Monolith , Mana Crypt , Lion's Eye Diamond , Mox Opal , Mox Diamond , Force of Will and Mana Drain ?
  2. Is Tainted Zur or this list more fun to pilot
  3. Which deck is better into breya/baral

we are all reasonably budget decks as none of us can really afford anything over like $100

July 24, 2019 12:04 a.m.

Suasion says... #12

@Wisdomcomes- The lab man removal will be with a tainted spell on the stack or after, there will be no follow up Zur :D

@WG_Terra- It can function without twister/vamp/imperial/etc, but there's a high reliance on mana positive rocks. You can still budget it, and include cards like Etherium sculptor, but it will be about a turn or so slower, and shimmer turns will be worse.

Did you mean to post this on the DD deck? This one doesn't have LED. I can say this is better into a blind meta and fast combo like breya than the DD build. This one is mainly weaker to nonbasic hate, so as long as there's no blood moon effects this one is better. Even a single back to basics in baral shouldn't be that much of an issue, since they can't tutor it.

July 24, 2019 7:01 p.m.

WG_Terra says... #13

@Suasion Thanks for the quick reply, I posted that message on both as I wasn't sure which one you usually check. The doomsday deck seems more interesting to me and it means I don't have to find a bunch of lands. The last question I have is what would good replacements for the cards be?

July 24, 2019 10:31 p.m.

hope595 says... #14

Hi Suasion I was wondering how relevant is manavault to this edh decks Since my decks is budget and all I got an opportunity to get 1 of the staple can't decide between getting a chrome mox, a manavault or demonic tutor. or do you have any recommendations for a more important key card?

August 11, 2019 11:24 a.m.

jicklemania says... #15

Hi Suasion. I have been thinking about building cEDH for a while now, and this list looks awesome. Question: which is better, regular Shimmer Zur Storm (I looked at your list for that too and it looks very similar) or this? And what are the big differences? I'm deciding which one I'd want to build. Also, I'm definitely not playing Timetwister (I'm not that rich) XD, and do you think I should replace it with another card that has a similar effect, or should I add just another removal spell or mana rock or whatever? Thanks.

April 6, 2020 4:01 p.m.

jicklemania says... #16

Also, Imperial Seal is too expensive for me. What is the next best tutor not already in this list?

Love the primer btw :)

April 6, 2020 4:11 p.m.

jicklemania says... #17

Sorry forgot to also ask about Mox Diamond. What should I replace it with?

April 6, 2020 4:14 p.m.

Suasion says... #18


I suppose merchant scroll or the next best cards. You can replace expensive cards with good cards for your meta, or good cards in general. The sideboard has some options.

April 14, 2020 4:23 p.m.

Kevinmk760 says... #19

Are their any updates to this list with Ikoria?

April 17, 2020 10:42 a.m.

Suasion says... #20

Not really, the cards that protect the commander when out are too narrow, and there aren't other good proactive options

April 18, 2020 11:39 a.m.

jicklemania says... #21

K, Thanks Suasion

May 3, 2020 7:18 p.m.

WushuTea says... #22

In my testing, Fierce Guardianship has been invaluable in this deck. I'd really give it some serious consideration.

May 16, 2020 12:59 a.m.

Paramount-TC says... #23

You only have 2 wheels, so Narset is quite unreliable. But Notion Thief tackles opponents card draw and lets you draw it instead. Which is different from Narset. Opponents still can draw a card outside their turns with Narset but not with Notion Thief, so in that respect Notion Thief is far stronger. I wouldn't add Narset to the deck and besides you already have Notion Thief. But one overlooked thing is how Narset can draw a few cards with it's minus ability which is good can even dig up a wheel. But we've seen that to cast the 3 drop its easier on casting it if we have green. The 1UU cost is a bit rougher. Anytime we do manage to get 3 mana its often gonna need a better play like getting out Rhystic Study or casting Zur.

June 3, 2020 6:43 a.m.

Suasion says... #24

Para Narset has been a bit problematic since we can't protect it in creature heavy metas. In testing it became a 1UU: crappy impulse too often. Holding it until a wheel comes up is bad, and we can't flash it in like we can Notion Thief.

Narset also doesn't stop the value Thras draws, though it does constrain it to one per opponent's turn (only if they don't hit lands)

WushuTea It's very narrow for the situation where you tap out to play Zur, and need to protect it until the next turn. Otherwise, it's a worse version of other counters we have. Unlike the 2-3 cmc value commanders that just hang around (Thras/Tymna, etc) we won't have this online for free for the majority of the game. If we are getting multiple swings with Zur, we're already far ahead.

June 3, 2020 10:27 a.m.

Barbola says... #25

Why no Isochron scepter? Sacrificing one flex slot for a card which shortcuts the aetherflux wins immensely, making them both faster and more consistent, seems very much worth it, I've so far done pretty well with a split of Isochron combo/Thassa's Oracle win cons (no Jace, too expensive and clunky).

June 20, 2020 7:59 p.m.

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