
Modern* Pinkyplys


uvinoko says... #1

So there's this combo that you almost have and I feel obligated to tell you about - if you add Kiora's Follower and Intruder Alarm you'll have an infinite combo with the cards just mentioned and Forbidden Orchard, along with Suture Priest and/or Blood Seeker you can combo out to win the game. It may not be ideal, but it may be something to consider in the future.

March 4, 2016 9:30 a.m.

Pinkyplys says... #2

I've allready thought of it... but adding those cards would make the deck very specific i'd say, and kinda focus on that one goal alone, since it would course me to remove other cards and slow the overall progress. But! It's definitely worth trying out tho' :)

... i'll look into it, one more upvote and it'll be time to some major changes ;)

thx for comment and upvote dude I APPRECIATE IT! :D

March 5, 2016 8 a.m.

colton815 says... #17

not sure why you run so many cards that are not only expensive in terms of mana, but also help your opponent. there are cards that are just outright better, that cost less mana, that dont help your opponent. wheres the Path to Exile and Abrupt Decay? i really don't even know what it is your deck is trying to DO.

May 3, 2017 8:18 p.m.

colton815 says... #20

Kjartan path to exile doesnt help an opponent nearly as much as a bunch of free life when you're using a weenie deck incapable of dishing out large amounts of damage.

Pinkyplys i looked at your deck thoroughly enough the first time, and read the description. your "strategy" is ineffective and counterproductive. you are giving your opponent free blockers.

May 4, 2017 11:14 a.m.

colton815 says... #23

Kjartan what is this bull crap about me being on "thin ice"? who are you to think that you can do anything to me? you can't touch me, so i was never on "thin ice". i also NEVER ONCE said Path to Exile "doesn't" help your opponent. never said that. maybe learn to read.

Pinkyplys. sucks to suck. you'll learn this when you take it to a tournament and lose.

May 7, 2017 8:03 p.m.

colton815 says... #25

Kjartan your statement of "being on thin ice" implies that you think you have the ability to reprimand/punish me, because the statement itself literally means "you are very close to having something bad happen to you". nothing bad will happen to me, because you can't do anything to me. and nothing i typed was "poorly written", you just forced a correlation where there was none.

May 8, 2017 6:42 p.m.

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