Talrand, Meet Lingering Souls

Standard* LordFitzy


corath says... #1

This deck looks like fun. I would make a few changes:

-2 honor of the pure-2 talrand's invocation-2 think twice

+2 snapcaster mage+2 mana leak+2 gitaxian probe

Sideboard:2x flashfreeze3x celestial purge2x mental misstep3x Divine Offering1x mana leak3x go for the throat

Assuming you are willing to get a couple snapcasters, your deck could be really good. I think having two mana leaks will help you slow your opponent. I like gitaxian probe a lot personally, and it's cheaper than think twice.

Need to sideboard the destroy enchantments, because racket bomb will instant wipe your tokens and also can wipe your enchantments.

Go for the Throat would be geat since you have all those swamp dual lands.

good luck!

I made a R/W/G token deck that you can check out if you want!


July 12, 2012 4:17 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #2

It may sound dumb but Spelltwine as a late game FU to people won me 2 of my sealed games (granted I had the regen ring on a drake so it was a chump blocker). The card actually says that you cast the copies so all things said you get 3 drakes and the two spells you cast from the graveyards. So if you were playing against someone who cast Lingering Souls and using your own card:Talrand's Invocation you would get 5 drakes and 2 spirits for 6 mana.

July 24, 2012 12:48 p.m.

Cassiel says... #3

Hey there, I really applaud this deck synergy you've got going combining Lingering+Sorin+Talrand. I play a token ramp deck that strongly utilizes Sorin+Lingering, and just wanted to offer some feedback here (Not to be one of those check my deck out types, but here it is if you're curious http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/bwg-sorins-ramp/).

First observation I can see, the incredibly low creature count means Talrand is going to have a HUGE KILL ME PLEASE sign on his head. Not to mention you've got 10 enchantments in the deck - I think this is also very unnecessary. You ideally want as many instants/sorceries as possible. So to address both of these things, as well as your deck's most glaring weakness; I would cut all the Virtues or 2 Virtue and 2 Favorable Winds in favor of 4x Negate . Negate will a) Protect Talrand b) Counter board wipes that will cost you the game. and c) Add to Talrand's Drake count.

I'm just going off my own experience here, Lingering Souls is so strong on it's own, especially with Sorin, that it doesn't need Intangible Virtue. If you play Intangible, why not just go 4x Drogskol Captain , then go balls out spirit-aggro and push damage. The beauty of combining Souls+Sorin is they need seperate answers to both a huge potential planeswalker threat and a token threat.

Anyway I don't mean to try and come off too critical or changing the core of your deck, just offering my earnest feedback. The deck seems to split in two directions; with the enchantments, it wants to be a flying beatdown army, with Talrand, the deck wants to be a control deck that rewards you with tokens for just doing what you normally would do - play lots of control sorceries/instants.

July 24, 2012 3:49 p.m.

LordFitzy says... #4

Cassiel, I can see your point about my deck seeming to go in multiple directions but a lot of times the intangible Virtue's added bonus of giving vigilance gives me huge board advantage.

However, I do so the advantage of main boarding four negates as board wipers are my bane. But would i then up Talrand to 4x in my deck so that I can consistently get him?

July 24, 2012 11:28 p.m.

I'd drop the Favorable Winds . If you're gonna have an anthem, Intangible Virtue simply does it better. Angel of Jubilation also seems like an iffy card in here. I'm not sure what, exactly it's hating against. I'd also drop an Oblivion Ring or at least move it to the sideboard. 4 is too many to main.

You can replace those 4 cards with Delver of Secrets  Flip and get rewarded a second time for having a bunch of instants and sorceries. You also get a strong 1-drop. Perhaps add some Ponder as well to make sure he flips, and get card advantage while making drakes.

July 24, 2012 11:37 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #6

@landgrafb Angel of Jubilation is probably hating phyrexian mana that everyone seems to love so much. Though I agree with all of your other suggestions.

July 24, 2012 11:41 p.m.

LordFitzy says... #7

I had the Angel of Jubilation in there as another anthem and an anti-pod/phyrexian mana creature. People at my FNM recommended including delver as well and I do like it.

But how would i fit in Ponder ?

July 25, 2012 midnight

I'd personally drop the Sorin, Lord of Innistrad .

July 25, 2012 1:07 a.m.

LordFitzy says... #9

Nah, He's won me a lot of games and I just think that he's awesome _

July 25, 2012 1:17 a.m.

Like the deck man, I believe you should drop and O-Ring and the Winds for 2 more Snapmasters and another Mana Leak/draw spell. +1 :)

July 25, 2012 9:15 p.m.

omgroflme says... #12

I would try to fit some Vault of the Archangel in the mana base. And i would remove either 2x card:Talrand's Invocation or 2x Favorable Winds for 2x Angel of Jubilation .. Personally i don't like delver with no swords-artifacts to back him up.

July 26, 2012 10:35 a.m.

LordFitzy says... #13

So far three color has been relatively problem free for me but adding a Vault of the Archangel or two might screw things up for me so I'm not sure about that, I do see why you'd recommend it though. It's quite Godly.

I actually just removed Angel of Jubilation because it was hard getting the three white mana for her. Why do you prefer her over Favorable Winds

July 26, 2012 10:40 a.m.

corath says... #14

I think 2x jubilation is good for your sideboard maybe? I think favorable winds is far more valuable for your deck

July 26, 2012 10:43 a.m.

omgroflme says... #15

Her ability obviously.. In my meta Mortarpod and zombies rule, usually with a couple Blood Artist s around i loose after it gets to the battlefield.And there is always the Birthing Pod shut down by her.. its a very usefull card to my eyes.

July 26, 2012 10:47 a.m.

It shuts down Mortarpod , but all it really does is actually make people pay mana for phyrexian spells. Oh no, appropriately priced spells OMG.

July 26, 2012 11:08 a.m.

omgroflme says... #17

Don't forget that many decks use Dismember and Gut Shot without even having a single mountain or swamp.. and that goes for many other spells

July 26, 2012 11:21 a.m.

Mieli94 says... #18

Be careful, there are 5 mana leaks between mainboard and sideboard. Great deck btw, i would suggest -2 Favorable Winds for +2 Gitaxian Probe . Gitaxian helps you to carburate and also take a look at the opponent's hand; i guess that the virtues and the sorin's emblems are good enough. Plus you get two more sorceries for talrand. Great deck, +1 ;)

July 30, 2012 5:26 a.m.

gbspot says... #19

hello, we have the same color for a token deck deck:azorius-token . and same meta card Angel of Jubilation but i didn't use Talrand, Sky Summoner , instead, i use Geist-Honored Monk .

can you help me what card i'm lacking and some sideboards..

well if you want some controls, maybe you can add Tragic Slip because you have plenty black manas on your deck, and you can kill indestructable creatures eg Predator Ooze . i prefer Unsummon for you not to suffer 1 dmg when you want to use Snapcaster Mage again.

i think 4 Negate and 4 Tragic Slip is enough control because you have Oblivion Ring . Mana Leak is not that helpful on late game and it will rotate out.

maybe -2 sorin and +2 Snapcaster Mage to have more flashbacks

July 30, 2012 5:49 a.m.

gordredz says... #20

I agree with the above comments, i think the changes that I would make would be;

-4 Oblivion Ring

+2 Dismember

+2 Gut Shot or Tragic Slip

-2 Favorable Winds

+2 Snapcaster Mage

as stated, i think you need more instants/sorcery's. while the Oblivion Ring is very universal it's and enchantment that loses synergy with the rest of the deck

July 30, 2012 9:24 p.m.

LordFitzy says... #21

I've gotten a lot of feedback in regard to the Oblivion Ring s and Favorable Winds , I'll try removing them in favor of more/different control.

July 30, 2012 11:08 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #22

How have you found getting the UU for Talrand. I was considering him in my Sorin's Swarm deck, but running 3 colors made it difficult to get the right mana. I definitely feel like tokens will be a great deck though. Also have you considered Gather the Townsfolk ?

August 1, 2012 3:52 p.m.

LordFitzy says... #23

I have a lot of blue sources so getting Talrand out hasn't been a problem. An in regard to Gather the Townsfolk I'd run it but my deck is control based in response to the meta at my LGS.

August 1, 2012 4:17 p.m.

SwiftDeath says... #24

I really like the deck and im currently trying out a build of my own using yours as a blueprint and I really think the deck could benifit from Vault of the Archangel as a one of to help against either aggro or just get a little saftey net from the lifelink.

August 2, 2012 2:19 a.m.

LordFitzy says... #25

I was actually thinking about that, SwiftDeath. I'm just trying to decide which land to cut. And gl with your deck! I find it really fun to play!

August 2, 2012 2:31 a.m.

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