
A flying deck with some control and lifelinking qualities. main goal is to overrun with buffed fliers with lifelink (azorius charm/ skirmisher) and support/counter with counters. Use Tamiyo for delaying and card advantage. Mostly post rotation.

Help would be appreciated! I know flying is a little cliche, but yet, ive never seen it done.

Smoothed out the curve, added the lovely Archangel of Thune for additional KAPOW and lifelink is always good. The playtesting seems to be very consistent so far, as most fliers over 4 cmc are being played for 1-2 less each time. its nice getting a skirmisher out turn 5 and having lifelink on them, or vigilance - then block with first strike - or if im too big with the Favourable Winds, just first strike 'em. The think twice and syncopate really do help, i like being able to cycle with the draw, because sometimes i miss a land drop, but the next card was land, so then im back on curve!


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Alright first of all, I didn't manage to get all the cards in time. I didnt get an Angel of Serenity, an Azorius Charm, no Syncopates and no Think Twice. I replaced them with 3 Thought Scour, 2 Spell Blast, 2 Negate and 2 Fog Bank.

Match 1 : 2-0 (Bye) I got the bye, so...instant win i guess.

Match 2 : 0-2 (Elf Ball) Was up against mono green Elf Ball. Ramped into a turn 3 Kalonian Hydra, and well, I got stomped even if i did detain the Hydra many times. I got him down to 10 in one match. I side boarded the Detention Sphere and Cyclonic Rifts against him, but never saw any of them to play.

Match 3: 2-1 (Pack Rat) This was a fun match. He was running a Blue/Black Pack Rat deck. I got overwhelmed round one as he produced more creatures at a faster rate than i was. second round I side boarded in Pithing Needle. I drew it about 3rd turn, and named Pack Rat and that was pretty much GG. I won the next two games with sheer flier power.

Match 4: 0-2 (American Flash) Ugh, the worst. He countered everything, but he wasn't sure if anything was a threat. He mostly pillar'd and searing speared my creatures, because he countered the Favorable Winds - expecting Lingering Souls. but without the extra buff, my creatures died to the spells.

In the end, I came 7th out of 24~ish people. I quite like it, but definitely need better counter spells. Thought Scour is quite alright, as I seem to Mill people out of the card they need, or that one land they needed. but getting Syncopate is a definite MUST.


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #84 position overall 11 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 2 Mythic Rares

9 - 10 Rares

22 - 2 Uncommons

9 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.95
Tokens Emblem Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Spirit 1/1 W
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