dorminjake says... #6
@theurbanraptor I love this comment. This comment, it is tits.
February 22, 2012 4:29 p.m.
I love all of the combos in this deck, was going to do something similar but with damage, using Underworld Dreams and Psychosis Crawler. I'd think about some Horizon Spellbombs even though you don't need too much mana, you'll still get to draw a card.
February 22, 2012 4:46 p.m.
theurbanraptor says... #8
what about Thought Scour instead of Ponder it also will let you mill.
February 22, 2012 4:52 p.m.
dorminjake says... #9
I initially had Thought Scour, but the mill is pretty small and I'd personally rather dig three cards deep to find whatever crucial card I need. Once the enchantment combo is set up, milling is not a problem. But you definitely want to get those pieces out, as well as having fogs when you need them.
I think it's mostly personal preference between it and Ponder, to be honest.
February 22, 2012 5 p.m.
[Grafdigger's Cage] is a must sideboard card, unless your metagame doesnt run any solar flare decks or pod decks. It also shuts down undying.
February 22, 2012 5:49 p.m.
dorminjake says... #11
@godly111 the only card in my deck that cares about undying is Blasphemous Act , and even then it isn't that big of a deal. Otherwise I just Fog everything. I'm using Surgical Extraction as my graveyard hate instead, as it can delete entire playsets of cards that might give me trouble, thinning the opponents' deck in the process.
Grafdigger's Cage is amazing, for sure, but I feel the Extractions are more suited to what this deck is trying to accomplish.
February 22, 2012 5:56 p.m.
True, but run it against my The Other Pod deck and you will see how important it is to shut down a persons graveyard or library. Control what they draw or dont draw and you can minimize their removal of your enchantments. A person runs a similar deck in my area, and I have decked them.
February 22, 2012 6:40 p.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #13
True dat about Graffdiggers Cage...
Have you thought about splashing white just for Stonehorn Dignitary? Just a thought. Plus, the added white could give you access to Oblivion Ring and other control options.
February 22, 2012 7:07 p.m.
generalmoepie says... #14
ever thought of a win condition? Labratory Maniac would seal the deal for ur defensive mill and draw deck.
February 22, 2012 7:16 p.m.
dorminjake says... #15
@generalmoepie My win condition is I mill my opponent to death. I'm not crazy about the idea of self-mill.
February 22, 2012 7:49 p.m.
kingboo3000 says... #16
I think you need 3x Jace. He's amazing for this deck. With Jace's Erasure, you'll mill your opponent 3 a turn. Not bad at all. Not only that, but he's basically your only win-con. Sure, you MIGHT be able to mill your opponent with your various other means, but I think he's pretty much a win against any combat heavy deck.
February 22, 2012 9:55 p.m.
If you want to up your chances against red, consider going bant so you have access to Timely Reinforcements. White also gives you Day of Judgment, Gideon Jura, and Midnight Haunting/Lingering Souls.
February 22, 2012 10:56 p.m.
compgurusteve says... #18
Why not ancient grudge for the shrines until you can get witch bane orb up? +1ed this
February 23, 2012 12:38 a.m.
OmegaSerris says... #19
No love for Jace's Archivist? I think he could speed up the mill by at least a few turns with all of the card draw you are sporting. He is especially potent with Jace's Erasure and he can turn any bounce effect in to solid removal (since they are discarding their hand). The only down side is that hand you get in return can be unpredictable.
February 23, 2012 2:50 a.m.
I know the idea is to be relatively creature-less but Undead Alchemist does exactly what your deck wants to do. Even if you don't attack with it, it turns your mill spells into token generators, creating creatures to block or continue to mill your opponent.
February 23, 2012 11 a.m.
kingboo3000 says... #21
If you like undead alchemist, check out this hilariously awesome zombie mill deck!
February 23, 2012 noon
dorminjake says... #22
Lots of suggestions in the past 19 hours. I'd like to respond to each, but I don't -yet- have the cards/experience to answer each as fully as I'd like. The current posted deck list above is constructed only of cards I now have access to. The cards in the maybeboard and each of your above suggestions are things I would like to test/purchase first, but don't have the time or resources to do so before tomorrow night's FNM.
After tomorrow, when I get to see what this deck actually does in real, paper life, I'll know what its weaknesses are and we can maybe work together to cover up the vulnerable points. I could also try to get my hands on some of these other cards.
Jace's Archivist, in particular, is a creature I'd love to run through the paces, but was shy to include him without seeing how the rest of the deck worked together first.
I will definitely be making a tournament report tomorrow, along with any news on whether or not I'm banned from the store for turbofogging everyone to annoyance. I anticipate the latter for sure, ha.
February 23, 2012 3:40 p.m.
would be a good fit since you run Blunt the Assault. It might actually turn into a late-game win condition.
February 24, 2012 4:59 a.m.
Seems fun!If it were me, I'd probably run some spot removal like Incinerate (maybe even Silent Departure or Vapor Snag), but I can see the argument against that. It's honestly a little cool that your using mill as a win-con as opposed to using it to just fill your 'yard, most decks have been using that stuff to fuel their flashback spells instead of killing opponents since Innistrad hit.
February 24, 2012 5:11 a.m.
I was looking at your solution to burn and I tot if you had splash white. U can cast archangel light to gain ridiculous amount of life and shuffle your graveyard too.
dorminjake says... #4
@azmodai2 Clarified my position on red mages above, in the description.
Also: white mages smell funny. Clearly I am the most serious person.
Also also: I actually really agree with you regarding Surgical Extraction. I'm going to think on it, and will try to fit it into the main deck later tonight. Thanks for the suggestion!
February 22, 2012 3:04 p.m.