Tamiyo's Turbofog

Casual dorminjake

SCORE: 126 | 232 COMMENTS | 46025 VIEWS | IN 37 FOLDERS

dorminjake says... #1

I agree with everyone about the Otherworld AtlasMTG Card: Otherworld Atlas removal. It's just too slow and clunky, and Thought ScourMTG Card: Thought Scour, Jace, Memory AdeptMTG Card: Jace, Memory Adept, and Tamiyo, the Moon Sage MTG Card: Tamiyo, the Moon Sage all offer alternate methods of drawing cards in addition to my Rites of FlourishingMTG Card: Rites of Flourishing.

So that gives me room for more versatile things like Noxious Revival MTG Card: Noxious Revival and Karn LiberatedMTG Card: Karn Liberated.

Also, finally agreed on MoonmistMTG Card: Moonmist > Terrifying PresenceMTG Card: Terrifying Presence. Will move a couple of presences to the sideboard to bring in against werewolves.

May 12, 2012 3:33 p.m.

CrushU says... #2

Are you sure about MoonmistMTG Card: Moonmist > Terrifying PresenceMTG Card: Terrifying Presence?? I was using Presence to activate Clinging MistsMTG Card: Clinging Mists fateful hour...

May 12, 2012 3:37 p.m.

dorminjake says... #3

@CrushU I'm just terrified (rimshot) of fateful hour. It's just soooo close to death. It does make for a cool interaction with Tamiyo, the Moon Sage MTG Card: Tamiyo, the Moon Sage 's -2, but only if you play her after the mists. Otherwise, she might be the one getting attacked.

It's a cool interaction, and if it works that's great, but I'm just scared/cautious/etc. Things like HellriderMTG Card: Hellrider have me seeing waking nightmares ahhh.

May 12, 2012 4 p.m.

Darkmeow says... #4

I'm building this and testing it on MTGO :D

May 12, 2012 8:38 p.m.

dorminjake says... #5

There have been some janky combo decks cropping up at my local game store of late. The ones I'm most afraid of are the two Venser, the SojournerMTG Card: Venser, the Sojourner decks that are currently floating around at FNM. To that end, I'm nixing my two sideboard Terrifying PresenceMTG Card: Terrifying Presence for 2x Volition ReinsMTG Card: Volition Reins.

Because I'm feeling evil. And I like the prospect of potentially playing with four planeswalkers at one time.

May 13, 2012 12:55 a.m.

dorminjake says... #6

Also: I'm finally ready to take the current incarnation of this deck into battle, as I've finally acquired my 2x Tamiyo, the Moon Sage MTG Card: Tamiyo, the Moon Sage . So this is going to be happening soon.

My goal is to win one round and then get punched in the face.

May 13, 2012 12:57 a.m.

ryanw2011 says... #7

I don't like the Karn LiberatedMTG Card: Karn Liberated. Personally, i built this exact deck yesterday before you made all these changes, and WRECKED with it. The only problem i saw with it at all was the fact that it needed removal for things such as Liliana of the VeilMTG Card: Liliana of the Veil. I fixed this problem by taking out the 2 Otherworld AtlasMTG Card: Otherworld Atlas and adding in 2 Beast WithinMTG Card: Beast Within in their place.

May 13, 2012 1:15 a.m.

dorminjake says... #8

Karn LiberatedMTG Card: Karn Liberated also takes out Liliana of the VeilMTG Card: Liliana of the Veil! I mean, you are right. Beast WithinMTG Card: Beast Within is better for that sort of thing. I think I'll replace NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalize on the sideboard with it.

But I love Karn. I'll also be the first to admit a strong bias towards him, as the first legendary creature I ever personally owned was Karn, Silver GolemMTG Card: Karn, Silver Golem, and I can't help but include the one-of while he's legal. And he is really good removal, and he is an alternate win-con, and I had a mostly free slot. But yeah, I'm biased about him, so feel free to swap him out for anything you want. Devastation TideMTG Card: Devastation Tide might be spiffy, though I'm a little annoyed that it also bounces Rites of FlourishingMTG Card: Rites of Flourishing back to your hand. I might include that as a one-of as well. Thinking about it.

But yeah, Beast WithinMTG Card: Beast Within is going on the sideboard, along with the 2x Volition ReinsMTG Card: Volition Reins I just put there, for enemy planeswalker slaying/recruiting purposes. Thanks for the suggestion!

May 13, 2012 1:28 a.m.

cobracon7 says... #9

I made an Esper Super Friends I can't wait to take to FNM, for sideboards like yours... I made a 15 card interchangable sideboard to go from Super Friends to Tokens, its gonna blow peoples minds!

May 13, 2012 3:29 a.m.

dorminjake says... #10

@cobracon7 I like the way you think! Drastic sideboards are hilarious, especially those rare ones that change one of the deck's colors entirely! I want to throw something like that together some day.

May 13, 2012 3:37 a.m.

cobracon7 says... #11

Never done the entire color switch, always thought that'd be great, switch from GW humans to RW humans, that'd be hillarious!

May 13, 2012 5:11 a.m.

mafteechr says... #12

Tamiyo, the Moon Sage MTG Card: Tamiyo, the Moon Sage 's ultimate can turn Thought ScourMTG Card: Thought Scour into a repeating Ancestral RecallMTG Card: Ancestral Recall or an easy to mill your opponent.

May 13, 2012 10:03 a.m.

dorminjake says... #13

Yep! Thought ScourMTG Card: Thought Scour is a great turn one card AND a great finisher in this deck, how crazy is that? Who has two thumbs and enjoys this card interaction?


May 13, 2012 10:43 a.m.

auntarok says... #14

All I have to say is bravo this deck looks like so much fun

May 14, 2012 1:56 p.m.

ireman4life says... #15

This is a funny match up against my deck:liquimetal-rug-update. 2 decks that make people rage lol.

May 15, 2012 12:10 a.m.

ireman4life says... #16

Also, a Dissipation FieldMTG Card: Dissipation Field could help. Bounce back things, destroy tokens and help save the prevent damage cards.

May 15, 2012 3:12 a.m.

I playtested this against my Frites deck ... I just kept throwing out fog effects stalling and stalling until I could get Jace out and/or Increasing Confusion cast once or twice. Frites in one game had Elesh Norn, Sheoldred, Mikaeus Unhallowed, two Wurmcoil, two Fire Titans, 4 spirits, and 6 mana dorks out. This deck had 40+ life at that point because of a couple Blunt the Assaults I cast. Then I got Jace out and using him and Increasing Confusion I milled Frites to death. Too much fun!!!! I can only imagine a player on the other side mouthing the words "WTF!!" :)

+1 for this deck!!

May 25, 2012 12:17 p.m.

vindicated says... #18

How does this match up against Wolf-Run Delver and GR Aggro? I have the cards to make every deck in standard and wondering how its matchups are. Currently I'm playing a mono blue control that run 4 Phyrexian Metamorphs and 4 Phantasmal Images to copy the 3 frost Titans I have and create a Lock out.

July 3, 2012 10:19 a.m.

dorminjake says... #19

This deck would probably do very well versus Frost Titan s (as long as you Fog in response to having lands tapped down), but against decks with red, it's probably not going to go very well.

GR Aggro, for instance, has Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip , and even if you're able to fog away all combat damage, your opponent could just alternate between casting multiple spells and casting none, in order to kill you with transform triggers.

Wolf Run decks are even worse, on the average, as most run Inferno Titan in addition to the aforementioned Huntmaster, both of which are excellent ways to kill you without ever landing a single point of actual combat damage.

Delver is going to be a serious problem because of its speed, and will be even more problematic if it runs any counterspells at all. Having a Clinging Mists get Negate d in the face of lethal damage is not going to go well.

It should be said that the goal of this deck is not really to win every game. This deck is all about style, and frustration, and getting your opponent to either ragequit or high-five you. It's going to perform poorly against anything with burn our counterspells (burn can be mitigated somewhat by Witchbane Orb , but it's all up to luck to get it out into play before you're dead), but against most decks, especially durdly aggro decks, white weenie, green stompy, that sort of thing, you are going to mop the floor with your opponent, and demoralize them utterly. Just be wary of things like Grand Abolisher .

All that said, Frost Titan s sound fun. Have you considered Infinite Reflection with those titans? Maybe toss in some cheap illusions or something like Phantasmal Bear and Lord of the Unreal , and then -wham- NOW THEY'RE ALL FROST TITANS. Could be fun!

July 3, 2012 4:02 p.m.

I have been wondering how Talrand, Sky Summoner might fit into this deck. With all the instants and sorceries, and the rebound of many with Snapcaster Mage s you get a Talrand out and can pump out flying drakes. At least it gives an interesting option instead of mill or in addition to. Only thing is what to take out. Hard choice I think.

July 8, 2012 12:25 p.m.

dorminjake says... #21

@amazingronaldo I think he could definitely be a good sideboard card, if nothing else! I'm going to throw him on my Maybeboard for now. I think he's an excellent alternate win condition, especially if you bring him in during game two, hopefully after your opponent has sided out all of their removal spells.

I haven't gotten a good chance to look into editing this deck with M13 yet. I'll make an update when I get back into Turbofog mode.

July 8, 2012 12:51 p.m.

dorminjake says... #22

Also: thanks for the suggestion!

July 8, 2012 12:51 p.m.

Tioras says... #23

I've been running a stripped down, cheap version of turbofog for giggles on MGTO. Like you said, I get a lot of people hating on me because of it, and occasionally someone will be impressed.

Burn isnt as much of an issue as I thought it would be. Blunt the assault helps a lot here, unless it's straight burn and no creatures. Wolf-Run isnt so bad either, as someone has to be turned sideways to make the wolf-run effective. The question is.... How to deal with delver?

I'm curious to know if you had any matches against delver, and what your strategy was. After all, they dont need any buffs on a delver, so long as they can back it with dissipate and mana leak.

July 9, 2012 9:31 a.m.

Shrodinger says... #24

Your deck basically turn MTG into a one player game. As long as you have fogs, you win ; if not, you lose. Opponent really doesn't matter much in most cases.

Turning MTG into a one player game is probably why people dont like playing against turbo fog.

July 9, 2012 4:36 p.m.

dorminjake says... #25

@Tioras Yeah, that's a pretty grim matchup. You can side in Negate after game 1, and I intend to add some Fog Bank s in the sideboard to try to slow Delver's tempo a bit, but uh, yeah. It's going to be difficult to beat Delver.

A smallish fraction of Delver decks run only a few counterspells, so you could hope you're going against one of those, rather than the ones with six counterspells in their sideboard. I know that's not entirely comforting, but woooo honesty!

July 9, 2012 4:39 p.m.

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