
Jan Jansen wants to build a beautiful artifact sac engine and convert the game with aristocrat triggers

We want to quickly play value artifacts and setup a recursion loop with Jan Jansen and one of our star goblins. We will try to card-draw as fast as possible to get one of these silly little guys. Once we've accrued enough value and have some nice card draw going, we'll want to untap Jan as often as possible and bring in one of our etb/ltb aristocrats to start dealing damage and close the game.

We have several pay-off options to close out games. Marionette Master is our absolute all-star. This is easily our best damage dealer and we'll want to save it until we're in a dominant position or she'll eat removal really quickly.

Marionette Apprentice is nice as she makes a token we can sac if we need to get the engine running.

Mirkwood Bats has insane damage potential and almost competes with marionette master on that front.

Mayhem Devil can give us some targeted removal if absolutely needed.

Hedron Detonator is a bit of a weird pick...sometimes the extra card advantage is just what we need and for that I like to keep him around.

Disciple of the vault can't be beat for one mana, plus it doesn't make the entire table want to kill us. Kambal is a solid guy to get out and just let him sit around and incidentally accrue value.

Pactdoll Terror is definitely our worst damage output, but him being an artifact is nice because if we end up discarding him or he dies, we can likely bring him back with our artifact grave retrieval.

The Meathook Massacre just simply can't be beat. A board wipe and damage dealer? What's not to love? I guess the price...

Our absolute favorite card draw engine is a repeatable grave retrieval guy and ichor wellspring or mephitic draught. This paired with Jan and one of our "creature etb's draw a card" mechanics will do wonders for our engine. Pair that with Gandalf the White and we're drawing 6 cards and making 2 constructs (all while hopefully draining some life).

Experimental synthesizer is similar but of course, the impulse aspect makes it a bit less versatile. We just have to use it on our turn when we have plenty of mana. Almost everything in this deck is cheap enough that playing whatever we exile shouldn't be an issue. It just is a shame we can't do this on other turns.

Skullclamp is sorta like going to chipotle. It's almost always awesome, but occasionally we will get burnt chicken...or at least a 1 mana do nothing. When we don't need our constructs as fuel for Jan, it's an excellent way to get a significant card advantage. The issue is that sometimes we'll run into a situation where we really need to sac the constructs to Jan for treasure so skullclamp can be dead in these scenarios. Worst case, it's 1 mana for an artifact to get Jan rolling, but more times than not this is a beast of a card.

Several creature/token ETBs like welcoming vampire, Losheel, Tocasia's Welcome and Caretaker's Talent. (Caretaker's is a bit better because our treasures will also trigger)

Morbid opportunist synergizes great with sac'ing our constructs. Plus it just incidentally draws cards from whatever our opponents are up to.

Braids, Arisen Nightmare almost always gets at least one card and can catch value when our opponents choose to deny the card. Honestly, Braids is often a kill on sight creature for my play group.

Esper Sentinel. Enough said.

Market Gnome fits in with the ichor wellsprings of the world but can be a nice blocker and makes treasures which are often better than constructs.

Professional Face-Breaker, Breya's Apprentice, and Hedron Detonator give us impulse draw if we're in a pinch or know we can afford whatever we hit. I didn't like these type cards for a long time but they've grown on me as they often get me out of dire situations. Sometimes that extra gas is all we need to get rolling. Inspired Tinkering is sorta in this category, but he makes 3 treasures, impulse draws 3, and gives me until the end of my next turn? Shoooooot that's just great value. 5 mana means we won't be able to play this until the mid game, but I'm okay with that.

Fanatical Offering and Deadly Dispute sac an artifact, draw 2, and give us another artifact for the engine? These feel sweet to play. Sometimes you can get stuck without something to sacrifice, but more often than not these cards just help keep the engine running smoothly. Seize the spoils, unexpected windfall, and big score have similar effects and have been in and out of this deck at times. Currently, I've chosen to go with the ETB effects over these, but a case could be made to bring them back.

Urza and Mishra's Bauble just replace themselves while also potentially being a sacrifice fuel and maybe a precision target. I like them, I'm not sure if they're the best but I feel like they are good.

Can you tell I really like card draw?

I think the card draw will really make or break this deck. We need several pieces together to get an efficient engine. We'll run out of gas real quick if we don't find some of our better card draw pieces quickly. I've chosen not to run tutors (besides Goblin Engineer and Urza's Saga...because I just can't not use Goblin Engineer's recursion effect and I pulled Urza's Saga from a it fits well enough while tutoring up Skullclamp or sol ring so it doesn't feel toooo bad) so we rely heavily on big card draw to get the 3 main pillars of the deck: Aristocrats, Untappers, Card Draw. Once we have these three with Jan...oooh we're cooking.

Oh...and Bolas's Citadel...This card is of course great in the deck. Card advantage, sac 10 permanents isn't out of the realm for Jan, and we have several ways to bring it back should it die or be discarded at some point. I got this from a mystery booster 2 box and just felt like I had no choice but to run it.

Angel of Ruins, Demonic Junker and Unexplained Abscence are all great. Hitting multiple things feels like great value. Plus our opponents tend to be less upset when we blow up their best permanent since we also take out two of their opponent's best things.

Deadly Rollick is free.

Spiteful Banditry and Meathook Massacre will both be our board wipes. Sometimes they might be pretty expensive to kill our opponents creatures, but their effects after the fact make them well worth it in my opinion.

Austere Command and Farewell make a lot of sense for my group. Austere Command because most of my creatures have CMC 3 or less and I can hit enchantments. My meta is often enchantment heavy and Jan doesn't run a whole lot of enchantments so I'm generally more than happy to nuke them.

Witch Enchanter is a land.

Mayhem Devil can snipe creatures if needed. A little inefficient but we'll take it since he can also drain life totals if that is what we need.

Reprieve is just a nice tempo piece that replaces itself with a new card. I kinda love it.

Deflecting Swat is awesome and has won me several games during critical moments. This was an awesome birthday gift from my partner and I'm always happy to have it as the ace up my sleeve when needed.

I know what you're swords? No path? Aren't you a little light on interaction? Yes...and no. I'm not planning to stop everything my opponents do. Hopefully just the stuff that's really bad for us. I want to mostly focus on our own engine and just try to ensure this isn't disrupted. Outside of that, little Jimmy can keep his dinos.

Backup generators are always a good idea when preparing for the wrath of god. Maybe Jan will face the day of judgment, but we can try to keep moving forward with alternatives like Lotho, Illustrious Wanderglyph, Smothering Tithe, Monologue Tax, Spiteful Banditry and Rose Room Treasurer. These are of course no where near as good at making tokens as Jan and a nice untapper, but sometimes that extra fuel can make the difference. Or cards like Lotho are a great turn 2 play so Jan has a target when he comes in later.

Goblin Engineer and Goblin Welder are all-stars in this deck. Sac an artifact and bring back anything? Yes please. Sac ichor wellspring, draw a card, and bring back Bolas's citadel or wurmcoil engine? Sign me up again. Daretti, Scrap Savant, and Daretti, Rocketeer Engineer are awesome and fill a similar role but we may struggle to protect Scrap Savant and Rocketeer needs an easy target if we want to keep swinging.

Sun Titan and Teshar are of course a bit more limited, but we can often get our value pieces like ichor wellspring and all is good in the world. Plus Sun Titan is just a cool pet card and I'm happy to have a deck for him.

Sevinne's Reclamation is good because of the flashback on it meaning we can do it at twice. It feels eh but we're kinda limited on our grave retrieval options so it'll do for now. I could replace this with Trash for Treasure or Scrap Trawler / Myr Retriever type cards, but these just often don't feel great. You would expect Scrap Trawler to be busted in this deck, but most of the time we're sacrificing tokens so he kinda falls flat. Sometimes he's great. Sometimes he's nothing more than a 3 mana chump.

We all need a few pet cards or just nice cards that can help push us over the finish line.

Gandalf the White was a gift from a friend and I'm thrilled to finally have a home for the little guy. He honestly feels great and helps turbo charge our value engines. Pair him with our ETB/LTB card draw or aristocrats and he'll go crazy. Flash is usually not that useful but I'll take the gravy anyways.

Goldspan Dragon feels awesome to play and always makes a huge impact. I mean double treasure in a treasure deck is a no brainer.

Mondrak, Glory Dominus is a great token doubler while often acting as an indestructible blocker and gives us a sac option for ichor wellspring-type cards. He is subject to more removal than anointed procession might be, but I like playing him more and he gets less of a bad reputation than an anointed procession. For some reason, AP turns me into the arch-enemy while Mondrak just puts me on the FBI watch list.

Rose Room Treasurer makes tokens from creatures and can sometimes be removal. This card is awesome and I love it. I don't care what anyone says.

Wurmcoil Engine always feels good to play. We can occasionally get it in a recession loop and start to pump out 3/3 wurms which is also super great. We can typically cheat him out too, get him into grave by drawing past 7 and then bring him back with a goblin engineer or something.

Not much to say here...Untapping Jan is great. We wanna do that a lot so: Umbral Mantle Sting, the Glinting Dagger Dazzling Theater White Plume Adventurer Drumbellower

We could go the route of making Jan an artifact and untapping with stuff like unwinding clock, but this goes infinite and I'm trying to avoid tutors and infinite combos. That being said...we can go infinite with Jan, Goldspan dragon, and umbral mantle...pair that with an aristocrat or something to draw our deck like a professional face-breaker...but I like these cards enough by themselves and it will rarely happen so I'm gonna keep it for now.

I would love feedback on optimizing this deck:) I'm always looking for extra optimization and cards that are unique for this mardu artifact type. An issue I sometimes run into...if I whiff on a few card draw attempts it may be difficult to get up and running because we need the trifecta of card draw, untap, and recussion. Getting all 3 of these can sometimes be a bit tough and if we burn out early it will be difficult to get up and running. I'm constantly tweaking the ratio of sac'able artifacts/pay-off cards. Maybe someday I'll stop updating this daily...


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91% Casual


Top Ranked
Date added 7 months
Last updated 3 days

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

52 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.19
Tokens A Mysterious Creature, City's Blessing, Construct 0/0 C, Construct 1/1 C, Copy Clone, Dungeon: Undercity, Emblem Daretti, Scrap Savant, Fish 1/1 U, Gnome 1/1 C, Map, Phyrexian Mite 1/1 C, Samurai 2/2 W, Servo 1/1 C, Skeleton 4/1 B, The Initiative, Thopter 1/1 C, Treasure, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink, Zombie 2/2 B
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