Tap Tap Revenge

Modern Jdvanliew

SCORE: 121 | 181 COMMENTS | 11137 VIEWS | IN 19 FOLDERS

Instead of the 2 Fervor , you can put in a couple of Fastbond for getting haste quicker, although it is not legal for modern. Otherwise, insanely awesome deck!!

May 14, 2014 11:45 a.m.
May 14, 2014 11:47 a.m.

No problem. Plus, loving that Axebane Guardian ramp strategy. I use that setup in my modern ramp deck (coming soon).

May 14, 2014 7:32 p.m.

holy_cow_2 says... #5

+1 Very nice! Looks like a ton of fun to play. Can I ask, why only three Misty Rainforest s instead of the full set?

May 22, 2014 2:57 p.m.

daltonnelson says... #7

Nice little twist on this concept. Wish I was the 69th person to plus one uInstead of the 70th

May 22, 2014 3:44 p.m.

daltonnelson says... #9

Cuz 69... I am a loser and have no life. you have to understand.. i haves issues

May 22, 2014 7:10 p.m.

Darkside says... #10

This is AWESOME!! Always loved Godsire. Glad to see him put to good use!! 4 Idyllic Tutor could definitely help you find a Parallel Lives or a Doubling Season for extra lols, right?? XD Either way, definite +1 from me.

May 28, 2014 3:15 p.m.

Prehcise says... #12

Pretty sweet deck. I saw it a while back, but the current version is much better than before. I just playtested it, and combo'd out on turn 4 with Presence of Gond and Intruder Alarm . Unless the opponent had an immediate way to deal with it, then that would've been game. Idyllic Tutor is such a great card to have in here.

To be honest, there's not much that comes to mind to help you, other than instead of Fireball , maybe Banefire would suit better as a Sideboard finisher. It can't be countered or its damage prevented.

May 28, 2014 7:02 p.m.

I really like where this deck has gone. The tutors for both enchantments and/or creatures are great additions that really pull the deck together (given the multiple combos in the deck). Makes it kind of a toolbox deck. Really great evolution. Great deck Jdvanliew and great job developing it to where it is.

May 28, 2014 8:57 p.m.

UrbanAnathema says... #16

Nice. I would run 3ofs each of Idyllic Tutor and Intruder Alarm

I would also consider switching out Wall of Denial for Drift of Phantasms as it can be used as a tutor for your Staff of Domination

2x City of Brass might be helpful as mana fixing as your mana base is a tad stretched.

You do really need to work on your sideboard, as right now it just seems to be stuff you would swap out for in certain situations, but largely doesn't address any of the decks weaknesses against the meta.

Otherwise...Nice variation on Dave's deck!

June 2, 2014 5:05 p.m.

UrbanAnathema says... #18

Eh. To each their own as far as Mana Confluence over COB. Personally I would rather have the one that I can prevent the damage. But to reach their own. As for your sideboard, you should start focus on making sure you have answers to each archetype. Control, Combo, Aggro and Midrange for starters. Protecting your combo is key. Speaking of which again I repeat... As Intruder Alarm is your key combo piece. Having only two in the deck (even if you have tutors) seems imprudent. Might also consider Vent Sentinel

June 2, 2014 9:05 p.m.

UrbanAnathema says... #19

Just as an example... this is a defender combo deck. You are basically hedging on a strategy of blocking early threats until you can get your combo off. (It's not a bad strategy, I utilize it as well in deck The Source Wall)

A single card like Earwig Squad can completely neutralize and neuter your deck simply by being played. You need to have your key combo enabler be at the VERY least a 3 of, and you need to have means of countering a combo hose, and even proactively being able to prevent them from being played. Thoughtseize Duress etc.

Your entire deck is focused on getting your combo out, but you have no prevention or answer to any sort of disruption designed to thwart a combo deck, nothing to protect your permanents, etc.

This is where I think things like Wall of Denial and Staff of Domination (while good cards in their own right) are cards that you should consider dropping in favor of cards that can protect your primary combo pieces, and you should up the count of your combo pieces. Infinite tokens seems to be your primary wincon...where infinite mana seems to be extraneous.

Just thinks to consider if you really want to take the deck to a competitive level.

June 3, 2014 11:07 a.m.

UrbanAnathema says... #21

Since you have no removal, you may also want to consider AEther Membrane and Doran, the Siege Tower

June 3, 2014 11:26 p.m.

Smellygoat11 says... #22

Ghostway vs. Boardwipes. Also maybe consider Deadeye Navigator for some fancy combos.

Really cool deck man, +1!

June 23, 2014 8:35 p.m.

jessebow2000 says... #25

instead of Rootborn Defenses put in Boros Charm

July 7, 2014 12:24 p.m.

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