Well, I very rarely attack. To be honest it seldom lasts long enough (both me winning or losing) for me to utilize the Mana Skimmer while the worms and leeches are used for the tap abilities, and the blistergrubs usually have their swampwalk "activated" thanks to Contaminated Ground .
However, Political Trickery does look like it could be somewhat useful. I'll consider it and see if i can find some way to work it in.
November 30, 2013 11:43 a.m.
I like the theme, but shouldn't a control deck have more countermagic? This seems to offer a lot of protection against aggro, but what about burn; what about a match up against a W/U 'permission' / 'draw-go' control deck?
For land destruction, Rain of Tears for black is about as good as it gets.
To be a proper Cruel Control, it needs more discarding spells and creature-kill.
Last question: What is your actual win-condition? What's the finisher after you've controlled your opponent's board?
December 30, 2013 10:46 p.m.
Never mind, I just now noticed Rain of Tears in the sideboard.
I'd make more suggestions, but they would unmake the theme you're going for.Still, consider more classic U/B annoyances (Doom Blade , Boomerang / Disperse , Duress / Thoughtseize / Hymn to Tourach , etc.)
December 30, 2013 10:49 p.m.
I like the bounce cards for sure. And I do see what you mean about attacking their hand as well. The main problem I'm having is deciding what to take out? Probably the Blistergrub and Evil Twin ?
December 30, 2013 10:55 p.m.
Keep at least one Evil Twin , like other Clone s, that can end up being your finisher. A strategy I like with Dimir Control is to stop my opponent from doing anything except summon a really awesome creature, then I clone it and kill theirs and continue countering/bouncing/killing their stuff so only my cloned copy of their awesome creature is doing any attacking. Evil Twin has that strategy built in.
I think Blistergrub is safe to take out. I like that it is unblockable if Contaminated Ground is in effect, but it doesn't otherwise fit the theme. Deathcult Rogue or Phantom Warrior are the same cmc and don't need landwalk to be unblockable.
And, if you like tapping other people's stuff, Gigadrowse and Hidden Strings are pretty boss.
December 30, 2013 11:16 p.m.
A slightly cheaper, enchantment version of Dread is No Mercy . It can't swing for 6 each turn, but has the same 'Don't attack me please' ability.
December 30, 2013 11:25 p.m.
I agree on the Evil Twin, it's won me a couple of games before (Like copying a Vigor that couldn't be responded to :) )
The one thing I like about the blistergrub was that, either way, whether it was blocked or not that person was going to lose 2 life; However, the consisten unblockability is definitely more consistent and trustworthy so thank you for those two creature suggestions.
I like Gigadrowse for sure, however other than the one time use, I don't think I'll be attacking enough to benefit from the cipher on Hidden Strings however I'll keep it as a thought if i want to side out less spells for more creatures! :)
I had thought about No Mercy I'd just been too lazy to add it to the maybeboard in place of Dread In a perfect world I won't be getting attacked at all, but we don't live in a perfect world do we? lol
December 30, 2013 11:28 p.m.
Against a fast aggro deck, it's nearly impossible to prevent all attacks, but you can still punish them for it whenever possible. There's also sweepers like Damnation if you just want to clear the board, but I like your Dimir-esque theme of allowing them to pay more mana if they want to attack, but oh, all that Psychic Venom - that's the nasty, manipulative cruelty that I expect from a Dimir deck.
December 30, 2013 11:46 p.m.
Right? That's my favorite part about the entire deck! Thanks again for all of your suggestions! I've got plenty of choices now and I hope to get it running smoother soon enough
December 30, 2013 11:56 p.m.
+1 Looks good!
Depending on how casual you play, you can really hurt some lists with cards like Wind Zendikon and Eradicate ... Hurts a dual coloured deck without fancy lands and well, mono just has a bad day.
More for fun, but yeah. Anyways, I like your list!
January 28, 2014 1:54 a.m.
Thanks for the suggestions and the plus!
I REALLY like that eradicate can be used on creatures and I don't have to wait for them to hit the graveyard like Extirpate and Surgical Extraction however the 4cmc really saddens me, I'll keep it in mind for sure!
I also like the land enchantment. It can offer a small win con for me or at least additional blockers when necessary.
Great sideboard cards for sure!
January 28, 2014 2:01 a.m.
No worries! Did you see the interaction though? I mean, it's more worth it if you play against double or mono colour decks, but Eradicate ing a Wind Zendikon you've placed on say, RDW's mountain...Gets rid of all of their mountains.
It's more for casual play that is!
January 28, 2014 2:04 a.m.
Oh my god... I just realized the synergy between those two! Absolutely nasty!
Say bye bye to all your basics! Haha! I love it!
January 28, 2014 2:04 a.m.
It's a fun play for sure, and an encouragement for your friends to try a dual/tri coloured deck, lol.
January 28, 2014 2:07 a.m.
looks fun, but i must say. if your logic is dont run Boomerang because its cost is UU why run Distress at BB when you could run Thoughtseize at B ?
March 1, 2014 10:13 p.m.
kirakenso Yeah, I guess that is a bit contradictary.. I dunno, it is a better option that is for sure, but I haven't put it in the deck list because I don't own any, and the fact that they're 15 dollar cards kind of deters me from them as well :/
March 1, 2014 10:43 p.m.
cschiller I'm not too sure of the synergy those two have with the deck. I get Political Trickery giving them land they can't necessarily use to lock them out but in my opinion it gives me a tough choice to make when so many other things can happen at turn 3 (using the 3 cmc as the benchmark for turns).
And I'm not exactly sure what I'd be using Sorrow's Path for. I only have 2 creatures in the entire deck that would be attacking. The other 6 are for their activated ability almost primarily.
March 1, 2014 10:55 p.m.
Sorrows Path is to give to your opponent. The important part of the land is "Whenever it becomes tapped, it deals 2 damage to you and each creature you control." So you give it to your opponent and tap it for him using Mole Worms and Mana Leech . So you use Trickery to give it to him, get one of his lands and keep him off mana, then start shocking him and all his dudes every turn for the rest of the game.
March 1, 2014 11:08 p.m.
My apologies, the older rule formatting is confusing me. Do you not need legal targets for the first part? You can tap it without blocking creatures needing to be exchanged?
March 1, 2014 11:21 p.m.
Orcinbob ya they are a bit pricy, granted i did assume that you had the old "Budget=infinite" situation. on a side note, if you want a funny bomb, how about Lorthos, the Tidemaker , turn 8 and waiting for your opponent to bleed to death? forcefully tap 8 of his cursed lands how about?
March 2, 2014 10:58 a.m.
Gameover209X says... #23
Really like the deck. How has War Tax been working for you? I have a similar deck but I run Ghostly Prison to lock down as well.
Mana Short can be brutal and is one of the finishers in my deck.
My deck is here:
March 2, 2014 5:51 p.m.
@kirakenso Hahaha! That would be a crazy ultimate for the deck!
@Gameover209X Early, War Tax can keep me alive for when I am out of things to do or waiting for things to do. I also like War Tax specifically for the purpose of a mana dump later in the game. When I have nothing to do but I want to make absolutely sure I'm not going to be attacked I'll pump some mana into it.
I had a pair of Mana Short in the deck, not too sure why I took them out. I think I needed to make room for the advantage and tutor cards. I already had Mana Web in the deck so I figured I had that part already covered, thanks to the fact that they'll basically only have mana during their upkeep.
cschiller says... #1
Sorrow's Path + Political Trickery to give away a useless land that kills your opponent and possibly locks down their mana.
November 30, 2013 11:29 a.m.