That is a great idea, unfortunately Urborg is a tad bit out of budget for me and I'd want to make sure I had at least 2 for just in case reasons and to give me a better chance at getting them each game.
March 2, 2014 10:43 p.m.
After the Eradicate + Wind Zendikon combo goes off (if you put it in), you can Mind Grind for 1 and instantly mill them out. Just an idea after seeing that combo.
March 2, 2014 10:53 p.m.
Oh jesus, that is a nasty combo, I'll maybe board it for sure.
March 4, 2014 1:25 a.m.
Orcinbob might want to try Mind Funeral instead, on the off chance they run Teetering Peaks or Contested War Zone , well atleast at 1ub, you still have to get Mind Grind to 4ub to do the same though, and at that point...
March 4, 2014 8:07 a.m.
Gameover209X says... #10
Do you think Playsets of your land enchanments is too high?
Also, consider Into the Roil or Echoing Truth over Disperse
June 1, 2014 11:24 p.m.
Yes I do. I took one of each out and put lands in their place. Was it the right choice? I don't know yet... haven't had a chance to test it against friends for a while.. but thank you for the suggestions.
June 2, 2014 11:11 p.m.
Hi, I have build this thing on the same theme: On Deadly Ground. I hope you'll enjoy it and exchange some ideas.
ljs54321 says... #1
I don't know what your budget is and it may be a bit pricy, but have you thought about using Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to go along with Mana Web ? It would guarantee that all of their lands would get tapped at once every time they tap for mana.
March 2, 2014 10:40 p.m.