Grixis dragons test deck
Enter the fray as Nico Bolas's minions, he didn't want to waste his time on the puny foes at your local store. Instead, Bolas sent a friend, Tasigur, the Golden Fang, to help you take a bite out of the competition.
Deck plays as a midrange/control deck that stalls into mid/late game to finish off your opponents with fire from above.
Thunderbreak Regent is a good starter dragon that helps protect itself and its kin from removal.
Stormbreath Dragon has the very significant protection from white and haste to start the clock on your victory. It's monsterous ability help it to get bigger, and the 5 cmc helps it dodge Fatal Push.
Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury can protect and give himself haste by dashing in every turn to help stave off any removal. He also helps get in more damage by supporting your other dragons.
Dragonlord Kolaghan an epic shutdown to any deck wanting to play multiples of a creature or planeswalker. Your opponents duplicate Death's Shadow now can kill him/her.
Tasigur, the Golden Fang cause who doesn't love a 4/5 on turn 2 that can give you card advantage and dodge Fatal Push?
Fatal Push arguably one of the best removal cards in modern.
Inquisition of Kozilek straight up hand hate right there.
Serum Visions duh, I'd love to see the future and draw a card.
Thoughtseize I don't like your hand so... I am going take away that card from you. There much better hand.
Thought Scour Tasigur, the Golden Fang's best friend.
Izzet Charm Faithless Looting, Shock, and Spell Pierce all in the same card.
Mana Leak for the big, "No thank you" when your opponent wants to do something.
Terminate no creature gonna survive that. (Unless hexproof... stupid loop hole)
Anger of the Gods we don't do so well against wide creature decks or Kitchen Finks.
Electrolyze take care of those puny mana dorks and draw a card.
Kolaghan's Command so much value in one instant. Return a dragon, hand disruption, affinty hate, and a shock, seems okay I guess.
Chandra, Torch of Defiance card advantage, mana ramping, removal, and win condition girl, you looking might fine.
Nothing super fancy here except Haven of the Spirit Dragon for bringing back dragons from the dead.
Chandra, Torch of Defiance good for grindy match ups
Collective Brutality good answer to burn, Collected Company, and other aggro decks
Damnation just in case you need to remove a lot creatures at once.
Dragonlord Silumgar that's a nice planeswalker who can ult, be a shame if I stole it.
Foul-Tongue Invocation burn and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn removal plus gives extra life.
Kolaghan's Command affinty & eggs hate.
Icefall Regent to deal with Jund and Abzan decks who think they can remove everything with ease.
Stubborn Denial good against any removal heavy deck or Tron.
Terminate in case you don't have enough spot removal.
Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.