Tasigur Seasons Past / Season Pastigur
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 370 | 389 COMMENTS | 252556 VIEWS | IN 274 FOLDERS
LabManiac_Cameron says... #2
@Rzepkanut thanks for the suggestions. The deck is tuned to be able to have as much interaction as I can budget on turn 2-4 while still holding the game plan in place. The mana base is actually quite a sticky thing and adding in two lands that do not tap for colorless just doesn't work. Also keeping the CMC of spells down is quite huge, this puts Gearhulk out of the running simply as holding up 6 cmc to be able to only flashback instants is not quite as useful. Most of the instants are lower CMC and Snapcaster hits both instants and sorceries. Thing in the Ice however is card I haven't really considered yet. It seems like a good spot for something to gum up the ground. This has some potential but only in creature based games. There maybe something here but I suspect that in cEDH games it won't have the same impact as it does in more aggro formats.
I'll think about it and get back to you.
Also this deck originally started out as a battlecruiser deck trying to use Seasons Past.
http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/seasons-of-tasigur-past/ This is the original list I created. I found that the deck was super strong in 1v1 games and started trying to play the deck competitive. It then got a tune up and around, getting some reanimation from dies-to-doomblade's Tasigur primer but then trying to hold the control aspect that I originally had in my mind. I then had a few friends who were more into cEDH that helped me get things like my manabase in order.
December 12, 2016 11:21 p.m.
What do you think of Blue Sun's Zenith as another win condition for your deck?
February 1, 2017 11:31 p.m.
LabManiac_Cameron says... #4
kilgore: Blue Sun's Zenith just isn't good enough on its own. If I have infinite mana, I just use Tasigur and win. He's in the command zone and easily accessible, BSZ requires it being in hand to take advantage of the infinite mana.
If I do have infinite mana and have Tasigur then I have all non-land cards from my deck and I can cast them an infinite number of times by casting, then activating Tasigur again to get it back. From there I can either repeated Beast Within everything of my opponents, then Reality Shift all of my opponent's libraries away and Timetwister to instantly win. Or can Palinchron infinitely for Aetherflux Reservoir triggers to get enough life to kill all my opponents with the Reservoir.
Make sense?
February 2, 2017 3:05 p.m.
Thanks man. Are you discussing this list on r/cEDH anywhere?
February 2, 2017 11:04 p.m.
LabManiac_Cameron says... #6
At current outside of Tapped out, no. I am working on a primer for it and the play style behind it. I was planning on MTGS and Reddit when that gets done though.
February 3, 2017 12:06 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #7
If I'm trying to build this deck on a budget, is Day's Undoing a reasonable replacement for Timetwister, or should I simply neglect that effect and play something else?
Also, I really appreciate the content you guys produce on your youtube channel. :)
February 6, 2017 1:38 a.m.
LabManiac_Cameron says... #8
buildingadeck: Day's Undoing can work. Having Twister in the yard is a really big plus side to it. Also Day's Undoing ending your turn does hurt a bit. However, from a budget perspective it does work, it ticks the big boxes that Twister does for you, it draws 7, restocks your library and messes with your opponent's hands. If I had it in the deck I'd do my best to use Alchemist's Refuge to cast it at the end of someone else's turn though.
February 6, 2017 11:38 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #9
That is a smart play. If you have a moment, I'd love if you could check out my budget list: Yay!
I'm tinkering with Getrekt Leviathan as a budget monster, and it's so good with Aetherflux Reservoir and a couple Artifact ramp sources. I realize you cut it, but I am still curious if it might have a slot.
Also, Mystical Tutor over Vampiric Tutor seems strange unless you're worried about the lifeloss.
February 6, 2017 11:46 a.m.
LabManiac_Cameron says... #10
buildingadeck: Good spot on the tutors. You are correct, Vamp is just better than mystical. It is getting the swap out now. It got cut a long time ago when I took Imperial Seal out as well. Tutors to the top of the library aren't as good as to hand as they do not work with Seasons Past + Omni.
I'm looking over your list now and will comment.
February 6, 2017 12:29 p.m.
arideus101 says... #11
In my Atraxa list, which wins similarly, using an infinite mana combo or omniscience to cycle seasons past and a to-hand-tutor, I run Think Twice, as it enables the combo to work with to-top-tutors, and on it's own is an instant speed cantrip with potential late game upside. Have you at all considered Think Twice for this reason?
February 6, 2017 5:44 p.m.
LabManiac_Cameron says... #12
arideus101: I do not think that Think Twice provides the level of efficiency that this deck requires, 5 mana for two cards. It does provide flexibility but not the level of value that we need. If I were to include an instant speed card draw spell it would be something like Brainstorm or Thirst for Knowledge.
February 10, 2017 2:52 p.m.
LabManiac_Cameron says... #13
@bloris: Omniscience is mostly cheated into play with Show and Tell. Though both Omniscience and Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur have been hard cast in cEDH games with this deck. The deck does its best to make games go very long. I've had multiple games get to the point that I have all fetchable lands out of my deck and I use fetch lands as swamps with Urborg.
February 22, 2017 10 a.m.
How do you feel about Crucible of Worlds? Or is it redundant considering Seasons Past?
March 2, 2017 12:50 p.m.
LabManiac_Cameron says... #15
torridus: Historically I have looked at either Life from the Loam or Crucible of Worlds in a deck as they serve the same purpose. However in regards to mana related effects, Green is almost always the better option. This is the case here as well. The green option gives us more cards in our graveyard and works very well with the deck. If you were in a graveyard hate heavy meta, I could see running Crucible in addition to Life from the Loam. One issue you may run into though is that graveyard hate like Rest in Peace will blank both of those options.
March 2, 2017 1:05 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #16
Praetor's Grasp is interesting. I feel like it is a stellar answer to Food Chain builds, and it hurts many different combo decks while also allowing you to see any anomalies in the build whilst searching.
Arcane Denial to Delay feels weaker to me, but perhaps that's just me. I like that it draws you a card, and it works well with both Leovold, Emissary of Trest and Consecrated Sphinx.
Side thought: I was wondering the other day what makes Leo better than Notion Thief. Obviously, the cmc and the target abilities are major pros, but the pay-off from Thief seems astronomically better because the ability to draw a card still triggers (i.e. someone is playing a Padeem, Consul of Innovation, you get to draw an extra card). It would then operate as a pseudo Sphinx number 2 in a way.
March 14, 2017 12:37 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #17
Oof. I guess then Thrasios could kill you if he went infinite on draw with Notion Thief out. That's gross.
March 14, 2017 12:41 a.m.
LabManiac_Cameron says... #18
buildingadeck: Delay is something I've been debating and want to give a try. I may go back due to the other synergies we'll see how it goes after a few games.
Leo vs Notion Thief. The CMC is huge. The fact that if you or anything of yours is targeted with Leo is notable. Lastly the body on Leo is good as well, 3 hp vs 1 hp means that Leo can prevent incidental damage, which is always a concern with this deck. At one point I had both in the deck and Leo won the fight to remain.
March 14, 2017 1:03 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #19
I kind of figured it might have been because of those things, but I just wanted to check. This deck does hurt itself a lot; it's worse without ABUR Duals, lol, let me tell ya.
Side note: Are you playing in the reddit tourney?
March 14, 2017 1:19 a.m.
LabManiac_Cameron says... #20
The corner case of Notion Thief killing you is pretty rare but can happen, both Consecrated Sphinx and Thrasios are the big offenders there.
There is the last thing of Notion thief just putting a giant target on your head, where as Leo can act as a bit of a mediator between players. If Leo is holding one player down, others may protect Leo and help keep that player down while not positively impacting you. Where as they can't do that same thing with Notion Thief. Leo provides a passive shield on card draw for the table which people sometimes want. Notion Thief is a vacuum for all the card draw that only the controller wants.
I did not join in on the Reddit tourney. My life is quite full currently and just keeping up with work, college and editing the videos for the LabMan channel. I'm the video editing/production guy, Sigi does the audio. I did not feel that I could dedicate enough time to it and instead abstained.
March 14, 2017 11:45 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #21
Sphinx is a may ability, so that wouldn't happen, thankfully.
I see your point on Leo. If we're gonna play Archenemy, go all in and Exhume Jin T2. Lol.
I hear ya on the business. I'm about to graduate so things are stacked. I appreciate the work y'all do on those videos; I learn a lot from them and am constantly inspired to spend more money, lol.
If you get the chance, I'd love your feedback on my last cEDH game video that you can find in the updates of my Tas list.
March 14, 2017 11:51 a.m.
LabManiac_Cameron says... #22
Sphinx under an opponent's control is 'may' for them, Notion Thief is a Must for you. They can continue to choose to try and draw cards. You then are forced to continue to draw, each one letting them choose to draw two more, which feeds back over to you. Very, very, quickly you deck yourself on your forced draws from their 'may' draws. Then they may continue to draw cards based on all the triggers you gave them from decking yourself :D
I'll take a look at the video and get back to you.
March 14, 2017 12:03 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #23
Ah, I see your meaning. I thought you meant Sphinx in our control.
Thanks, mate. I know I make a major misplay at approx 11 minutes, but I think I did alright. Getting better at understanding cEDH; it's a complicated meta. :)
March 14, 2017 12:08 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #24
Is there a reason people think Consecrated Sphinx is bad? It's obviously not good in fast combo decks, but in a slow, midrange/control deck like Tasigur, it is great. It has been fantastic for me, especially in tandem with Seedborn Muse.
March 20, 2017 7:57 a.m.
LabManiac_Cameron says... #25
buildingadeck: There is a general opinion that if a creature doesn't do anything when it is cast or comes into play that it is worthless. This is also part of the 'dies to doomblade' mentality that people use to justify why cards are bad. In reality this is the case, Sphinx does do nothing if it gets killed before anyone draws a card. However Sphinx is one of the few cases where the upside is so amazing that it out weighs the possible downside. Specifically in a control shell we want the cards that Sphinx can provide desperately and the risk is something we are willing to take for the huge payout at the far side of the next card drawn. Also of note, we are playing control and we can protect it from the theoretical doomblade that will kill it.
Rzepkanut says... #1
I also have a Tasigur, the Golden Fang and Seasons Past control deck... except yours is much better looking :) I like your choice of using a creature reanimation strategy, instead I went heavier on planeswalkers and board wipes. Using Training Grounds to discount Tasigur seems like a good plan, I think i'm going to have to get me one of those.
I only have a couple suggestions for you..
Using Thing in the Ice Flip as a way to stall the board into the late game has been quite effective for me. It would be even better with ways to reanimate it.
Torrential Gearhulk is a card I want for my list, yours could probably use it too.
Your build is very combo oriented, so you may not want to have to wait around to win with a 20/20 indestructible flying creature... but Dark Depths and Thespian's Stage could be great in this deck. Plus, you can occasionally copy Cabal Coffers too.
Here is a link to my deck for your convenience. You'll notice the name of your deck is hilariously similar to mine, that's why I clicked on this deck in the first place.
My deck:
Tasigur's home in Seasons Past was Cabals Coffers
Commander / EDH Rzepkanut
+1 for your work here. Thanks.
December 12, 2016 2:51 p.m.