Tasigur Seasons Past / Season Pastigur

Commander / EDH LabManiac_Cameron

SCORE: 370 | 389 COMMENTS | 252507 VIEWS | IN 274 FOLDERS

Antem says... #1

Have you considered Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip? It seems like flip Jace is good for this deck at nearly every stage of the game.

March 21, 2017 11:06 a.m.

Antem: I have considered Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip a bit but he didn't make it. There are a few challenges for him in the deck currently. While I do have a reanimation package, it isn't my primary win condition. So I'd want to look at him from the general usefulness and utility perspective to see if he makes the cut for the deck.From that standpoint, JVP most closely resembles the Snapcaster Mage in his utility. He has filter, but the big pay off is the -3 from the Planeswalker side of JVP. The big difference here is that the -3 is at sorcery speed only and that Snapcaster is at instant speed.

If the reanimation package was higher up on the deck's game plan, i.e. we had 5-8 reanimation targets and more reanimation spells, then I could definitely see cutting a different spell for JVP and then having both JVP and Snapcaster in the deck at the same time.

As the deck currently is, I believe that Snapcaster at instant speed is more useful than the filter and sorcery speed flashback affect.

March 21, 2017 12:03 p.m.

Randsome says... #3

Cool deck and cool deck tech on youtube!A question: what is the purpose of Show and Tell here? Just in case we start a game with Jin-Gitaxian or Omniscience in hand?

March 22, 2017 4:15 a.m.

Randsome: Show and Tell is there to primarily to cheat out Omniscience. However it has additional uses with Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur and Consecrated Sphinx. It turns unfortunate early draws into functional threats.

March 22, 2017 10:04 a.m.

Randsome says... #5

coreman Thanks for feedback! Seems i was mostly correct on the reasoning, though i didn't look at it from the point of turning unfunctional high cmc hands into usable ones.What alternate budget high CMC targets for Show and Tell would u consider for Tasigur deck with a similar game plan?

March 22, 2017 1:48 p.m.

Randsome:If you were to add to the Reanimation package. Adding Necromancy and Kederekt Leviathan adds a very useful synergy and another S&T card. If you further add to the reanimation plan then S&T gets more valuable. Things like Void Winnower or Terastodon add to that. But it changes the focus of the deck a bit. If you have a deck list you are working on shoot it my way and I can take a look and give you some suggestions.

March 22, 2017 3:54 p.m.

Sexy_Stud says... #7

Your list looks sweet! I highly recommend running a personal tutor because it will function as a second copy of LFTL, or a show and tell if you need to cheat out your combo, or any tutor you want etc. I do have a question about the deck, and that's how much politics comes into your game-plan. I usually end up with 1 or 2 removal spells in my hand at a time. Do you manage to coerce other players into giving you additional value or do you have to pick your battles like most control decks?

March 26, 2017 10:43 a.m.

Sexy_Stud: If I were thinking of including Personal Tutor I'd be looking at Mystical Tutor first. Mystical does more and is at instant speed. The less things we do on our turn the better, it leaves us open to be more flexible and reactive.

When activating Tasigur before it gets to your turn, you will get what ever is the least bad choice for our opponents, it is value for us but the least value that we can get. When activating Tasigur in response to something, when no one else has an answer, we ask someone who doesn't like what is happening and they usually give us the answer for it.

You still have to pick your battles. When you have picked your battle, you have to determine if your resources in hand or a Tasigur activation will give you the best results. When you are fighting to push off a win, having Tasigur and another losing player at the table makes Tasigur's activation almost always get you exactly what you need, then it is just a question of having the available mana.

March 26, 2017 2:59 p.m.

Randsome says... #9

coreman, here is the list i updated per the latest one http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/eternal-tasigur/

March 27, 2017 7:59 a.m.

elrok says... #10

coreman, I have been enjoying your list. I appreciate the hard work you have put into it.

As you mentioned in the deck tech vid, the deck is built to combat the decks you usually see in a competitive environment and that it would struggle when faced with multiple creature based strategies. My local meta is a mixed bag. One pod, I can be sitting down with other competitive decks. The next pod, I can be seated with three battlecruiser decks. You mentioned adding a few more removal spells/board wipes in for situations like this. What exactly would you put in, but more importantly, what would you take out for them?

March 31, 2017 10:21 a.m.

elrok: The cards to be put in are mostly all in the sideboard. The cards to take out are going to be meta dependent. If you are facing a more hatebears, i'd drop some cards that aren't targeted at them (flusterstorm, shadow of doubt, swan song, chains of meph, going deep - mystic remora), if you are facing graveyard hate, I'd drop some of the reanimator package (entomb, reanimate, exhume, jin-gitaxis)

April 3, 2017 6:51 p.m.

pumpkinsword says... #12

Instead of Show and Tell/Omniscience, have you tried just putting in Doomsday, Labman, Predict, and Git Probe? You can make a pile with that and any reanimation spell and I feel as if it is easier than Omniscience.

April 7, 2017 7:32 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #13

Omniscience is actually very castable in this deck with Cabal Coffers, all the mana rocks, and the fact that it's a deck designed to go to the late game. The other problem is that creates four slots that are not particularly useful outside of combo vs two, and S&T can be used with Jin as well.

Show and Omni are the slots that are most easily cut and swapped out, but I am not sure that a DD combo would make this deck better.

April 7, 2017 10:17 p.m.

pumpkinsword S&T/Omni are the first things on the chopping board if something new comes in that is a must have. As buildingadeck said, Omni is very castable especially with the focus for late game. One of the key design features of this deck is that every card has multiple uses and very high value for mana investment. One of the big reasons for S&T is that we may get a fatty in our hand and it lets use get it into play for 3 mana, additionally we are designed to be able to interact very heavily with permanents, so what our opponents put into play are usually not a threat. Labman was in this deck at one point. Git Probe, Predict and Doomsday just are not strong enough on their own to be in the deck. If S&T/Omni were cut it would be primarily for interaction than for a DD package.

April 8, 2017 5:11 p.m.

Antem says... #15

How has As Foretold been doing in testing? It looks interesting, but kind of slow.

April 8, 2017 5:52 p.m.

Antem: for As Foretold, I'm working on play testing it. It has replaced the least useful signet, Dimir Signet, and is theoretically very great. I'm trying it out now but it may go back or flux a bit more once we get the full spoiler for Amonkhet.

April 9, 2017 3:23 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #17

Have you considered Nature's Lore? If you find that As Foretold isn't a productive slot, Lore is better than Dimir Signet, I think since Palinchron combo relies on us having a land-based mana advantage. It would also work to thin the library, however marginal that change might be while having the same cmc as Signet. It evades Null Rod, but gets hit by gedon effects.

April 17, 2017 4:50 p.m.

buildingadeck: I had Nature's Lore in the deck a while ago and it got cut. Right now, if As Foretold doesn't work out, it will be going back to Dimir Signet. The downside of singleton formats is that I haven't been able to cast As Foretold yet. :(

In the current deck configuration, I like the signets a bit more than Nature's Lore. Early game we are fetching to prioritize Blue and Green mana, this causes the number of useful forests that Nature's Lore can get to run out quickly. When all it can get is a basic forest it doesn't feel very useful after I've already grabbed the two duals and two shocks. However Dimir Signet generating blue is very useful at any point in the game.

April 17, 2017 5:06 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #19

That makes sense. Well, when you do get to cast As Foretold, I'd love to hear how it plays. It seems like it would be a valuable engine.

April 17, 2017 5:28 p.m.

fgator5220 says... #20

So, no more Leovold.

I'm going to sleeve up a copy of this to see how I like it. Here are my questions.

  1. What are going to replace Leovold with?

  2. I replaced Timetwister with Time Spiral. How's that sound?

  3. I replaced Grim Tutor with Cruel Tutor? How's that sound?

  4. Along with Leovold, I have no idea what you'd replace Chains of Mephistopheles with?

Thanks in advance for your comments!

April 25, 2017 2:59 p.m.

kilgore says... #21

Notion thief is a little slow maybe but you can draw so many cards when you wheel

April 25, 2017 4:14 p.m.

fgator5220: Leovold out, Faerie Macabre in. We need graveyard hate to deal with the Hulks. Faerie is unique in that it does not reside on the board and yet is not cast when it does the removal. So it is very hard for our opponents to interact with it. Usually I recommend Day's Undoing for the budget Timetwister replacement as if you can use Alchemist's Refuge, it is exactly Timetwister, and the lower CMC makes up for the higher requirements for Spiral's casting cost. If you don't use Alchemist's Refuge, Undoing and Spiral end up being the same thing with a resource offset and different risk/reward structure, either will work in that slot. For Grim Tutor, Cruel Tutor is not as desirable as it puts things on top of the library and not in your hand. The big thing with Grim Tutor is that it works at the 3cmc slot for Seasons Pasts loops. Intuition may be better option as it gets the card to your hand, even though it is one of three that an opponent chooses. Using it to get your extra thing and then your other tutor to get Seasons Past would loop you, a little in efficiently but would loop you.

kilgore: you are correct, Notion Thief has a few too many issues with it. Leo having 3 toughness was very relevant when dealing with blockers. Notion thief at 1 is less desirable. Add in the extra costs and he doesn't make the cut.

April 26, 2017 12:06 p.m.

Hey Coreman,

First off, I just want to say thank you for creating consistently incredible content with the labmaniacs and keeping this list up to date with good reasoning for card selection. This list has inspired me to create my own version of this deck, so I look at this list pretty closely. The change I want to talk about in your list is the counterbalance. Maybe my meta just isn't as competitive as yours, but this seems relatively bad without top with the range of EDH casting costs. Is the upside to countering a free spell worth just jamming it int the 99? Also have you found that it's worth trying to set this package up in a game with tutors?

Also, this is just advice for my own deck, I do not own and do not plan to run a Gaea's cradle in my deck, but i have wasteland, strip mine, bojuka bog and plan on running Cabal Coffers and Alchemists refuge in my deck. Do these cards warrant playing crop rotation or does it seem underwhelming? I play both Life from the loam and Crucible of Worlds, but every time I cast it it seems like it just doesn't do enough.

Last thing, how do you feel about running cantrips like brainstorm, ponder and preordain in this deck? I've found it helps consistency with the deck and it fuels a quick Tasigur start, but I am just curious what your opinion is on these.

Any thoughts and comments on these points would be much appreciated!!

May 8, 2017 8:55 a.m.

PurpleElephant: Regarding Counterbalance, Top is in the deck. It is something that if you have Counterbalance out, a blind flip is actually fairly common. For most competitive metas, cards cluster at 1, 2, and 3 cmc. We have a high enough density at those ranges that blind flips happen with enough consistency that it is wort while without Top. With Top is does everything we want.

Cradle isn't a card in my list as we don't have enough creatures to consistently get high amounts of mana from it. With Hulk and Yawgmoth's Will both being prevalent in competitive EDH, crop rotation into Bojuka Bog is amazing. I'd first consider why you had Crucible in the deck before consider cutting Crop Rotation. You want to look at each card slot for the highest impact and Life from the Loam does that between Crucible and Life. Having redundancy in that slot isn't the best and something else could be in crucible's spot. Your usual goal with Crop Rotation is to either hold it for graveyard hate or get Urborg then Coffers. If all of those are taken care of, then Alchemist's Refuge.

I have moved away from cantrips as they are usually bad when Tasigur is out and you are unable to delve them away. I would much rather be getting back a counterspell or piece of removal than a Brainstorm when activating Tasigur. Having to spend more resources to get a useful card is not something we are wanting to do regularly.

May 8, 2017 10:29 a.m.

So in the Youtube video it was said that Seasons Past operated as an out when you have infinite mana but no way to activate tasigur(i.e. Cursed totem), but if something is preventing Tas from activating, shouldn't it have hit palinchon as well, preventing infinite mana?

May 12, 2017 2:34 p.m.

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