Tasigur Seasons Past / Season Pastigur

Commander / EDH LabManiac_Cameron

SCORE: 370 | 389 COMMENTS | 252507 VIEWS | IN 274 FOLDERS

Abysswalker-: Intuition is usually a Life from the Loam value pile (Life from the Loam > coffers+urborg > fetch+cycling > utility land -- any combination of these depending on current state) or it is a double entomb when you need a Counterspell and no one else has one. If everyone is tapped out and only you have it, tutor for a counterspell and two other things and you get free value by putting relevant things in the bin.

In a four player pod Manifold insights is great. We get the same level of card selection as Tasigur does when he's just activating for value, and the big thing is that it gets around Chains of Mephistopheles/Notion Thief.

Not a fan of Grim Flayer. Too many Thrasios's to see him ever get real value. He's similar to Sensei's Divining Top but a lot harder to cast and activate.

July 16, 2017 2:28 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #2

How good is Season's Past in the current list? It used to be a win through Omniscience, but without Omni in the list, I'm not sure it's as powerful as other options, like Time Spiral or other. Thoughts?

July 30, 2017 3:36 p.m.

RyanDotExe says... #3

What do you think of Batterskull? It does a couple of things including: Gain you lifeProduce infinite storm for aetherflux*Let's you possibly (though hopefully not) winning with commander damage.

July 31, 2017 7:24 p.m.

buildingadeck - I'm re-evaluating it now. Like you said it isn't a wincon on its own as we are all in on Palinchron. I think that the deck needs some more rework with hulk and I may swap over to dramatic scepter at this point.

RyanDotExe - Batterskull doesn't do anything in a cEDH. Although it does gain life, it isn't what we are looking for in a card that can loop with Aetherflux.

July 31, 2017 7:31 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #5

Iso/Rev seems smoother to me. Cmc is much lower, and we have the rocks/dorks to support it.

July 31, 2017 7:37 p.m.

Abysswalker- says... #6

I would agree with Isochron/Reversal over Palinchron/Phantasm. Easier to assemble, easier to protect, turns mana rocks into not only extra tasigur activations but win cons as well. Lowering cmc even makes Ad Naus a viable draw spell.

Mystic Speculation/Paradox Engine isn't half bad either.

July 31, 2017 7:50 p.m.

Mediumrick says... #7

@LabManiac_Cameron I love your deck and have used it as an influence for mine. How necessary is Entomb? I find myself wanting to cut it for Shadow of Doubt in my current build. I realize my deck is different than yours but I'm interested in your opinion on the card.

August 3, 2017 12:25 p.m.

Ash3n - entomb is currently being chopped. I'm doing testing right now regarding some changes after the Reanimator being mostly pulled from the deck.

August 3, 2017 12:38 p.m.

Mediumrick says... #9

Gottcha, very interesting. The reanimation has been great in my games not as a central theme but as more utility. Often Palinchron/Phantasmal Image will end up in the grave from Tas activations and reanimate enables the combo with ease. I'd be hesitant to let that go as it is currently built. I'm very interested to see where you go with the deck, keep us posted!

August 3, 2017 12:43 p.m.

Ash3n - Tasigur Value Hulk theorycrafting is what I am currently testing.

August 3, 2017 5:08 p.m.

zaikel says... #11

Hi @LabManiac_Cameron awsome work, i really like this deck. Do yoy have any update for it? You think that the hulk version is better or you will stick to the seasons past list? and one last thing, in a not so competitive group with more creature based lists apart from more removals the reanimate/show and tell/omni package will be worth to add? Thank you.

September 19, 2017 12:03 p.m.

zaikel - Both versions are good. I'm not sure I like the hulk route right now but haven't had a lot of time to play test. Graveyard hate is getting stronger which is good and bad for us. We have to be more careful about losing wincons to exiles but also don't have to fear Hulk as much. For a more creature based meta, the reanimator route is okay. I'd also add a good amount of the removal in that is in the maybeboard right now.

September 19, 2017 3:53 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #13

Hey, I saw you are playing Manifold Insights, and I have been thinking about adding it to some of my decks, but I wanted to ask you:

  1. Is it good in general for blue decks?

  2. Is it good enough in spite of the fact that EDH won't always have 3 or more opponents? (Especially since not all players die simultaneously.)

  3. Is it good enough in spite of the fact that opponents can choose what you draw?

Thanks :)

September 23, 2017 7:33 p.m.

MagicalHacker - Sigi was running Manifold Insights in his Chain Veil Teferi deck, where I first saw it. It is a 3 mana draw 3 in a 4 player pod. If you are not in a 4 player pod, it isn't nearly as good. For Tasigur, we are already getting opponent's choices. If you look at it in relation to a Tasigur activation, 4 mana for 1 nonland card from our graveyard, in a 4 player pod we are getting a much better value to mana ratio. It helps us maintain gas. Also of note, different decks will value things differently - one player could desperately not want to give us a swan song, while another could care less. This leads to us getting things that are usually evenly distributed against the table.

September 26, 2017 3:20 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #15

Thanks for the response :)

September 26, 2017 4:02 p.m.

CoolCat7271 says... #16

I watched a few videos of the deck in action, do you activate tasigur until all nonlands are in hand, then cast one spell at a time to keep recurring, with no cards in library?

November 13, 2017 12:16 a.m.

asdxstjohn21 says... #17

Hi ive been running the version from the first deck tech video and love it. I dont have the most competitive meta but the hold their own, theyre more creature combat oriented than anything else and so i was wondering if cutting flusterstorm and pact for languish and damnation due to a lack of combo were good choices?

Another question there isnt much graveyard hate if any at all in my meta so i was wondering if how you'd incorporate the reanimator package in or is scepter to good?

December 12, 2017 8:32 p.m.

asdxstjohn21 says... #18

Hi ive been running the version from the first deck tech video and love it. I dont have the most competitive meta but the hold their own, theyre more creature combat oriented than anything else and so i was wondering if cutting flusterstorm and pact for languish and damnation due to a lack of combo were good choices?

Another question there isnt much graveyard hate if any at all in my meta so i was wondering if how you'd incorporate the reanimator package in or is scepter to good?

December 12, 2017 8:35 p.m.

asdxstjohn21 - What type of creatures are you facing? If -3/-3 will do the job, I'd focus on Yahenni's Expertise over Damnation as it lets you keep Tasigur around. It and Languish are really strong for this reason. I switched to scepter as the meta sped up notably after the Hulk unbanning. Not having to wait for 7 lands in play to combo with PI + Palinchron is a huge speed increase.

Reanimator is a high risk, high reward route. If there isn't graveyard hate, I'd give it a run as it is a really fun to play route.

December 12, 2017 10:32 p.m.

asdxstjohn21 says... #20

Yeah im gonna test that one out thank you. Also what about search for azcanta or rhystic study. And if my meta is slower is natures lore and three visits worth it or do you prefer the artifact ramp that doesnt end up in the grave. I just thought that cabal coffers would be worth the land ramp.

December 13, 2017 8:47 p.m.

knight611 says... #21

how does Manifold Insights work out on average? Giving your oppenents the choice always felt a bit awkward to me. I am also curious if you would run the counter top pair if the CMC of your meta is a little more scattered?

January 9, 2018 1:29 p.m.

JohnnyCRO says... #22

I love the deck, a well-earned +1

I'm currently interested in making a Tasigur myself. However, not only am I on a budget (relatively so; if a card is under 20$ I either have it or can get it, especially if it's blue, and I would invest in anything below 50$ over time if it's worth it), but my meta is more creature-heavy. A bit more serious than 75% decks, most of us have shock/fetch based manabases and tutorable combo wincons. Wins before t7-8 are a rare occurence and sometimes, if we counter out eachother, it gets down to combat dmg. However it's nowhere near as fast, tuned or consistent as cEDH. Casual/75% decks would have slim chances of winning in my group, while a cEDH deck would outrun us all probably.

My concern is that, as you yourself have stated in the deck tech, your build would have problems in such meta. So what would you suggest in my case? Should I play more removal? More prison-ish effects? Or do I try to beat them at their own game and just turn to reanimator strategy?

Thank you in advance!

January 11, 2018 1:08 p.m.

KillDatBUG says... #23

Why play Viscera Seer? From what I can tell, all it does is sac Protean Hulk if you drew it naturally and you had nothing else to do other than cast it? Maybe I'm missing something.

January 25, 2018 2:34 a.m.

JohnnyCRO says... #24


It's a part of the most effective Protean hulk in both Golgari and Sultai:

Hulk -> Viscera Seer and Phyrexian Delver or Body Double (any one of these two can get Hulk back on the field)

Viscera Seer sacrifices Hulk -> Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Walking Ballista.

Now you have infinite ping combo with Mikaeus, VSeer and Ballista.

January 25, 2018 9:05 a.m.

KillDatBUG says... #25


But why would you want to do that instead of just grabbing Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Walking Ballista?

January 25, 2018 9:27 a.m.

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