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Quite a few changes in the last couple of weeks!

Merchant Scroll -> Talisman of Dominance

Strip Mine -> Fellwar Stone

Negate -> Cyclonic Rift

Living Death -> Noxious Revival

Seedborn Muse -> Riftsweeper

These changes are in an effort to reduce the cmc of the deck and get some faster starts out of the gate. Adding the two rocks really helps when your semi-competitive playgroup has a bunch of fast and punishing decks. And Rift over Negate has been a slam-dunk so far albeit in a small sample size. Some of the better decks in my playgroup are fast creature-based combo/stax decks and Negate would just sit in my hand waiting to get pitched to Force of Will. Meanwhile Rift is relevant tempo early and the classic "America's Favorite" blowout late in the game. I'm surprised I hadn't included it earlier, although my reasoning was "Well, I have Kederekt Leviathan, so I'm good homie,"

Most of the cards that got cut were not doing much and/or were too clunky in far too many hands. The biggest SACRED COW cuts to me were Living Death and Seedborn Muse. At first glance LD looks uncuttable (it's a reanimator deck right?) especially when you imagine all the broken lines that end with that game-winning spell. In practice however the card can be very awkward especially when the opponents often have relevant creatures/hatebears in their own yards. Winning the game off a Victimize is just so much more efficient, and Noxious Revival (LD's replacement) can rebuy reanimation and so much more.

Seedborn Muse is a durdly favorite of mine (rip Prophet of Kruphix), the thinking behind its inclusion being that when I'm not winning the game instantly, plan B is to sit behind Tasigur and Muse and get oh-so-much value during each of my friends' endsteps. The thing is this deck can play a control role decently, but it's goal to survive, disrupt, gain card advantage, and finish the game instantly with Palinchron. Muse never really played into this strategy, and whenever I was resorting to it as a "backup plan" and drawing a million cards with Tasigur, those were games I was likely to win anyway as my opponents were doing nothing.

Long story short the inclusion of Riftsweeper and Noxious Revival over those clunkers allow some added flexibility in finishing the game. Revival is great value especially with all the reanimation and Tasigur himself. It also prevents us from decking should we attain infinite mill/recur with Palinchron combo and can't win on the spot. Riftsweper allows us to delve away important cards more recklessly, and can make the game easier to close out when Palinchron and friends have eaten some grave hate.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

54 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.63
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Elephant 3-3 G, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders Sultai Commanderin, Competitive EDH, Sultai EDH
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