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Tasigur's 'yard fulla' Sh** (Budget Whip)

Standard* Budget BUG (Sultai) Control Lifegain Reanimator



Hola TappedOut community!!! This week I have been brewing a (kinda) budget Sultai Whip deck. I own all off the cards in this deck, so I had very limited options when building this deck. In this description I will explain who this deck runs, it's weaknesses, and how to budget it further, as $120 is still a lot of money for a deck. So let's get into it!

Check out the super budgeted version here! Only $30!!!

What is "Whip" and How Does it Work?

Whip is a competitive standard archetype that utilizes the abilities of Whip of Erebos to repeatedly reanimate cheap creatures. During the first few turns when playing whip, you are stocking your graveyard with bombs for later. Satyr Wayfinder is a popular card for doing this; he allows you to hit your much-needed lands. Good targets for whip include Siege Rhino and Hornet Queen, as they provide an extra bonus when entering the battlefield. Whip decks are mostly Abzan and Sultai colors; Abzan allowing for the use of Siege Rhino, and Sultai granting the use of control fom blue.

Card by Card Breakdown

2x Tasigur, the Golden Fang- This card is the real MVP of the deck. You can play him as early as turn 3 with Satyr Wayfinder, and swing for 4 on turn 4. Late game, use him to stock the yard or return you removal from the yard, or even as a whip target to get in that extra damage. If I owned one more Tasigur, he certainly would have earned a spot here.

3x Whip of Erebos- Do I even need to explain this one? This is the one card that you will always want out on the field. Don't be afraid to attack with small creatures when this is out;you can always get them back for a turn. 3 are included in the deck for consistency.

4x Drown in Sorrow- Drown in Sorrow is mainboarded due the fact that this deck has no other answer to early-game threats. Even taking out one creature is good enough with Drown in Sorrow. The Scrying provides card-fixing for next turn. In my current meta, 4 of these is perfect.

4x Satyr Wayfinder- Fills the yard with threats, provides an early blocker, and fetches a land for you. He allows for a turn 3 Tasigur, the Golden Fang or Murderous Cut, which puts lots of pressure on your opponent(s).

3x Sidisi, Brood Tyrant- This card alone can change the game in your favor. If this card resolves, you already have 3 fresh bodies in the yard and hopefully a Zombie friend on the field. Every turn Sidisi survives is another turn you can stock the yard for later. Only problem is she is a legendary and dies to Lighnting Strike :(

2x Murderous Cut- This is probably the best removal you can have in this deck. With Satyr Wayfinders fueling your graveyard, you can pump one of these out as early as turn 3! You may want to switch a Drown in Sorrow out for another one of these.

2x Hero's Downfall- R.I.P. Sarkhan and Sarkhan Jr., Narset and Ugin, Sorin, Ajani #1 & #2, Ashiok and Kiora, Elspeth and Xenagos, even Jace, Nissa, Chandra, Lili, and good ok' Garruk. And Rhino. This is the best way to kill planeswalkers. No question.

2x Sultai Charm- This is the perfect card if you have one of your winconditons in your hand hand. Draw two, dump a Hornet Queen, then whip it into play. Besides that, the charm kills a lot of stuff on your opponents board. Only problem is, it can't touch Siege Rhino :(

1x Hornet Queen- Usually a 3-4 of in most whip decks, but I only had 1 so that's all I out in. I also like Abhorrent Overlord a little better. I would recommend putting in another 1-2 instead of maybe Temur War Shaman or Silumgar. The Queen is awesome though when you are losing. Deathtouch really helps! This card essentially makes a wall.

1x Bile Blight- The ultimate token killer. It can also stop an early attacker from getting through without wasting a Drown in Sorrow.

1x Crux of Fate- This is for late game if you are getting overrun by your opponents army. It also saves your Simumgar if he is out.

2x Abhorrent Overlord - This is a very underrated card honestly. I opened two in a fat pack back when Theros came out, and I was sad I didn't pull something better. Now I'm glad I kept them. This is the card I prefer to win with. If you use the whip to get him out, you will get out 4+ Harpies. As an added bonus he is a 6/6 flyer. If you are able to hard cast him late game, then you can sacrifice him next turn with is effect and use the whip to get him back for a total of 8+ Harpies!!! I am in love with this guy.

1x Thoughtseize- Pretty self explanitory I would think. This is the best discard spell in standard (maybe of all time). Early hand disruption is great against any deck. Too bad it's $20............

1x Silumgar, the Drifting Death- Usually better to hard cast him, as he has hexproof. He can take down tokens very effectively and had good thoughness.

2x Sidisi's Faithful - I am very happy I play tested with these. Early game he can stop aggro by sacking himself. But late game he can be used for many things; I'll list them; Returning your own Satyr Wayfinder, Sidisi, Brood Tyrant, Temur War Shaman , Abhorrent Overlord , or Hornet Queen to your hand for their ETB triggers, or retuning an opponents threat to their hand. You can even exploit one of the win conditions above to return it with the whip to give it haste or if you don't have enough mana to hard cast it. RIP.

1x Temur War Shaman - Just a budget alternative to Hornet Queen basically.

2x Monastery Siege- Two choices: make removal hard to cast against your win conditions, or dig for your win conditions. Either choice is good, just think about it if playing with this deck.

1x Palace Siege- Last card! This is personal favorite of mine. Many games tend to go very long, so this helps speed it up. The life gain effect is glorious!! If your opponents has no life gain of their own, then they are screwed.

How to Budget This a Deck Even Further:

Instead of the Hero's Downfalls put in two more Murderous Cuts. While Hero's Downfall is good, Murderous Cut can actually be better in many scenarios.

Replace all three Sidisi, Brood Tyrants with Nyx Weavers, Yet again, this card is sometimes better than Sidisi. The ability to get back removal or a whip is awesome. You also don't need to attack with this to self mill.

Take out the Tasigur, the Golden Fangs for another cheap delve creature (like Gurmag Angler) or for more Silumgars or Temur War Shaman s. You need plenty of finishers in this deck.

Put in a Sultai Charm instead of Crux of Fate. Yay for removal!!! It also serves as card draw and a way to put snuff in th graveyard for later.

Flip Hornet Queen for another Abhorrent Overlord . They both produce tokens which are great for winning.

Use another Dismal Backwater instead of the Polluted Delta. They both do nearly the same thing.

Use either Duress or Despise instead of thougtseize. I would recommend Despise if you are taking out the Hero's Downfalls. This gives you a way to hit planeswalkers.

Thank you so much to everyone who read all of this. If you have any suggestions, please don't be afraid to comment! I love any kind of comment, as they all help make my favorite deck better! Don't forget to Upvote too, this helps more people see this deck!

If you comment and upvote this deck I will do the same on one of your decks!


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 1 Mythic Rares

18 - 1 Rares

11 - 10 Uncommons

11 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.74
Tokens Copy Clone, Harpy 1/1 B, Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Manifest 2/2 C, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Look into, Decks intéressants
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