
Commander / EDH bushido_man96


Shana42 says... #1

if you want redundancy on affects around land drops their is Oracle of Mul Daya which allows for additional lands and can pull lands from the top of your deck.

there is also Azusa, Lost but Seeking who gives you Exploration on a 1/2 body for 2 colorless additional mana.

Crash of Rhino Beetles could be a nice beater/trampler as long as you can consistently get to 10 lands quickly otherwise its just a 5/5 trample for 5

Roil Elemental can be fun with landfall stealing your opponents creatures but it is frail at only 3/2 and costs 6 mana

Wayward Swordtooth is another Exploration on a body this time 5/5 for 3 but does require you to have the city's blessing.

November 13, 2018 11:19 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #2

Shana42, thanks for the suggestions. Oracle and Azusa are too expensive for me to get, so they are not really options. I do like the Swordtooth, though, and could add him in time. I do have an Exploration, so I may add that in. I thought about Crash of Rhino Beetles, but I worry about how many lands I'll keep on the battlefield. I can get 10 on the field rather consistently, but when I start bouncing, that worries me. I'll keep a tab on it, and see. I'd like to add a Burgeoning too, but its getting pricey.

November 14, 2018 10:39 p.m.

DruneGrey says... #3

Just realized I never upvoted this list. It works well, I based a list off of it. Thanks for doing the hard part.

February 5, 2019 11:23 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #4

@DruneGrey, thanks for the upvote! Glad to hear you could use it for inspiration...I'll have to take a look at your build.

February 6, 2019 5:30 p.m.

Cloudius says... #5

+1 Refreshing take and new fun synergies you've listed.

Some recommendations:

Throwing in more tutors to ensure greater consistency in assembling your combos, the likes of:

Creature tutors - Worldly Tutor , Green Sun's Zenith or even Chord of Calling

Other tutors:

Muddle the Mixture - Counterspell that doubles up as a tutor to fetch your key 2 CMC pieces (e.g. Llanowar Scout , Walking Atlas , etc).

Long-Term Plans - One of the rare blue cards that searches for ANY card in the library. Putting the tutored card third from the top of the library ain't too big an issue with Tatyova's drawing power.

Crop Rotation - Fetches you an important land and draws you a card (if Tatyova is in play).

Also, I noticed quite a few key Simic lands are missing from your list. Is that due to budgetary constraints?

Breeding Pool , Misty Rainforest , Flooded Grove , Hinterland Harbor , even Bant Panorama , etc. If your budget allows, I'd recommend playing all the Fetchlands that fetches for either Island or Forest too.

I've a Tatyova deck too but I've taken it in a different direction. Linking it here nonetheless, feel free to give your comments and upvote too!

Life is Like A Hurricane

Commander / EDH Cloudius


Hope this helps. Cheers!

February 11, 2019 11:12 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #6

Cloudius, thank you for the recommendations. The mana base is due to budget, but I've found that I get along pretty well running the basics. I probably do have some other decent Simic lands lying around, like Yavimaya Coast , that I could slot in. I just have to track them down. Tutors are good, but it means slotting out some of the other stuff I'm wanting to run, and deck draws so much that I don't really need to tutor so much. If I played in a more competitive meta, I would definitely consider it more seriously.

Any thoughts on where I could slot in Mana Breach ? I've considered just cutting a land, but that's the easy way out...

I did take a look at your build. I've never really played the spellslinger style of deck, but it looks like a lot of fun. That's what I like about Tatyova, is that she can really be built in a lot of different ways. She presents obvious synergies with her mechanics, but she is really flexible beyond those.

February 11, 2019 12:01 p.m.

Cloudius says... #7

bushido_man96 IMHO you can consider cutting Dryad Greenseeker or Lay of the Land .

I forgot to mention Nature's Lore and Growth Spiral . There're plenty spell based land ramps around so I won't list them all. Am sure you already know most, if not all, of them

February 11, 2019 1:02 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #8

Those are both good suggestions, as they get the land directly out into the wild, untapped. I will consider both as I go along. Thanks for the help and suggestions. I don't know all the cards out there, so its good for me to be reminded at times.

February 11, 2019 2:39 p.m.

DruneGrey says... #9

I basically took out the cards that aren't fun to play against like Storm Cauldron , and added in ramp and a Walking Ballista and Rocket Launcher

February 11, 2019 7:56 p.m.

Cloudius says... #10

bushido_man96 glad to be of help.

Nature's Lore can fetch dual lands too so its good for color fixing. If you like cards that gets lands out in the wild, you can consider Summer Bloom , Journey of Discovery .

Both cards allow you to drop lands from your hand into play, which synergises well with your Moonfolk army. Journey doubles up as Basic Land tutor, if drawn late game, you can easily pay the entwine cost to enjoy both abilities.

Throwing it out for your consideration. Happy tweaking and play testing!

February 12, 2019 2:53 a.m.

thewyzman says... #11

+1 because I have a secret love (oh @#$%, it's not secret anymore, whoops!) for Taty, but build Omnath, Locus of Rage instead for the beats. If/when I tire of Ommy, I'm be sneaking over to Taty's house.

February 13, 2019 3:07 p.m.

thewyzman says... #12

Also, since 95 of your cards are instant speed, consider Alchemist's Refuge and Ghost Town over Simic Growth Chamber and Thornwood Falls ? I know chamber grants two landfalls, but comes in tapped and can cost you a card (and tempo) in the first couple turns if not careful. Thornwood just comes in tapped (slow) and only grants a measly lifepoint. -- Refuge lets you play your deck at instant speed, and GTown -well, do I really have to explain? -- I'm a budget player myself, the upgrade would only cost a few bucks.

February 13, 2019 3:16 p.m.

thewyzman says... #13

Since i'm bad at sticking to one single comment, I might even try Explore , maybe over Broken Bond or Lay of the Land ?

February 13, 2019 3:19 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #14

Thank you guys for all the suggestions, and especially for the upvotes! I did consider running Ghost Town in the deck; I just need to get one. I feel like I'm running too many other pieces to run too many more cards like Explore and Nature's Lore , but the more I play it, the more I'll figure out which it needs more, and make changes based on that. Like I mentioned earlier, there are so many options that can be utilized with Tatyova, and at times I try to do too many things at once, and kill the deck...

February 13, 2019 6:49 p.m.

jordybear2002 says... #15

Wow! This deck is awesome! I never thought of returning lands to your hand for more value! The moonfolk synergy is insane! I would suggest Tooth and Nail for creature value and getting your win-cons out early. Soul of the Harvest for more card draw. And then Tishana, Voice of Thunder for more card draw and big creatures. I would also suggest two more cards. Craterhoof Behemoth ends games REALLY fast! Genesis Wave is SOOOO over powered and get's you your win-cons out super early. Happy deck building and may the card draw ever be in your favor.

May 24, 2019 12:55 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #16

Thanks for the comments, jordybear2002. I'd love to run Craterhoof, but I don't have one, and am reluctant to pay $30 for one. Tishana, Voice of Thunder does look interesting; I'd have to figure out where to cut, though. I'm a bit reluctant to run too many tutors, as I usually like to let the deck play out for a while.

May 24, 2019 6:10 p.m.

LeonSpires says... #17

You are certainly on the right path here, +1. As far as cards I would recommend. Cyclonic Rift is a blue staple for a reason. Simic dosen't have many field wipes and rift certainly helps out with that. On that note I would recommend more interaction like Counterspell , Swan Song , Delay , Negate , and Krosan Grip . Burgeoning helps with landfall and is an amazing turn one play. Oboro, Palace in the Clouds returns to hand to make sure you don't miss a landfall trigger. Training Grounds works wonders to make Moonfolk's abilities cheaper to activate. Of course Azusa, Lost but Seeking , and Oracle of Mul Daya but those go without saying. How has Trade Routes been in this deck? I've thought about running it in Simic Moonfolk Landfall but have been on the fence about the card. Good luck in your games and happy deck building!!!

May 25, 2019 5:22 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #18

LeonSpires, you are right about Azusa, Oracle, Rift, and Oboro. Unfortunately, that's over $100 worth of cards, which I can't do. I tend to shy away from counter magic; its not that I don't like it, its just not my cup of tea. At times, I'll run it, but more often than not, I'll run other forms of removal if I can. If I was needing to be more competitive, I would consider it.

Trade Routes is really great. If I don't have a land drop, I just make one happen with it, which draws me a card with Taty on the board (and that's when I would do it, anyway). If I've got a ton of lands in hand, drawing for answers is great.

May 27, 2019 7:57 p.m.

thewyzman says... #19

Inspired, I finished my basic build to get me to the table, Tilt for Tat. Admittedly, my list isn't streamlined, and really lacks purpose other than to interact with others and grind out value in mid-range fashion, maybe land a nice C'hoof or something... or build up a fat Chasm Skulker and turn it sideways. I just recently acquired Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar , so there's always that, once I find a spot. Anyhoo, I'm with ya on finding a balance between land grabs and utility cards. The nicest thing about Tat is that she's not a board threat, so she's relatively low on the threat assessment pole, so she survives MUCH longer than my other commanders! .. and drawing cards while gaining life makes grinding it out feel that much better.

Suggestions: Replace Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse with Bant Panorama and another panorama with green or blue, like Jund or Grixis. You still get the double-landfalls, but you can use the panoramas immediately for mana, and just sac them when you need. Also, both Animist's Awakening and Splendid Reclamation were nearly orgasmic when I played them last week (maybe because it followed an opposing hand dump from a discard deck).

May 30, 2019 9:02 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #20

thewyzman, I'm glad you liked it. Upvote if you really like! :D I'll take look at your list, too.

Chasm Skulker is another good option to take advantage of all the card draw, and Multani is a house.

Great suggestions in regards to the Panoramas. I can't find a Bant Panorama right now, but have dug up a Naya Panorama and a Jund Panorama that I think I'll squeeze in for the time being.

June 4, 2019 12:41 p.m.

Poly_raptor says... #21

I’d recommend Boundless Realms basically reads pay , draw cards and gain life where is equal to the amount of lands you control.

Very good if you can flash it out with Alchemist's Refuge

I’ve got a similar deck that’s done some decent work at my local fnm, I think you may have posted feedback on it a few months back

June 4, 2019 1:17 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #22

A good call on Boundless Realms . That may have to be a future addition.

June 4, 2019 1:19 p.m.

Mcsweeting says... #23

How about a Deadeye Navigator ? Would definitely be extra value. Or a Scapeshift or Ramunap Excavator .

June 4, 2019 3:24 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #24

Mcsweeting, thanks for suggestions. Scapeshift is a bit too pricey, and this deck doesn't really run lands from the graveyard, so I don't have a lot of focus on digging lands out of the bin. Deadeye Navigator can probably always find value in a deck running blue, but I don't think I'm really running much that I'd gain from adding it. It would work well blinking Avenger of Zendikar , for sure, but I don't think I'd want to run it for just that card.

June 5, 2019 2:29 a.m.

Poly_raptor says... #25


Chasm Skulker & Toothy, Imaginary Friend both work well with Tatyova, as they just get bigger and bigger because you’re bound to be getting multiple land triggers per turn, from my experience piloting my deck people are a lot less likely to board wipe when they’ve got a 32/32 chasm skulker to deal with too!

Tishana, Voice of Thunder goes off very well if you cast it after you cast Avenger of Zendikar

Just ideas that have worked well for me :)

June 5, 2019 2:57 a.m.

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