This is my version of Tatyova, Benthic Druid. The deck started as a budget build based on the Commander’s Quarters decklist and it’s come a long way since then. This has become one of my favorite decks to play and I hope you all enjoy the deck too!

This is a hard ramp deck that hopes to combo off in the late game to win. The early game consists of ramping as fast as we can into Tatyova and using Tatyova with land drops and ramp spells to draw into combo pieces and more lands and ramp. With limited removal this deck has a consistent win around turn 6 and 7. Due to ramping hard in the deck, heavy removal and blue games will slow you down but most times you are still able to come out after the onslaught of removal and have so much advantage over your opponents to put you ahead. Due to this, the deck is limited to essentially no interaction other than Beast Within, and some free counterspells like Pact of Negation and Daze. This deck has been heavily tuned over the years and every single card in the deck is very valuable to the game plan.

Overall, the deck is very fun to play and includes some of my pet cards like Omniscience and Enter the Infinite to make the deck a little more fun for me to play. The way the list is built put the deck in the high power end of casual EDH. If Tatyova makes it to the late game, she has a hard time loosing. But in a higher power setting in cEDH, the deck is defentily too slow to deal with most fast wins like Demonic Consultation + Thassa's Oracle or Godo, Bandit Warlord. The downfall to the deck is it may upset some opponents as you play solitaire when running the engine to win the game. As experienced as I am playing the deck, I know the best choices in the deck and the sequencing to a science to ensure I can play solitaire to build my board or win the game as fast as possible to help this issue. The decklist and combos below don't do Tatyova justice. Playing this deck is a wild train ride of you just going absolutely crazy with card advantage and quickly overpowering your opponents to the point of no return.

There are a few different ways to win the game. This deck can win from Aetherflux Reservoir, Thassa's Oracle / Laboratory Maniac, and good old aggro with Craterhoof Behemoth / Finale of Devastation.

You can win with Aetherflux Reservoir by gaining enough life through land plays with Tatyova, use Aetherflux along with infinite mana or Omniscience to cast most your deck. You can also essentially gain infinite life with Aetherflux and infinite turns with Nexus of Fate being the last card in your library.

The next way to win is with Thassa's Oracle or Laboratory Maniac. Using various combos like Tatyova, Retreat to Coralhelm, Sakura-Tribe Scout / Llanowar Scout / Walking Atlas, and Simic Growth Chamber / Oboro, Palace in the Clouds / Guildless Commons, or Tatyova, Journey to the Oracle   ( back of Jadzi), Trade Routes, and Gaea's Cradle + Scute Swarm / Lotus Cobra / Tireless Provisioner or Tatyova, Kodama of the East Tree, Tireless Provisioner, and Simic Growth Chamber / Oboro, Palace in the Clouds / Guildless Commons; we can draw our entire decks to play Thassa’s Oracle to win or Laboratory Maniac and repeat the loupe to win. Combos associated with a “bounce land” and Labratory Maniac can also be done on another players turn with the use of Ghost Town. Without comboing you can also win as easy as casting Enter the Infinite and then casting Thassa's Oracle once you have drawn the deck or casting Laboratory Maniac and finding a way to draw 2.

The last way to win is through good ole combat damage. Using Scute Swarm and various land plays will create a full token army or even having a few creatures in play and lots of mana to Finale of Devastation to give each of my creature enough power to take the game. Most times this gets Craterhoof Behemoth to ensure the trample damage gets me there. I also use Concordant Crossroads in the deck so if I’m able to create enough Scute Swarm tokens I can also just swing with them alone to take the win.

These combos are explained in the next panel below.

There are a few combos in the deck and for the purpose of simplicity, I will give examples with only one option for those combos that can have multiple and highlight the other options in the explanation.

The combo works like; with Tatyova, Retreat of Coralhelm, a not summoning sick Sakura-Tribe Scout and a bounce land in hand ; you use Sakura-Tribe Scout's tap ability to place the bounce land into play. This will trigger Tatyova, Retreat to Coralhelm, and the bounce land. You draw a card and gain a life off of Tatyova, untap your Sakura-Tribe Scout with the Retreat to Coralhelm, and bounce the bounce land itself with the bounce land trigger. This brings you back to where you started and you can rinse and repeat until you have drawn your deck or another win condition.

This combo has some variability with the bounce land and the tap ability creature. Bounce lands include; Simic Growth Chamber, Guildless Commons, Oboro, Palace in the Clouds, and Ghost Town. This combo will also work with with Oboro in play at the start because you can tap it for blue and use that to return it to hand instead of a bounce land etb trigger. This combo also works with Ghost Town but only on an opponents turn. You can use this to win with Laboratory Maniac on an opponents turn. Tap ability creatures include; Sakura-Tribe Scout, Llanowar Scout, and Walking Atlas.

This combo can also gain you mana by instead of playing a bounce land with your Sakura-Tribe Scout's ability you can play any other lands you have drawn through this combo. This still works because you will still untap your Sakura-Tribe Scout with Retreat to Coralhelm and draw your card off of Tatyova. This combo works best with the bounce land, but if you have a few lands in hand you can start the combo with Tatyova, Retreat to Coralhelm, and Sakura-Tribe Scout and go through the loupe until you hit a bounce land or stop drawing lands and wiff. With the high land count and other ramp pieces you are unlikely to wiff, but it has happened.

This combo works to draw your whole deck to win with Thassa's Oracle or Laboratory Maniac or draw Alter of Dementia to sacrifice Tatyova and play Scute Swarm and continue the combo for infinite Scutes Swarms and swing with Concordant Crossroads or Finale of Devastation. The nice part of this combo is while you are doing the combo and drawing your deck you are able to play non-bounce lands to also have a ton of mana to have a variety of ways to win once you have drawn your deck.

This combo works by having Tatyova, Trade Routes, and Lotus Cobra in play with Journey to the Oracle in hand. This combo will require you to have a bit going on specifically untapped lands and lands in hand before you are able to pull it off. The combo goes like play Journey to the Oracle   discard a card to return Journey to hand; put lands into play off Journey, draw off the Tatyova trigger, and make mana off of Lotus Cobra. Use the Trade Routes ability to return as many lands as you can to your hand and still be able to cast Journey to the Oracle  , play Journey and put the lands into play, draw more cards off Tatyova, and Produce more mana off of Lotus Cobra. Continuing this loupe will net you mana as your draw more lands with Tatyova.

Some alternatives for this combo revolve around how mana is produced . The alternatives to Lotus Cobra include Tireless Provisioner and a combo of Scute Swarm and Gaea's Cradle. Although more cards, the combo of Cradle and Scute Swarm makes this combo very easy as you can tap Cradle for lots of mana to return lands including Cradle and cast Journey to the Oracle while still netting mana.

This combo creates the same outcome as the Retreat to Coralhelm combo in generating essentially infinite mana and drawing your deck to win with Thassa'a Oracle, Laboratory Maniac, Scute Swarm, Craterhoof Behemoth, Finale of Devastation, and Aetherflux Reservoir.

This combo works with Tatyova, Kodama of the East Tree, and Tireless Provisioner in play with Simic Growth Chamber in hand for your land for turn. As you play the bounce land you get a trigger of Tatyova, tirless provisioner, and Kodama. You place them on the stack as Kodama, Tireless Provisioner, Bounce Land, and Tatyova on top. Working in reverse order you draw a card and gain a life, bounce your land to hand, and create a treasure token with Tireless Provisioner. This Token entering the battlefield triggers Kodama once again to put a 0 cmc permanent into play. With this trigger you play the bounce land once again and recreate the same stack as before. You can rinse and repeat this to once again draw your deck.

This plays the exact same way as the past combos were you now can play everything in your deck with infinite mana off of treasure tokens, life with Tatyova and Aetherflux Reservoir, and damage with Scute Swarm, Finale of Devastation, and Aetherflux Reservoir to win the game.

Thank you for taking a look at the deck and I hope you enjoyed the absolute craziness this is Tatyova, Benthic Druid!


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98% Competitive

Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.20
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Emblem Wrenn and Seven, Food, Insect 1/1 G, Treasure, Treefolk */* G w/ Reach, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Strongest Decks
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