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Taur-Taur Sauce!




Enchantment (1)

Artifact (1)


With the new BNG cards comes more aggro! I built this deck from a previous gruul deck of mine. I was like the new minotaurs and I already had Xenagos, God of Revels, so i figured id splash some black but then it turned out even more than I planned.

Early game mana-ramp from Elvish Mystic and Sylvan Caryatid allows me to cast multiple minotaurs, specifically Kragma Warcaller and Rageblood Shaman for their coloress cost, due to Ragemonger. They allow me to get an immediate board presence to pressure my opponent into not swinging for those vital blockers.

A big downfall to this is that all of the minotaurs have at most a toughness of 3 without buffs which makes them all targets for the simplest of burn spells, especially Mizzium Mortars. Once in the graveyard however I am able to get them all back because of Underworld Cerberus or Champion of Strays Souls (depending on what I'm facing).


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I playtest-ed the deck against a friend and it was doing well so I took it to my local FNM tournament not expecting much at all to come of it except to get some more experience to figure out what to do. There was about 25 people there so we did a 5 round preliminary.

Round 1: White/Blue/Black Control Bestow 2-0 Win -Game 1: Not much to say, he couldn't get enough creatures to stop my trampling minotaurs until he top-decked a Supreme Verdict. He ended up killed my Underorld Cerberus giving me back everything and my hastey minotaurs ended the next turn. -Game 2: A bit closer of a game, he was gaining life left and right and whittling me away with a flyer until I top-decked a Kalonian Hydra and swung for 10/10 trample with one creature along with my other creatures because of Ogre Battledriver for the win.

Round 2: White/Red Boros 2-0 Win -Game 1: Close game, kept me at bay and whittled me away for a bit with Boros Reckoner until I top decked a doom blade to kill it and swing for the win with out the chance of a draw. -Game 2: He got mana-locked at 2 for 5 turns, nothing to work with and I had a field of creatures.

Round 3: White/Blue/Green Control 2-1 Win (I just want to say, this game was against what the store I play at a prodigy at Magic. The judges asked him about rulings at times, so yeah.) -Game 1: I got mana-locked, I had a good starting hand and was just hoping to draw into a single forest and I didn't. It was close because I was able to get some creatures, but njot quick enough for the win. -Game 2: I obliterated him, he didn't have enough control to keep me from summoning creatures because he kept top-decking useless planeswalkers. He would bubble a creature with Kiora, the Crashing Wavefoil but I had my play-set of Rageblood Shaman, 2 Kragma Warcaller, and 2 Fellhide Spiritbinder. It was over. -Game 3: Another blow out, he kept a hand he shouldn't have and I drew a hand that angels weep for: 2 forests, 3 Elvish Mystic, 1 Kalonian Hydra, and 1 Bow of Nylea. Right when I played my hydra he conceded.

Round 4: Black/White/Green Junk Removal 1-2 Loss All 3 games were close to the wire, not much to say about them. Pretty evenly matched up, a lot of removal for a lot of creatures. Her creatures just stayed out longer in the games she won.

Round 5: Mono-Red (with a slash of green) Aggro Burn 1-2 Loss -Game 1: It was close, I had taken out all of his field except for land and he top-decked the bane of my deck's existence, Mizzium Mortars. He then drew into a Stormbreath Dragon and it was over for me. -Game 2: Same thing happened in game to as it did in game one except we both top-decked Domri Rade. We were both able to ultimate him. He kept +1 into land while I got low drop creatures and then with the emblem it was over. -Game 3: I got mana-locked at 3 unable to play really anything. By the time I could I was already out tempo-ed.

With my current record and standings I then moved on into the top 8. I lost in the first game to the same White/Black/Green Junk deck that I faced earlier. They were just as close as before and I didn't have the proper sideboard materials to pull it out.

Overall though I am very pleased with how my thrown together deck held out and I was able to prove everyone who laughed at my Taur-Taur Sauce deck wrong.

If you have any suggestions on anything I could do to improve this and make it better, I am more than happy to read them.

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

15 - 1 Rares

10 - 6 Uncommons

14 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.43
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Domri Rade
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