thanks man! a lot of my friends try to convince me to sprinkle in red for the various red vampires, but this one is all about Vampire Nocturnus
January 28, 2015 11:29 p.m.
HAMMERHEAD69 says... #3
Don't blame you. I would keep it mono black too.
January 28, 2015 11:51 p.m.
thanks for commenting :)
this deck definitely is more creature heavy. if you splash 4 blue black lands you could use Plea for Power instead of Underworld Connections. draw three or take an extra turn which is deadly in a tempo vamp deck. all for 1U mana. technically wouldn't be splashing blue or slowing the deck down if you use innistrad lands. Vampire Nighthawk and Sorin Markov definitely help with the underworld connections though. why not use Feast of Blood for life gain? also Butcher of Malakir is a 7 drop. takes way too long to get it out and if someone counters it theres your turn wasted. why not drop in a stronger vampire creature that buffs the rest of your vampires? Bloodlord of Vaasgoth or Necropolis Regent. also why not use Vampire Hexmage? your deck is more creature heavy to handle it unlike mine. someone drops a planeswalker you sac hexmage and the planeswalker is gone. also goes for divinity counters, or any other pesky counters in play that interfere. I don't really use them because I focus on cruel control; however, they aren't to be overlooked.
also EVERY mono black deck needs to run Dark Ritual. it became a mythic for a reason, and not a shitty mythic either. solid inexpensive card. turn 2 sorin markov in play or turn 2 Vampire Nocturnus in play or even Bloodline Keeper Flip to drop in tokens.
Undefeated Vampire Control
February 18, 2015 2:44 p.m.
Grave Pact is a 4 drop rather than a 7 drop for Butcher of Malakir. same effect but cheaper and it stays in play. or you could Exquisite Blood or Sanguine Blood for the life gain help while your opponent loses life.
February 18, 2015 2:47 p.m.
Sanguine Bond * sorry about that
I do like all of the 1 drops and 2 drops you have though.
thought about adding 2 more Captivating Vampire for buff and to steal your opponents creatures?
February 18, 2015 2:50 p.m.
thanks for the comments man! I do agree that Butcher of Malakir is too slow and would like to replace him when i want to put more money into this deck. I think I like Bloodlord of Vaasgoth the most. It has only gotten small tweaks over the past year because it has performed so well consistently.
Im glad you mentioned Feast of Blood because i just got three, definitely an improvement for my creature removal.
Vampire Hexmage is a great one but Its use is a little too limited for me to put it into a low drop slot in this deck. If I could afford it I would go for Bloodghast of course.
February 19, 2015 10:57 a.m.
I decided to go with Anowon, the Ruin Sage, I get a consistent trigger and it jives with my creature heavy deck.
February 19, 2015 11:12 a.m.
definitely did want it but chose to stick with exclusively vampires because if I used gray merchant I would want to run 4 and that would interfere with the many special abilities that focus on the vampire creature type. life gain isn't a problem with this deck and it deals enough damage, so I don't regret not using Gray Merchant of Asphodel
March 10, 2015 4:23 a.m.
plus a 5 drop is a tad slow with a meh ability. you can just use sorin drop them to 10 even if theyre at 10,000 life. makes no difference anymore then swarm with flying after killing everything on their side.
March 10, 2015 5:32 a.m.
swarm with flying is basically the thesis statement of this deck
March 11, 2015 12:48 a.m.
exactly. so putting a zombie in a vampire deck makes no sense.
it throws off the balance. plus its a 5 drop. id rather run a vampire nocturnus for a 4 drop to buff all of my creatures.
every deck has its style and purpose. this is creature heavy with a little removal. if anything I would suggest Dark Ritual. great card to aid any mono black deck quicken up the pace of the game. turn 2 drop a nocturnus.
March 11, 2015 1:03 a.m.
personally I would take out the underworld connections for dark ritual.
if not then I would take out 2 swamps because in my vampire deck I get stuff out fast and always draw to many lands running dark rituals. (that's with 21 swamps not 23. so for sure 2 less swamp) either take out blade of the bloodchief. also I wouldn't run child of the night. so there are some cards to tamper with. if you can throw in another tragic slip as well.
if you can run aggro/creature heavy while running removal youd be unstoppable. my deck is more removal with op creatures but not creature heavy. to do that id have to throw in lower cost creatures. i just love removal.
your deck should have at least 8 removal though because the odds of drawing each card aren't very high. so id say 4 tragic slip and 4 feast of blood.
March 11, 2015 9:09 p.m.
After coming on 4th at a modern tournament and seeing how the deck plays it seems to work fine without Dark Ritual I have plenty of 1 and 2 drops so not much need of a ramp though I will agree that turn 2 nocturnus sounds great it just doesn't win a spot in the deck right now
March 16, 2015 10:50 p.m.
JamestheJoo says... #17
might want to consider Lashwrithe it wrecks in monoblack decks and comes out alive. plus with the phyrexian mana it can come out and be a 4/4 threat or immediately equip it to a nighthawk and smash in for tons of damage/lifegain.
March 22, 2015 2:48 p.m.
meh Blade of the Bloodchief is better IMO, and I don't even run that lol.1 mana cost, 1 equip cost. rather than a 4 drop.the best equipment in the game consist of Skullclamp and Bonesplitterhigh CVC kills cards no matter how good they are. otherwise Worldslayer would be fantastic on an indestructible creature. CVC kills it though.
March 23, 2015 7:14 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #19
I like your deck. I only have one suggestions and that would be Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to get your stuff out faster or play your bigger stuff quicker with all of the "devotion" you have here. I'd also look into something in black to interact with your opponent. Not many decks in modern are intensely creature heavy so you may end up holding some creature destruction cards for a while. Since Underworld Connections requires a land to play, just curious, have you considered Phyrexian Arena?
November 28, 2015 11:22 p.m.
thanks for the suggestions. Underworld Connections is there to control the top card of the library with Vampire Nocturnus as well as for card draw.
November 29, 2015 12:08 p.m.
Nice deck, have fooled around with many vampire decks and for some reason never think of using Shadow Alley Denizen. My favorite way to play vampires is red/black, but mono-black can be so powerful if you can get your 4+ drops out. +1 for a solid vampire deck, and agreed about the promotional foil Nocturnus, all my copies are the foil and I got them a little cheaper.
HAMMERHEAD69 says... #1
This deck seems really cool. I love using mono black and have always wanted to try a straight up vampire deck. I may have to give this one a try.
January 28, 2015 9:41 p.m.