Well. 0-2 vs Landot. Alas, poor Tajic, I knew him ... well, for about half a turn. Stupid removals that work on indestructible creatures.
So, turns out blue black is where you want to be for creature removal in this set.
Anyhow! Next round pits us against that RZ guy, (copypasting RussischerZar from above, hope I'll learn it) and I'll let you know when that will take place! Thanks for turning up, fellas!
August 9, 2013 3:48 p.m.
Reminder - since Timekeeper missed out and I'm sure some of you might want to ....ugh... re-watch that round - I've got them all up on my Twitch channel (Linked it up there at the most recent update) to re-watch at your leisure. And by all I mean the one game. And the pre-game yesterday that turned into nothing.
In other news! Looks like RussischerZar and I will square off come Wednesday afternoon next week, 3pm EST just like today's game was. Of course, it'll be evening for him, since he's all Euro-based and whatnot. Looking forward to it!
August 10, 2013 2:41 a.m.
It's so almost go time I can't stand it! I'll have the stream up shortly.
August 14, 2013 2:34 p.m.
Frostblade says... #8
Good luck dude. I may not be able to watch it now because i'm busy but ill check it out later for sure. Remember to use the correct mana haha.
August 14, 2013 2:37 p.m.
A win! I won't spoil you on the deetz - but head over to the twitch and watch the runback if you can. Definitely a good game with RussischerZar (nope, still can't type it right without looking it up) and we've got Gurei on deck next, so I'll let you know when it will be!
August 14, 2013 4:08 p.m.
Look up top at the update. Round three Monday at 4!
August 17, 2013 5:07 p.m.
Oh crap! My twitch page lost my match vs Landot!And by "lost" I mean "I didn't realize they only kept base recordings for 4-7 days".Dangs.I "highlighted" Round 2's match, arguably a better one to keep, though not so much a showcase of my apparent hilarity (when exasperated). That should keep it in there indefinitely.
August 18, 2013 2:53 a.m.
Just watched Match 2. Nice voice and good games! Solid mulligan decisions worked out well. Looking forward to Match 3, though I probably won't be able to view it live.
August 18, 2013 10:18 p.m.
Well anyone who can view it live get ready, I'll be streaming in about 30 minutes!
August 19, 2013 3:26 p.m.
Well guys that was abysmal. I've got the game portion of the recording saved, though it was about half as long as the wait to get started, where arguably all the entertainment was.
Anywho, I haven't heard a positive yes or no from Goody as to whether or not we play tomorrow at 4:30pm (EST), but it's likely, so be advised. I'll try and email him today and see if it's confirmed.
August 20, 2013 2:39 p.m.
Alright, confirmed with Goody - tomorrow 4:30pm! Gonna be cutting it close to work time, so hopefully everything falls into place on time.
August 20, 2013 5:27 p.m.
Jarrheadd0 says... #17
All right, gents. I have a proposition for you all, that may be unpopular. But what the hell. I've created a new decklist for us. After all, draft is continuous construction. I cut Tajic and the white splash in favor of consistency. I cut Weapon Surge just because it hasn't proven to be worth the card slot as of yet. I've also mainboarded a few more cards like Phytoburst and Sinister Possession and trimmed our deck down to forty cards. The Phytoburst is just good for damage, and our deck actually has some trouble getting enough damage through to win the game. The Sinister Possession , while unpopular, will help us out I think. We get mangled by fliers. Most fliers, however, are not large enough to make a swing worth the two-life loss. Therefore I think the card will be used as a Pacifism for fliers. I don't know what you guys will think of this, and TridenT can make his own call of what he thinks of it. Just giving my two cents.
August 21, 2013 1:18 a.m.
Well one thing is set in stone: The deck we submitted. Per Caley, game one of all rounds will be played with what we have here. I do, however, think a solid sideboard idea is something we've lacked, and I don't necessarily mind opening up to options. What I don't like is dropping Tajic. We're a moderate deck with two good to decent bombs, and knocking one of those out in favor of consistency doesn't do us many favors. I am fine with trying to get Sinister Possession on some boards, and don't mind trimming to 40 some games. But we can't always win with Master of Cruelties (and if previous games are any indication, everyone else has removal enough to deal with him) and we're not always going to have the Armed / Dangerous masterstroke. The more big hits we have to play, the better off we'll be. Weapon Surge definitely can be cut from time to time, as could Maze Rusher perhaps.
I can't see your remake, you may have to share it with me specifically if it's private.
August 21, 2013 4:31 a.m.
Jarrheadd0 says... #19
Oh, all right. It's not really important if we can't change the deck we submitted. Just thought we might be able to. My beef with Tajic is just that he doesn't seem to do enough. We're lucky if we have two other creatures to swing with, and that's assuming Tajic doesn't get hit by a Warped Physique or a Fatal Fumes . I don't know. It's just an odd, confusing format.
August 21, 2013 6:34 a.m.
Well nuts. It appears an extended downtime is expected to last halfway into my work shift tonight, so I don't see any way to play Goody today. I'll get with him and get it figured out.
August 21, 2013 4:39 p.m.
Mistakes were made.
I'm going to go beat myself up for a week or so because of that game 1. Game 2 we just got beat out but game 1 I had in THE. BAG. and lost it. Because of greed or conservative play; I don't know yet. Probably both.
Goody definitely had the better version of our deck.
August 23, 2013 5:59 p.m.
Man. I can't catch a break. Another loss.
I feel like I'm playing a lot better when you guys show up though - empty chat in the last two rounds has been a bit depressing.
Hopefully I can make everyone aware of the schedule well ahead of time before the next round.
Also: I'm going to PAX, so if any of you are going to be up that way feel free to say so!
August 27, 2013 5:16 p.m.
Timekeeper says... #23
Sorry I haven't been in any of the live games. I've just started college this week so the last couple weeks have been very hectic.
I do always try to watch the games after the fact though, so keep going strong!
August 27, 2013 7:41 p.m.
Frostblade says... #24
Same here man. That college life...its a busy one. All the games are during my classes so I can't make them.
August 27, 2013 8:52 p.m.
More than fair! I'm a workaday schlub with a second shift job so your priorities definitely outclass mine, heh.
So, a question for anyone who's watched today's game. Did I mess up at the end of game 3? Both Caley and Deckbuilder asked why I didn't chump with the Druid, but it really felt like I would have been wasting everyone's time with one more turn, knowing full well that no card in the deck could answer BBoV. Caley pointed out I could have stalled for enough time to put out my Morgue Burst'd Behemoth, which would stalemate the board.
I'm conflicted.
TridenT says... #1
The deck itself could be named Jund Surprise if you want.
August 8, 2013 6:14 p.m.