
version 1.1.0

Aggressive vampire tribal deck that builds board quickly, rebuilds well after board wipes, and goes tall while it goes wide. Play cheap vampires, get tokens, play aggressively or sacrifice the tokens for gains. Don't play Edgar Markov until a sufficient board has been built, but don't overextend if you have no way of protecting your board. Sometimes dropping Edgar as soon as the earliest best-looking opportunity arises is the right thing to do, so you can get some decent damage in before you lose your board. If you've got wipe protection, feel free to go wider.


5 - 6

I made the noob mistake of keeping a two-land hand and got mana screwed for the first 5 turns, ended up losing to one of the new Wizard commanders comboing out.
Second game went a lot better. I pumped out a ton of vampires and attacked aggressively. Reconnaissance feels a bit unfair, being able to pull blocked creatures back so they don't die, then untap the creatures that got through after combat. Facing an end-game board wipe, I sacced all my vampires to Viscera Seer to dig through my library and ending up finding a Debt to the Deathless for the win. I had Vamp Rites in play that game but never used it. Deathtouch might be useful, so too might Grave Pact effects??
Third game I ended up mulliganing to 6 cards, mistakenly. Note to self: if your first hand of 7 contains too many lands, and your second hand of 7 also contains a bunch of lands, don't expect your hand of 6 to have many, or be able to draw enough off the top to catch up. I got stuck with 1 land, a mana rock and a low curve, but I never ended up drawing that 2nd land off the top of my library. Lesson learned, I think. TWO losses so far due to land screw.
Fourth game was lost to an Ojutai dragonlord enchantment voltron. With Sovereigns of Lost Alara, Citadel Siege (named Khans) and a vigilance enchantment on the board; after watching another opponent fall to Eldrazi Conscription on a vigilant Ojutai with a bunch of +1/+1 counters for one-shot lethal, I thought I could regain control over the board with a Return to Dust, followed by Vampire Hexmage to remove the +1/+1 counters, but RtD was counterspelled. Concede game 4.
Fifth game was going alright for a while. I was getting lots of tokens out, partially because of Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle, pumping them with Rakish Heir. I was amassing quite an army and probably mistakenly cast Vona, Butcher of Magan instead of Edgar Markov for a big swingy attack, because immediately following my turn someone wiped the board and I had to start over. I forget what killed me that game. One point to note is that I successfully used Vampiric Rites ability to draw ONE WHOLE CARD in the entire time I've seen it in all these games. Thinking of swapping it for more reliable card draw and protection against wipes.
vs Thada Adel, Acquisitor, Narset, Enlightened Master, Mairsil, the Pretender

Phyrexian Reclamation is a welcome add this time around, bringing back a few creatures from my graveyard for easy board rebuilding after some removal. Anointed Procession put in work, and paired extremely well with Shared Animosity. Rakish Heir the wide board go tall, and Vona, Butcher of Magan was able to remove some annoying things. Austere Command was also a newly added card and game in extremely handy, wiping a ton of artifacts from the board, setting the Thada Adel deck back a lot. Skullclamp drew me a ton of cards thanks to all the tokens I amassed. The win came through combat damage and I ended up actually casting and swinging twice with Edgar Markov. Felt a lot better after the recent changes.

KINGDOMS LOSS (as the Assassin)
vs Oloro, Ageless Ascetic (King), Tishana, Voice of Thunder (Knight), Omnath, Locus of Rage (Bandit), Marchesa, the Black Rose (Bandit)

Because we had 5 players, we played the Kingdoms variant. In case you are unfamiliar with the Kingdoms variant rules, go look them up! We do have a couple of small tweaks to win conditions, however: the Assassin can win by getting the killing blow on the King AND a bandit is dead. For the sake of combo wins, you can kill the King and a Bandit at the same time and still meet the win condition. Also, (though not relevant to this game) the Usurper can steal ANYONE'S role card, except only the King can remain in the game when knocked to 0 by the Usurper; non-King players killed by the Usurper are out of the game and the Usurper continues the game with the stolen role card. This opens up more Usurper win conditions and has resulted in a lot of funny wins.

I was not piloting the deck for this game. I was playing Omnath, Locus of Rage and I lent the Edgar deck to a friend who popped in for a game and didn't bring his own deck — let's call him V. Oloro gained an absurd amount of life and had the advantage of none of the bandits wanting to reveal their intentions too early, so he pillow-forted. I ramped into a bunch of lands and combo enchantments and somehow was able to keep Omnath on the board. My bandit partner Marchesa had gotten knocked out by Tishana, who was focusing everyone else but Oloro. V responded in turn by killing the most immediate threat to himself: Tishana. I saw my chance and swung at Oloro with a bunch of 5/5 Elementals, then saccing them to Goblin Bombardment for a big chunk of damage to his face and clearing out any remaining blockers. I had Blighted Woodland and Crucible of Worlds in play, so it was super easy to rebuild my board state after that. By this point, V had put together a frightening board presence. He had a handful of vampires, Door of Destinies at (only) 2 counters, Vanquisher's Banner, Metallic Mimic, and TWO emblems from Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, then attacked the King for over 50 damage, but it still wasn't quite enough to kill the King. Looks like he didn't bother to do the math, because he left the King wide open for me to finish him off, securing the bandit win.

It must be said though, even though I didn't even pilot the deck for this game, that 50-something damage in one combat with only a handful of vampires on the field was pretty impressive.

vs Thada Adel, Acquisitor, Skullbriar, the Walking Grave, Dragonlord Dromoka, Oloro, Ageless Ascetic

Testing a much lower mana curve. Kept a 2 land opening hand with a couple of cheap vampires. Usually I don't like to keep a 2-lander, but here we are. To our luck, Skullbriar didn't hit the table on turn 2 -- he actually didn't come out until turn 5 or so. Oloro, as he does, stubbornly gained a shit ton of life. I flooded the board with vampires but sadly couldn't find any anthems or buffs. Meanwhile, Dromoka found a bunch of their goodstuff value creatures like Brimaz and Odric, then a Gaea's cradle into TWO big Genesis Waves sealed the game.

Ended up holding onto Phyrexian Arena for far too many turns. I'm generally never wanting to play it on turn 3 unless I have absolutely no vampires in hand, and even then it's too slow to get value from. Going to be cutting this in favour of more bursty card draw.

vs Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas, Jenara, Asura of War (Superfriends)

I had previously seen the Jenara player's deck earlier in the night when I was playing my Feldon deck against it and figured out what he was trying to do with it. Bant Superfriends. Okay. The Kalemne deck is going to be a much bigger threat.

I gained early board control with a kicked Gatekeeper of Malakir vs the Kalemne player, removing one of his early creatures. Then next turn followed it up with a Terminate to remove his commander. I found Skullclamp early and got a ton of card draw out of it but cleared my board of tokens in the process. That's okay, this deck absolutely loves all this burst draw. Cast Anowon, the Ruin Sage for the first time ever — this deck had a lot of "firsts" tonight, which I'll get to later — and stuck the newly re-added Blade of the Bloodchief to him. I'd previously cut the Blade (no pun intended) for some reason but I just put it back in a couple days ago. Anowon forced the sacrifice of a couple of creatures and prevented people from playing any new ones for a couple of turns, plus he got in a bunch of damage thanks to the equipped Blade, so I'm happy to say he did some work this game.

Kalemne cast a Wrath of God and we had to start over. He followed it up next turn with Hundred-Handed One, strapping Swiftfoot Boots and Sword of Feast and Famine to it. Crap. This guy held down the board for a loooong time. The Jenara Superfriends player managed to get a Doubling Season out and ultimate a Tamiyo on the turn she was played, but other than dick around with some planeswalkers, he didn't really do much this game. I regained the board and card advantage with Yahenni, Undying Partisan, Legion Lieutenant and Champion of Dusk to draw a ton of cards, including Boros Charm and Teferi's Protection. Played Twilight Prophet for the extra card advantage and easily gained City's Blessing (not difficult with this deck). This card is fantastic. Sure, it's slower card advantage similar to Phyrexian Arena, but the upside is that our opponents get mass life-drained AND it's a vampire.

Somehow, Hundred-Handed One was removed and I was finally able to get in some damage past the Kalemne player. With a threatening board of Yahenni, Undying Partisan equipped with Blade of the Bloodchief, a Legion Lieutenant, Twilight Prophet, Champion of Dusk and Gifted Aetherborn, I sat pretty with Teferi's Protection and Boros Charm in hand. Kalemne attempted a board wipe so I cast Teferi's Protection and watched as he and Jenara smacked each other until my next turn. I cast and swung with Edgar Markov (a rare occurrence), finishing Jenara and taking Kalemne low. I probably should've just cast Boros Charm to give one of my unblocked dudes double strike and finish Kalemne off, but I forgot. No matter, I will just make all my stuff indestructible if I need to. Turns out I needed to. Boros Charm came in useful during Kalemne's turn and saved my ass, as well as Teferi's Protection the turn before. Those cards are absolute all-stars in this deck.

New cards I saw tonight:
Champion of Dusk drew me 6 cards.
Twilight Prophet gives both card and life advantage.
Legion Lieutenant adds a lot of power to the board for just 2 mana.
Anowon, the Ruin Sage... okay he's not a new card but I've honestly never stuck one on the board before. He's a bit slow, but considering my opponents were playing very few but very big creatures, he did work.

I lent the deck to a friend who's brand new to MTG, showed him the basics of what the deck was supposed to do, even helped him along when he made a couple misplays (even though I was his opponent, but c'mon he didn't know what he was doing), and he still won. This deck basically pilots itself.
This win happened some time before I wrote this, so I don't really remember which commanders I was playing against, or how big the game was (it either 3 or 4 players), nor do I remember what happened so there won't be an exciting write-up this time.

This deck now has a 45% winrate. My God...


Updates Add

Rivals of Ixalan Update

Phyrexian Arena - too slow
Authority of the Consuls - replaced with Blind Obedience
Fellwar Stone - a little too restrictive
Read the Bones - good card, but I want more explosive draw
Reconnaissance - honestly, I've won games without even casting Edgar, and Edgar is the reason Reconnaissance was in here
Shadow Alley Denizen - intimidate doesn't really do enough
Adanto Vanguard - not a bad aggressive little guy, needed the spot for the new lord
Olivia, Mobilized for War - would be better if I ran more madness effects
Dark Impostor - I rarely found myself wanting to pay his ability cost
Olivia Voldaren - again, I've never wanted to use her steal ability
Bloodline Necromancer / Bishop of Rebirth - high curve, situational usefulness, plus I rather like casting vampires a bit more than just getting them back on the battlefield

Blind Obedience - a bit more powerful than Authority of the Consuls
Radiant Destiny - Ascend seems like it might be easy to hit, so this is like Intangible Virtue without the token stipulation
Blade of the Bloodchief - yeah, I wasn't running it until now
Darksteel Ingot - reliable color fixing
Night's Whisper - easy mana cost 2-for-1 Painful Truths - likely going to draw 3, so already more efficient than Read the Bones or Ambition's Cost
Ambition's Cost - draws a lot of cards, almost as efficient as Painful Truths
Legion Lieutenant - low cost anthem
Forerunner of the Legion - vampiric tutor on a stick
Twilight Prophet - Bob-like card draw that hits opponents instead
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet - sweet body, sac outlet, +1/+1 counter play, gives tokens
Champion of Dusk - insane card draw


Revision 16 See all

(4 years ago)

Date added 7 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.95
Tokens City's Blessing, Emblem Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, Emblem Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Human Cleric 1/1 WB, Vampire 1/1 B, Vampire 1/1 B w/ Lifelink, Vampire 1/1 W, Vampire 2/2 B, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders EDH
Ignored suggestions
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