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teferi RTH/Counter Spammer

Commander / EDH




Mid-low budget Teferi Unsummoning deck. After playing blue for a while and getting bored just countering everything, I started having fun with return to hand and counter combos which led to this basic deck design, centered around perpetually returning enemy creatures and other permanents back to hand to regulate board state, how much damage I take, and which enemy blockers I allow to stay on the field.With Teferi, the idea became to let return to hand creatures (now with flash for extra usefulness) combine with other effects to stock my hand full of relatively low-drop counters and return to hand spells so I can be very selective about what stays on the field and what I actually use counterspells on. Countering your opponent's behemoth commander is one thing, but bouncing it, making them pay for it multiple times, then countering it is way better. Viva la RTH/Counter Spammer!The main hurdle this deck needs to overcome to win comfortably is getting draw established early on to A)ensure you have a land to play every turn and B)keep your hand stocked with enough RTH/counters to guarantee your opponent can't get anything too threatening started.

Low drop mana acceleration like Sol Ring, Mind Stone, Sapphire Medallion and terrain generator help get your low to mid-drop combos going while starting to provide RTH/Counter mana when you pass your turn.

Low drop unblockables can become a major nuisance early on in combos like Sigil of Sleep + Triton Shorestalker or Rogue's Gloves + Gudul Lurker and become even more valuable when mid-drop cards like coastal piracy or Thassa's trident come out.

at 3 mana you can cast all but 5 creatures in the deck, many of which need to do combat damage to allow you to draw cards or return enemy creatures to hand. This is where things get fun. I am usually pretty aggressive attacking early on so I have an excuse to bounce blockers out of the way for cards like Jhessian Thief and surrakar spellblade to start drawing the shit outta some cards. If you can keep the field free of blockers for a couple turns while swinging and drawing from it, you've pretty much already won. Just keep bouncing whatever gets in your way, counter the scary stuff, and chip away at their life total.

There are some awesome combos hidden in this deck. Equilibrium + Shrieking Drake means unlimited 2 mana bounce, available in flash with Teferi on the field. Scroll of the Masters + Cephalid Constable is a combo that only gets stronger when you protect it, and is great if scroll comes out early and doesn't get destroyed. AEtherize + Bident of Thassa is a nice workaround for cards like archetype of endurance. Archaeomancer + Peel from Reality is another infinite RTH combo loop that you can use as many times as you can pay for it. Plus Archaeomancer + Call to Mind + Crystal Shard means you can recycle any instant or sorcery as many times as you can pay for it.

I appreciate feedback, especially if you can keep card suggestions under about $20-30 or 7-8 CMC.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 1 Mythic Rares

19 - 6 Rares

31 - 1 Uncommons

20 - 1 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.76
Tokens Copy Clone, Morph 2/2 C, Squid 1/1 U
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