maddoxmtg Candelabra has to tap to use its effect, so you can't go infinite with it with just temple. And while Extraplanar Lense is nice, it's just unnecessary and kind of a wasted slot.
Lhurgyof If I was running a complete stax package, I'd be running those cards. The stax cards I have in here are just to buy enough time to combo off. Mana Vortex shredding my own lands is not really where I want to be. If Invoke Prejudice had an easier casting cost, I might play it, but it's very hard to boost that thing out since it requires four blue.
August 7, 2016 8:51 a.m.
Fair enough. Do you mind if I copy this deck and make some adjustments? I have been wanting to do a permanent focused version if that's cool.
August 7, 2016 3:49 p.m.
Your mana curve is way too high. The highest ACMC you ever want to go for a competitive deck is 2.75. You're sitting at 3.32. I would advise dropping some of the tubby cards like Sunder, All is Dust, Karn, Temporal Mastery, Bribery, Devastation Tide, and Evacuation. DTT and Cruise can also probably go, as Teferi doesn't fill his graveyard very fast.
You're running too many lands. Even with several notable mana rocks missing, 38 is crazy high. I would drop down to 34-35.
All of your potential additions seem sound, with the possible exception of Merchant Scroll.
I would definitely keep Candelabra. It's amazing with High Tide, but even on its own it can filter colorless mana into blue, which can be surprisingly relevant.
Otherwise, seems solid given your missing cards.
December 23, 2016 3:19 a.m.
Lilbrudder says... #6
Honestly there isn't anything I can add beyond what NarejED has already said. The list is very solid and with those suggested changes you should have little trouble terrorizing your playgroup.
December 23, 2016 8:58 a.m.
NarejED Made some changes. Kept the Evacuation and DTT but switched some other stuff around, and my average cmc is now 2.54. Going to hunt around for my winter orb, rhistic study and rings of brighthearth as well, think those would be worthwhile additions.
December 23, 2016 4:13 p.m.
Hey, I made some changes to your deck in an effort to make it wallet-friendlier(-ish), It leaves out most of the $50+ cards, and the ones I've cut I've put in the maybeboard so you can see what was changed.
I'm hoping to build this budget friendlier version myself, but I want to know what you think first:
Teferi, Temporal Staxmage (Wallet-Friendlyish)
Commander / EDH
June 3, 2017 8:32 p.m.
cpu_10 hey i haven't been monitoring my posted decks so I never saw your comment, and i know it's been six months but i'd be happy to take a look at a budget version. The link you posted doesn't exist anymore though
Lhurgyof says... #1
Mana Vortex and maybe Invoke Prejudice are my two favorite Mono-U enchantments. They would be lovely in a deck like this.
August 7, 2016 5:43 a.m.