
Creature (1)

Enchantment (6)

This deck is designed to survive until one of the win conditions triggers. This can happen by the following:

Azor's Elocutors activates, Darksteel Reactor activates, or Test of endurance activates

There are more than one way this deck can activate those win conditions. For one Worship stops many aggro decks in their tracks. Obviously worship becomes a target, yet it can be protected via:

Fountain Watch + liquimetal coating

This combo can theoretically be used to protect all permanents, if additional protection is needed, canopy cover can be side-boarded in to offer hexproof. If your opponent continues to bypass all defenses as a last resort, glacial chasm will stop them.

Once venser's journal hits the field, test of endurance becomes an inevitable win condition. Note the journals stack, and combo well with howling mine. You can easily be gaining 20+ life each turn. Obviously you will have enough life to pay the upkeep for glacial chasm and still gain exponentially.

Azor's Elocutors and Darksteel Reactor both combo with Gilder Bairn. As that creature utilizes the un tap mechanic, if he is unable to attack without being destroyed, then you can tap him with icy manipulator. If mana permits, Gilder Bairn + icy manipulator + voltaic key can end a game very quickly.

Diminishing returns offers mill hate/prevention. To be sided in if necessary.

This deck has plenty of removal as well. If Cyclonic Rift overloaded is not enough to get rid of what you need, Shattering pulse can be sided in. Abundant growth enables you to cast initially, combo with liquimetal coating for a literally infinite buyback removal providing the permanent in question is not indestructible. Or if Shattering pulse is countered XD

Stuffy doll is in here for a few reasons. For one, he's indestructible so he pairs well with Worship. Furthermore he can get around enemy defenses to whittle down a select opponent. Thirdly, he works well against fatty/mass weenie aggro decks. Simply side in lure, swing for nothing, and watch the enemy hit themselves for big damage. Then un-tap him with Icy manipulators and dare them to attack so that you can block.

One last combo to note is

Icy manipulator + howling mine. If you do not need to tie down your opponent at the time, howling mines can be tapped on their upkeep so that they only draw normally.

That's my deck in a nutshell. It enables the user to sit back and wait on one of many win conditions to trigger, whichever best suits the current encounter.


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Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

22 - 4 Rares

19 - 8 Uncommons

5 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.08
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