Creature (301)
- 1x Acidic Sliver
- 1x Advance Scout
- 1x Anarchist
- 1x Angelic Protector
- 1x Apes of Rath
- 1x Armor Sliver
- 1x Armored Pegasus
- 1x Auratog
- 1x Avenging Angel
- 1x Avenging Druid
- 1x Barbed Sliver
- 1x Bayou Dragonfly
- 1x Bellowing Fiend
- 1x Benthic Behemoth
- 1x Blood Pet
- 1x Bottle Gnomes
- 1x Bounty Hunter
- 1x Calming Licid
- 1x Canopy Spider
- 1x Canyon Drake
- 1x Canyon Wildcat
- 1x Carnassid
- 1x Carnophage
- 1x Carrionette
- 1x Cartographer
- 1x Cat Burglar
- 1x Chaotic Goo
- 1x Charging Paladin
- 1x Charging Rhino
- 1x Cinder Crawler
- 1x Clergy en-Vec
- 1x Clot Sliver
- 1x Cloud Spirit
- 1x Cloudchaser Eagle
- 1x Coffin Queen
- 1x Coiled Tinviper
- 1x Commander Greven il-Vec
- 1x Convulsing Licid
- 1x Corrupting Licid
- 1x Crashing Boars
- 1x Craven Giant
- 1x Crazed Armodon
- 1x Crovax the Cursed
- 1x Crystalline Sliver
- 1x Darkling Stalker
- 1x Dauthi Cutthroat
- 1x Dauthi Ghoul
- 1x Dauthi Horror
- 1x Dauthi Jackal
- 1x Dauthi Marauder
- 1x Dauthi Mercenary
- 1x Dauthi Mindripper
- 1x Dauthi Slayer
- 1x Dauthi Trapper
- 1x Dauthi Warlord
- 1x Dirtcowl Wurm
- 1x Dominating Licid
- 1x Dracoplasm
- 1x Dream Prowler
- 1x Duct Crawler
- 1x Dungeon Shade
- 1x Eladamri, Lord of Leaves
- 1x Elite Javelineer
- 1x Elven Warhounds
- 1x Elvish Berserker
- 1x Endangered Armodon
- 1x Energizer
- 1x Enraging Licid
- 1x Entropic Specter
- 1x Ephemeron
- 1x Ertai, Wizard Adept
- 1x Escaped Shapeshifter
- 1x Exalted Dragon
- 1x Fighting Drake
- 1x Firefly
- 1x Fireslinger
- 1x Flailing Drake
- 1x Flowstone Giant
- 1x Flowstone Hellion
- 1x Flowstone Mauler
- 1x Flowstone Salamander
- 1x Flowstone Sculpture
- 1x Flowstone Shambler
- 1x Flowstone Wyvern
- 1x Foul Imp
- 1x Fugitive Druid
- 1x Furnace Brood
- 1x Furnace Spirit
- 1x Fylamarid
- 1x Giant Crab
- 1x Gliding Licid
- 1x Gravedigger
- 1x Grollub
- 1x Hammerhead Shark
- 1x Heart Sliver
- 1x Heartwood Dryad
- 1x Heartwood Giant
- 1x Heartwood Treefolk
- 1x Hermit Druid
- 1x Hibernation Sliver
- 1x Honor Guard
- 1x Horned Sliver
- 1x Horned Turtle
- 1x Jackal Pup
- 1x Jackalope Herd
- 1x Keeper of the Beasts
- 1x Keeper of the Dead
- 1x Keeper of the Flame
- 1x Keeper of the Light
- 1x Keeper of the Mind
- 1x Kezzerdrix
- 1x Killer Whale
- 1x Knight of Dawn
- 1x Knight of Dusk
- 1x Krakilin
- 1x Lancers en-Kor
- 1x Leeching Licid
- 1x Lightning Elemental
- 1x Lowland Basilisk
- 1x Lowland Giant
- 1x Maddening Imp
- 1x Mage il-Vec
- 1x Magmasaur
- 1x Manakin
- 1x Manta Riders
- 1x Marble Titan
- 1x Marsh Lurker
- 1x Master Decoy
- 1x Mawcor
- 1x Merfolk Looter
- 1x Metallic Sliver
- 1x Mind Maggots
- 1x Mindless Automaton
- 1x Mindwarper
- 1x Mindwhip Sliver
- 1x Minion of the Wastes
- 1x Mirozel
- 1x Mirri, Cat Warrior
- 1x Mnemonic Sliver
- 1x Mogg Assassin
- 1x Mogg Bombers
- 1x Mogg Conscripts
- 1x Mogg Fanatic
- 1x Mogg Flunkies
- 1x Mogg Maniac
- 1x Mogg Raider
- 1x Mogg Squad
- 1x Mongrel Pack
- 1x Monstrous Hound
- 1x Morgue Thrull
- 1x Mounted Archers
- 1x Muscle Sliver
- 1x Nomads en-Kor
- 1x Nurturing Licid
- 1x Ogre Shaman
- 1x Opportunist
- 1x Oracle en-Vec
- 1x Orim, Samite Healer
- 1x Paladin en-Vec
- 1x Pallimud
- 1x Patchwork Gnomes
- 1x Phyrexian Hulk
- 1x Pincher Beetles
- 1x Pit Imp
- 1x Pit Spawn
- 1x Plaguebearer
- 1x Plated Rootwalla
- 1x Pygmy Troll
- 1x Quickening Licid
- 1x Rabid Rats
- 1x Rabid Wolverines
- 1x Raging Goblin
- 1x Ranger en-Vec
- 1x Rathi Dragon
- 1x Rats of Rath
- 1x Ravenous Baboons
- 1x Reckless Ogre
- 1x Renegade Warlord
- 1x Revenant
- 1x Rootbreaker Wurm
- 1x Rootwalla
- 1x Rootwater Alligator
- 1x Rootwater Diver
- 1x Rootwater Hunter
- 1x Rootwater Matriarch
- 1x Rootwater Mystic
- 1x Rootwater Shaman
- 1x Sabertooth Wyvern
- 1x Sacred Guide
- 1x Sandstone Warrior
- 1x Scalding Salamander
- 1x School of Piranha
- 1x Scragnoth
- 1x Screeching Harpy
- 1x Scrivener
- 1x Sea Monster
- 1x Seeker of Skybreak
- 1x Segmented Wurm
- 1x Selenia, Dark Angel
- 1x Serpent Warrior
- 1x Servant of Volrath
- 1x Shaman en-Kor
- 1x Shard Phoenix
- 1x Shield Mate
- 1x Shifting Wall
- 1x Shocker
- 1x Silver Wyvern
- 1x Skeleton Scavengers
- 1x Sky Spirit
- 1x Skyshroud Archer
- 1x Skyshroud Condor
- 1x Skyshroud Elf
- 1x Skyshroud Elite
- 1x Skyshroud Falcon
- 1x Skyshroud Ranger
- 1x Skyshroud Troll
- 1x Skyshroud Troopers
- 1x Skyshroud Vampire
- 1x Skyshroud War Beast
- 1x Sliver Queen *oversized*
- 1x Soltari Champion
- 1x Soltari Crusader
- 1x Soltari Emissary
- 1x Soltari Foot Soldier
- 1x Soltari Guerrillas
- 1x Soltari Lancer
- 1x Soltari Monk
- 1x Soltari Priest
- 1x Soltari Trooper
- 1x Soltari Visionary
- 1x Soul Warden
- 1x Souldrinker
- 1x Spike Breeder
- 1x Spike Cannibal
- 1x Spike Colony
- 1x Spike Drone
- 1x Spike Feeder
- 1x Spike Hatcher
- 1x Spike Rogue
- 1x Spike Soldier
- 1x Spike Weaver
- 1x Spike Worker
- 1x Spindrift Drake
- 1x Spined Sliver
- 1x Spined Wurm
- 1x Spirit en-Kor
- 1x Spitting Hydra
- 1x Standing Troops
- 1x Starke of Rath
- 1x Staunch Defenders
- 1x Stinging Licid
- 1x Stronghold Assassin
- 1x Stronghold Taskmaster
- 1x Talon Sliver
- 1x Telethopter
- 1x Tempting Licid
- 1x Thalakos Deceiver
- 1x Thalakos Dreamsower
- 1x Thalakos Drifters
- 1x Thalakos Mistfolk
- 1x Thalakos Scout
- 1x Thalakos Seer
- 1x Thalakos Sentry
- 1x Thopter Squadron
- 1x Thrull Surgeon
- 1x Tidal Warrior
- 1x Tradewind Rider
- 1x Trained Armodon
- 1x Transmogrifying Licid
- 1x Treasure Hunter
- 1x Trumpeting Armodon
- 1x Unstable Shapeshifter
- 1x Vampire Hounds
- 1x Venerable Monk
- 1x Verdant Force
- 1x Vhati il-Dal
- 1x Victual Sliver
- 1x Volrath's Shapeshifter
- 1x Walking Dream
- 1x Wall of Blossoms
- 1x Wall of Diffusion
- 1x Wall of Essence
- 1x Wall of Nets
- 1x Wall of Razors
- 1x Wall of Souls
- 1x Wall of Tears
- 1x Warrior Angel
- 1x Warrior en-Kor
- 1x Watchdog
- 1x Wayward Soul
- 1x Welkin Hawk
- 1x Whiptongue Frog
- 1x Wild Wurm
- 1x Wind Dancer
- 1x Wind Drake
- 1x Winged Sliver
- 1x Wood Elves
- 1x Wood Sage
- 1x Workhorse
- 1x Youthful Knight
- 1x Zealots en-Dal
Land (23)
- 1x Ancient Tomb
- 1x Caldera Lake
- 1x Cinder Marsh
- 1x City of Traitors
- 1x Forest
- 1x Ghost Town
- 1x Island
- 1x Maze of Shadows
- 1x Mogg Hollows
- 1x Mountain
- 1x Pine Barrens
- 1x Plains
Reflecting Pool
- 1x Rootwater Depths
- 1x Salt Flats
- 1x Scabland
- 1x Skyshroud Forest
- 1x Stalking Stones
- 1x Swamp
- 1x Thalakos Lowlands
- 1x Vec Townships
- 1x Volrath's Stronghold
- 1x Wasteland
Enchantment (119)
- 1x Aluren
- 1x Amok
- 1x Ancient Runes
- 1x Awakening
- 1x Bequeathal
- 1x Bottomless Pit
- 1x Broken Fall
- 1x Burgeoning
- 1x Chill
- 1x Choke
- 1x Circle of Protection: Black
- 1x Circle of Protection: Blue
- 1x Circle of Protection: Green
- 1x Circle of Protection: Red
- 1x Circle of Protection: Shadow
- 1x Circle of Protection: White
- 1x Contemplation
- 1x Contempt
- 1x Convalescence
- 1x Conviction
- 1x Cunning
- 1x Curiosity
- 1x Cursed Flesh
- 1x Dauthi Embrace
- 1x Death Pits of Rath
- 1x Dizzying Gaze
- 1x Dread of Night
- 1x Dream Halls
- 1x Duplicity
- 1x Earthcraft
- 1x Eladamri's Vineyard
- 1x Elven Palisade
- 1x Endless Scream
- 1x Enfeeblement
- 1x Equilibrium
- 1x Fevered Convulsions
- 1x Field of Souls
- 1x Flickering Ward
- 1x Flowstone Blade
- 1x Frog Tongue
- 1x Furnace of Rath
- 1x Gaseous Form
- 1x Gerrard's Battle Cry
- 1x Giant Strength
- 1x Goblin Bombardment
- 1x Grave Pact
- 1x Hand to Hand
- 1x Hanna's Custody
- 1x Havoc
- 1x Heat of Battle
- 1x Hero's Resolve
- 1x Hesitation
- 1x High Ground
- 1x Humility
- 1x Insight
- 1x Intruder Alarm
- 1x Invasion Plans
- 1x Legacy's Allure
- 1x Light of Day
- 1x Limited Resources
- 1x Mana Breach
- 1x Manabond
- 1x Maniacal Rage
- 1x Megrim
- 1x Mind Over Matter
- 1x Mirri's Guile
- 1x Mortuary
- 1x Nature's Revolt
- 1x No Quarter
- 1x Oath of Druids
- 1x Oath of Ghouls
- 1x Oath of Lieges
- 1x Oath of Mages
- 1x Oath of Scholars
- 1x Onslaught
- 1x Orim's Prayer
- 1x Overgrowth
- 1x Pacifism
- 1x Pandemonium
- 1x Paroxysm
- 1x Peace of Mind
- 1x Pegasus Refuge
- 1x Penance
- 1x Precognition
- 1x Predatory Hunger
- 1x Primal Rage
- 1x Propaganda
- 1x Pursuit of Knowledge
- 1x Reconnaissance
- 1x Recurring Nightmare
- 1x Recycle
- 1x Robe of Mirrors
- 1x Rolling Stones
- 1x Root Maze
- 1x Sacred Ground
- 1x Sadistic Glee
- 1x Safeguard
- 1x Samite Blessing
- 1x Sarcomancy
- 1x Seismic Assault
- 1x Shackles
- 1x Shimmering Wings
- 1x Song of Serenity
- 1x Spellshock
- 1x Spinal Graft
- 1x Spirit Mirror
- 1x Steal Enchantment
- 1x Storm Front
- 1x Survival of the Fittest
- 1x Tahngarth's Rage
- 1x Tooth and Claw
- 1x Torment
- 1x Tortured Existence
- 1x Treasure Trove
- 1x Volrath's Curse
- 1x Volrath's Dungeon
- 1x Volrath's Gardens
- 1x Warmth
Artifact (47)
- 1x Altar of Dementia
- 1x Booby Trap
- 1x Bullwhip
- 1x Coat of Arms
- 1x Cold Storage
- 1x Cursed Scroll
- 1x Echo Chamber
- 1x Emerald Medallion
- 1x Emmessi Tome
- 1x Ensnaring Bridge
- 1x Erratic Portal
- 1x Essence Bottle
- 1x Excavator
- 1x Fool's Tome
- 1x Grindstone
- 1x Heartstone
- 1x Helm of Possession
- 1x Horn of Greed
- 1x Hornet Cannon
- 1x Jet Medallion
- 1x Jinxed Idol
- 1x Jinxed Ring
- 1x Lotus Petal
- 1x Magnetic Web
- 1x Medicine Bag
- 1x Memory Crystal
- 1x Mogg Cannon
- 1x Mox Diamond
- 1x Null Brooch
- 1x Pearl Medallion
- 1x Phyrexian Grimoire
- 1x Phyrexian Splicer
- 1x Portcullis
- 1x Puppet Strings
- 1x Ruby Medallion
- 1x Sapphire Medallion
- 1x Scalding Tongs
- 1x Scroll Rack
- 1x Skyshaper
- 1x Spellbook
- 1x Sphere of Resistance
- 1x Squee's Toy
- 1x Static Orb
- 1x Sword of the Chosen
- 1x Thumbscrews
- 1x Torture Chamber
- 1x Volrath's Laboratory
Instant (72)
- 1x Allay
- 1x Anoint
- 1x Bandage
- 1x Blood Frenzy *list*
- 1x Boil
- 1x Capsize
- 1x Change of Heart
- 1x Constant Mists
- 1x Corpse Dance
- 1x Counterspell
- 1x Crossbow Ambush
- 1x Culling the Weak
- 1x Dark Banishing
- 1x Dark Ritual
- 1x Diabolic Edict
- 1x Disenchant
- 1x Dismiss
- 1x Elvish Fury
- 1x Ertai's Meddling
- 1x Evacuation
- 1x Fighting Chance
- 1x Fling
- 1x Forbid
- 1x Gallantry
- 1x Harrow
- 1x Hatred
- 1x Imps' Taunt
- 1x Interdict
- 1x Intuition
- 1x Invulnerability
- 1x Kindle
- 1x Kor Chant
- 1x Leap
- 1x Lightning Blast
- 1x Mana Leak
- 1x Mask of the Mimic
- 1x Meditate
- 1x Mind Games
- 1x Necrologia
- 1x Power Sink
- 1x Price of Progress
- 1x Provoke
- 1x Reality Anchor
- 1x Reap
- 1x Reaping the Rewards
- 1x Rebound
- 1x Reckless Spite
- 1x Reclaim
- 1x Reins of Power
- 1x Respite
- 1x Resuscitate
- 1x Scapegoat
- 1x Scare Tactics
- 1x Searing Touch
- 1x Serene Offering
- 1x Shadow Rift
- 1x Shatter
- 1x Shattering Pulse
- 1x Shock
- 1x Slaughter
- 1x Smite
- 1x Sonic Burst
- 1x Spell Blast
- 1x Spontaneous Combustion
- 1x Stun
- 1x Sudden Impact
- 1x Temper
- 1x Twitch
- 1x Verdigris
- 1x Whim of Volrath
- 1x Whispers of the Muse
- 1x Worthy Cause
Sorcery (57)
- 1x Abandon Hope
- 1x AEther Tide
- 1x Aftershock
- 1x Angelic Blessing
- 1x Apocalypse
- 1x Brush with Death
- 1x Cannibalize
- 1x Cataclysm *list*
- 1x Coercion
- 1x Deadshot
- 1x Death Stroke
- 1x Death's Duet
- 1x Disturbed Burial
- 1x Dream Cache
- 1x Dregs of Sorrow
- 1x Elven Rite
- 1x Evincar's Justice
- 1x Extinction
- 1x Fade Away
- 1x Fanning the Flames
- 1x Flame Wave
- 1x Flowstone Flood
- 1x Fugue
- 1x Lab Rats
- 1x Legerdemain
Living Death
- 1x Lobotomy
- 1x Mana Severance
- 1x Mind Peel
- 1x Mob Justice
- 1x Mogg Infestation
- 1x Mulch
- 1x Natural Spring
- 1x Nausea
- 1x Needle Storm
- 1x Overrun
- 1x Pegasus Stampede
- 1x Perish
- 1x Rain of Tears
- 1x Rampant Growth
- 1x Ransack
- 1x Reanimate
- 1x Repentance
- 1x Rolling Thunder
- 1x Ruination
- 1x Scorched Earth
- 1x Seething Anger
- 1x Shadowstorm
- 1x Sift
- 1x Stone Rain
- 1x Theft of Dreams
- 1x Tidal Surge
- 1x Time Ebb
- 1x Time Warp
- 1x Tranquility
- 1x Winds of Rath
- 1x Winter's Grasp
Unknown (1)
- 1x crown of flame
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Date added | 10 years |
Last updated | 10 years |
Legality | This deck is not Legacy legal. |
Rarity (main - side) | 5 - 0 Mythic Rares 193 - 0 Rares 211 - 0 Uncommons 205 - 0 Commons |
Cards | 620 |
Avg. CMC | 2.86 |
Tokens | 1/1 G Creature Dog, 1/1 G Creature Spike, 2/2 G Token Creature Beast, 2/2 W Creature Reflection, Beast 3/1 R, Copy Clone, Goblin 1/1 R, Insect 1/1 C w/ Flying, Haste, Pegasus 1/1 W, Rat 1/1 B, Saproling 1/1 G, Sliver 1/1 C, Spirit 1/1 W, Thopter 1/1 C, Zombie 2/2 B |
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