I went 2-2, which was better than i expected, the deck exceeded expectations.
Round one I went 2-0 against twin. Both games where very one sided because of my massive amounts of disruption.
Round Two- again went 2-0, this time against infect, Which again was a landslide in both games, Smallpox vs turn one Noble Hierarch decimated him both games.
Round Three- Lost 0-2 against affinity. Game one I got no land, I should have mulligan it, i was greedy a kept a one lander with two hand disruption spells. Game two I did not have the right sideboard card to beat the deck, All of my artifact removal was not fast enough, i also kept a hand without a second black source and it ruined me. I could not cast Smallpox on two.
The lesson i learned from that match was a need a way to beat that deck, because it would have taken me 8 out of 10 games easy and requires me to have a perfect hand to beat. Chalice of the Void is my choice
Round Four- Lost 0-2 against esper control. Game one faced a hideous flood, I drew 11 of my 21 lands, and my opener wasn't sketchy it was 3 land and 3 spells (I did have to mulligan a no lander). Game two I got off on the wrong foot having to wait a turn extra to cast a relevant spell and lost to Geist of Saint Traft.
I think I had a good shot to beat that deck, but fell short due to poor choices on weather or not to keep game 2.
In conclusion- The changes I plan to make to the deck are...
-2 Batterskull did a whole lot of nothing for me.
-1 Anger of the Gods of all the decks there only one i would have boarded for. But I'm keeping 2 to fight tokens and that deck.
-1 Rakdos Charm I only really need to see one copy to blow out twin.
+2 Chalice of the Void for affinity mostly.
+2 Leyline of the Void this is for that grixis delver list trolling around the net, considering i fuel that deck.