I built this deck with the idea of tokens in mind. I really like token generation and the fact is that sometimes, there are too many tokens for one to deal with. I have been waiting for a card like Goblin Rabblemaster. It is the dream token generator for standard. It is very flexible and even if it is killed, you can still get tokens out of him. I like the Temur and Jeskai, so I made them into one: Temskai... Or Jeskmur.
So this deck can have a short game or a mid game
Short Game Ideal Turn Sequence:
Turn 1: Elvish Mystic
Turn 2: Goblin Rabblemaster Start the Token mayhem
Turn 3: Another Goblin Rabblemaster or Raise the Alarm or any other 3 drop
Turn 4: Prophet of Kruphix, let the Real Untapping Mayhem begin
Turn 5: Elspeth, Sun's Champion Welcome to Token-ocolypse
Turn 6: Have so many tokens that your opponent doesn't know what to do
Ideal Turn Sequence for Long Game (aka if you have no green mana for Elvish Mystic
Turn 1: Land
Turn 2: Raise the Alarm
Turn 3: Goblin Rabblemaster
Turn x: Same thing as the short game, just a turn laterThe Turn Sequence is a bit off due to all of the Temple lands. Once Prophet of Kruphix is online, then you can get some end of turn creatures in so you can do more on your own turn.
Top 3:
Goblin Rabblemaster: This guy is a monster early game. Get him out Turn 2 or 3 and your opponent is done unless they have an answer. Get 2 Rabblemaster's, 2 goblin tokens a turn. Plus you can swing with Goblin Rabblemaster for insane damage.
Prophet of Kruphix: One of my favorite cards from the Theros block. You get every turn (including you opponent's) to cast creatures. Plus you don't have to worry about leaving any creatures to block, since they untap during your opponent's untap step. I love this card.
Surrak Dragonclaw: This Khan is my favorite. Flash. Uncounterable. Makes your creature unconterable. GIVE THEM TRAMPLE!!! When combined with Spear of Heliod, Surrak is a team player. Best synergy in the deck Prophet of Kruphix
Surrak Dragonclaw
. You get to flash you creatures in on your opponent's turn (thanks Prophet) and they are uncounterable (thanks Surrak). Your opponent can't do anything to stop you.