Temur Aggro Beatdown

Standard OzkanTheFlip


alulien says... #1

Looks pretty solid, not really sure if much of anything needs changing. One thing I might consider is a second copy of Hornet Queen in the main - that card stuffs so many decks it's not even funny. Maybe throw Soul of Zendikar in the side and bring the 2nd Queen main? I'm not too familiar with ramp/devo so I'm not terribly helpful. I playtested a few hands and Hornet Queen and AEtherspouts were champs, as expected. Again not familiar with the deck type so I'm probably a bad pilot (probably didn't sideboard right), but I'd say it was a fairly even matchup - you got a few nut hands, and so did I, but the super close ones were awesome.

January 14, 2015 8:49 p.m.

OzkanTheFlip says... #2

I actually cut the mainboard Hornet Queen because Whisperwood Elemental screwed it over if it got manifested and my other bombs seemed to do fine. I also cut the 2 Chord of Callings because they were too expensive and didn't do much. In place I added 3 Heir of the Wilds

January 18, 2015 7:47 p.m.

BlatantLizard says... #3

I would recommend cutting 1 Shamanic Revelation and 1 Boon Satyr. Both cards are good but revelation is useless without a board and satyr is unimpressive in the late game. Try adding in 2 Sagu Maulers in their place. They are a huge threat that must be answered but are also difficult to answer. And if you replace the Sylvan Caryatid with Rattleclaw Mystics (who basically do the same job but trade hexproof for the ability to attack and can provide you with extra mana using their morph) it can allow for some morph mind games. Also +1 for green devotion :)

February 1, 2015 11:31 p.m.

OzkanTheFlip says... #4

hmm, I don't think I'm going to cut Shamanic Revelation, I really need the card draw as this deck tends to play your entire hand. I have been trying to fit in Sagu Mauler, I'm not sure if the Boon Satyrs are the right choice since it would significantly raise my mana curve, I'll test it. I'll also test in Rattleclaw Mystic, I never played with them because I value hexproof really high but if I turn 2 morph then turn 3 flip I have 6 mana that turn and that's pretty insane. Thanks for the suggestions and +1!

February 2, 2015 3:56 p.m.

BlatantLizard says... #5

Okay what about cutting 1 Boon Satyr for 1 Thassa, God of the Sea? It wouldn't change your mana curve but between Thassa's scry and ability to make your fatties unblockable she would provide far more late game utility. And while she might not be active very often, that will keep her from being removed by stuff like Abzan Charm and Silence the Believers.

February 3, 2015 9:11 a.m.

OzkanTheFlip says... #6

I actually really like your Thassa, God of the Sea idea. The ability to scry every turn and make one of my big dudes unblockable for 2 mana is insane, thanks the suggestion!

February 4, 2015 1:20 p.m.

Sculdiner says... #7

I really like this deck (was planning to play something similar) but i don't have any Courser of Kruphix as started playing again only recently and can't afford to get any.. i was thinking of replacing them with Frontier Siege. I understand that they don't serve exactly the same role (courser thins your deck, is a creature and gives you 2green mana for devotion) but the sieges ramp your mana up a lot more.. So the question is if, from your experience playing with this deck, you find the Coursers to be essential for it.. i guess i will give it a shot anyway!

February 5, 2015 4:08 p.m.

littleadam11 says... #8

OzkanTheFlip hey, i have a very identical build myself, but my main issue is having answers against the opponents cards and creatures since G/U has no removal at all. could you please take a look at my deck so we can help each other out? also +1 cause green. :3 big bad (cuddly) monsters. 3rd at PTQ NZ!

February 12, 2015 4:17 a.m.

I would seriously consider finding room for 4x Glint. Some people don't realize the power of hexproof. Sure it doesn't protect from full board wipes but other than esper control, no one is really gonna run full board wipes MB.

That being said, it also protects your most valuable asset, Shaman of the Great Hunt both from being targeted and by giving it more body until those +1/+1's start accumulating.

Basically, I would try to care less about what physically your opponents might have on the field and more about what you are going to have on the field. I know that isn't usually the way we typically think but for MB that is how I always think.

Keeping with that theme I might be inclined to throw some counter spells into the sideboard; Dissolve, Silumgar's Scorn, or even Hour of Need can be used to avoid removal spells while maintaining board presence.

April 20, 2015 1:19 p.m.

OzkanTheFlip says... #10

I'va always been a promoter of cards like Ranger's Guile in these decks because of how much spot removal there is in todays meta, however after a lot of testing with and without it's just better without. It's always going to be better to draw another threat than to draw a Glint or Ranger's Guile.

However I do think it's worth to have Stubborn Denial and I've added 3 to the sideboard.

April 23, 2015 11 a.m.

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