Temur dragons, Advice needed, Kinda budger

Standard Mahogany_doors


bitch its not even close yous isn't nearly as budger as his

June 13, 2015 10:23 p.m.

Mahogany_doors says... #2

Thanks to all the people who gave me advice on my deck, it helped me win more matches than when i first made the deck!

June 13, 2015 10:33 p.m.

thank you mr budger man I'm glad i could help

June 13, 2015 10:33 p.m.


June 13, 2015 10:39 p.m.


June 13, 2015 10:39 p.m.

Rockon101000 says... #6

Few Suggestions, REPOSTING B/C CLEARED COMMENTS AND I WAN HIS TO BE PUBLICLY AVAILABLE. Two: You have a LOT of win more cards, like Crucible of Fire, Sarkhan Unbroken, and Sarkhans Triumph (and while Dragon tempest is Win more, 2 mana haste for dragons is good, so I run 1 in my build). You don't need all those cards, put ramp there instead. I'd rather have two 4/4 dragons and land than 1 7/7 dragon because doom blade (and equivalents). Three: Drop blue, you aren't using it effectively. Blue slows this deck mundo down, and you do not want that. Either throw in a bunch of counterspells or just go R/G. I suggest going R/G, speed is good, you need to get dragons on the field as fast as possible, turn 4 minimum you need a dragon every game. four: your mana curve is like the mountain range those dragons live in. While flavorful, that is not what you wan. My build is very 2 drop heavy, but with Scaleguard Sentinels, and heir of the wilds (I run 3 of the former, 2 of the latter, amongst a few other assorted 2 drops), and while Sentinels is a massive powerhouse, your build might have different curve requirements b/c I run less dragons, more assorted shamans. If you go to my page, I have a temur manifest build that shows off how I'm currently running temur colors (that's a not up to date version of my main standard deck, and my unposted R/G dragons deck is for my buddies to borrow to play in tournies), you may want to use that as an example of how slow and controling temur colers have to be to survive long w/o running a playset of savage kuckleblades. Hope this helps.

June 14, 2015 1:07 p.m.

KillerKorpse99 says... #7

I think you should get rid of Elvish Mystic and just run one more copy of Rattleclaw Mystic and three more copies of Dragonlord's Servant because rattle claw gives you relevant colors and servant lowers the cost of your big creatures, dragons.

July 2, 2015 9:33 p.m.

Obsolete says... #8

theroes and m15 dont rotate till zendikar btw.

July 3, 2015 12:36 a.m.

Fro780 says... #9

Def get rid of savage ventmaw, completely not worth it.. unless u add craters' claws bit then still a dead early gam draw. Add 2x Thunderbreak Regents (best card in standard) maybe try to add Roast for rhino and tasigur removal. Possibly Silumgar's Scorn for a little bit of counter.

July 4, 2015 6:01 p.m.

JANKYARD_DOG says... #10

Agree with pretty much everything, except roast. Roast is SB material.

-4 Elvish Mystic

-1 Harbinger of the Hunt

-2 Savage Ventmaw

-2 Surrak ,the Hunt Caller

+3 Dragonlord Servant

+1 Rattleclaw Mystic

+2 Thunderbreak Regent

+1 Icefall Regent

+2 Dragon Tempest

With that I think you'd find it alot faster. SB could use some work, as I mentioned earlier Roast is a good SB card to have around. Feed the clan also feels like SB material to me. As Fro780 mentioned Silumgar's scorn should find its way in there somewhere even if you SB it for particular matches if you don't want to part with anything atm. There's my 2 cents.

July 6, 2015 8:58 p.m.

Migrin says... #11

Hey man

I am playing a control based Sarkhan Unbroken deck. I understand that your deck plays entirely different. I hope I can help you anyway.

From my personal experience, don't play Sarkhan's Triumph. In the early game, it will be blocking your hand and when you are able to play it, it will be a win-more card.

Dragonlord's Servant, while nice ramp in a dragon deck, one is not getting you anywhere. It's just going to make your deck less reliable. Add three or skip it entierely.

Take out the one-of Feed the Clan. It's a great sideboard card though.

Surrak, the Hunt Caller, remove him. Two greens will be hard to provide reliably with your mana base at turn 3 or 4. With Temur Ascendancy and Dragon Tempest you have enough ways to provide haste and you don't need an other fatty.

I see why you addedSavage Ventmaw, but I assure you, it will slow you down more offten than it will improve your momentum.Thunderbreak Regent or Icefall Regent are more cost effective and a pain for your enemy to remove from the board. Atarka, World Render Again, a really cool card, but more offten than not, other options would be better and when you win with it, you had established board control before already. Harbinger of the Hunt fits in the same category, more often than not, win more or blocking your hand.

Stubborn Denial would be a great addidtion to protect your dragons and planeswalker against removal. Crater's Claws could be considered for more reach and/or board control. Its very efficient when triggering ferocious and sclaes well into the later turns. As mentioned before, Roast is invaluable against Rhinos and other fatties.

Cheers Migrin

July 10, 2015 6:31 p.m.

I sexually Identify as a badrat. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the litterbox and dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting cats. People say to me that a person being a badrat is Impossible and Im ing but I dont care, Im beautiful. Im having a plastic surgeon install a tail, ears and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me squeak and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you cant accept me youre a ratphobe and need to check your rodent privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

August 24, 2015 12:41 p.m.

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