
Creature (1)

Enchantment (2)

Sorcery (3)

I'm trying to make a dragon deck work in standard, so any suggestions would be nice, but please avoid any really expensive cards from Theros block due to rotation, which is why you don't see Stormbreath Dragon in this list. As for Mana Confluence and Sylvan Caryatid , I already have them thus no money need to be spent them for this deck.

As for each card in the deck:

Sylvan Caryatid and Rattleclaw Mystic: Just mana fixing and ramp, nothing more

Savage Knuckleblade: I felt I need some non-dragons for the deck when sombody is playing Crux of Fate, and this one gets better the more mana you get.

Thunderbreak Regent: Need I explain this card, it's already good by it self, and surrounding him with other dragons makes it better.

Icefall Regent : A good dragon to follow up the Thunderbreak Regent the following turn, and is a removal spell on a creature.

Dragonlord Atarka: Biggest beater in the deck, and kills Siege Rhino and anything smaller on entry.

Shaman of the Great Hunt : Another none dragon for the deck. When your dragons are flying over your opponents, it's easy to get the +1/+1 counters on them. Also, any creature that's not a mana dork helps this creature draw you more cards.

Draconic Roar : This is almost always Searing Blaze, but even if it's not it will kill off a lot of the creatures you would see in most aggro decks, like mono-red.

Dragonlord's Prerogative: Some late game card draw when your hand gets empty, also really good at getting you cards against blue control decks.

Sarkhan Unbroken: He helps us ramp, draw, and gets more dragons on the field. I'm not really trying to go for the -8, that's just asking to get hit with a Crux of Fate or End Hostilities.

Crater's Claws : I felt the deck need a little more removal, not to mention that this card can end the game with enough mana.

Haven of the Spirit Dragon : I'm making a dragon deck, why wouldn't I want to play this? It gets back my dragons for late game.

I'm still trying to work out the side board for this deck.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 1 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

8 - 12 Uncommons

0 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.47
Tokens Dragon 4/4 R, Manifest 2/2 C, Morph 2/2 C
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