Temur Midrange: Bestial Wrath(Retired)
Hjaltrohir says... #2
I would replace the Force Away s with Lightning Strike s
October 30, 2014 7:25 a.m.
lots of big creatures in this deck. My Temur has Xenagos, the Reveler x2. The Saryrs he creates are great, but the mana is what i am looking for. I feel as if Temur always needs a lil Elvish Mystic too. Ramp it up! Roar of Challenge is a must too. Board wipe.
October 31, 2014 3:43 p.m.
Achaikos58 says... #4
Vtecmag I will investigate Xenagos, the Reveler and maybe Roar of Challenge . I definitely went ahead and added 3x of Elvish Mystic for the mana ramp.
October 31, 2014 11:01 p.m.
Polukranos, World Eater and Xenagos, the Reveler . Mana ramp and evening out the mana curve
November 1, 2014 7 a.m.
Achaikos58 says... #6
danthek84 I went with 2x of each Polukranos, World Eater and Xenagos, the Reveler
November 1, 2014 9:19 a.m.
I'd take out 1x Temur Charm and 1x Temur Ascendancy to put in 2x more Rattleclaw Mystic
November 1, 2014 11:51 a.m.
I'd take out 4 of literally anything in this for 4 courser of kruphix, and both rattleclaw and two elvish mysic for 4 sylvan caryatid. This deck would be SOOOO much better with those 8 cards
November 1, 2014 1:06 p.m.
Achaikos58 says... #9
danthek84 I see where you are coming from and I did so. This definitely helps smooth out the mana curve a good bit.
55666 I may need to revisit those at some point. That is roughly $100 worth of cards that I don't presently have to drop on singles. May have to see if I can acquire anything via trades
November 1, 2014 1:14 p.m.
This deck looks a little torn between Temur beatdown and Jeskai control. I think I would try and figure out where you want this deck to go and what the deck wants to do so you can better tailor it to that purpose. Rattleclaw Mystic for example, is much more of a beatdown ramper to me because of its morph trick (T1: Forest > Elvish Mystic / T2: Land > Morphed Rattleclaw / T3: Land, flip the rattleclaw, hard cast Sagu Mauler) where-as Sylvan Caryatid is better at control/midrange.
I'm not sure Keranos, God of Storms is worth all the mana you have to invest to get him out since he's rarely going to be a creature. It's a neat effect, but it doesn't feel like it has any synergy.
Quiet Contemplation also looks a bit clunky, a lot of your noncreature spells come at a fairly high mana cost already like the 'walkers and Become Immense , especially without any delve-enablers in your deck.
The refuge lands are okay if you're control, bad if you're beatdown. I would recommend picking up two more Frontier Bivouacs either way, since tapland be damned, they do fix for all three colors without constantly damaging you (looking at you, Mana Confluence ). Even with your eight dorks though, I feel twenty lands is cutting it a bit light for a deck with so many five and six-drops. Nissa and Xenagos can't substitute for lands when they cost so much to get out before they can help ramp you, and Nissa can't even ramp you much when you're only running a handful of forests.
Become Immense should probably be replaced with Awaken the Bear if you want a pump spell, since it gives your guy trample if Surrak's not on the board...it may not be your 10/10 doublestrike twins, but it would still push to a 7/7 for less of a stretch on your mana base.
Lightning Strike 'nuff said
I'm really kinda surprised that Stubborn Denial hasn't been mentioned at all, I run them in my Temur beatdown and they're just fantastic, one-mana negate if you've got Ferocious, which would be 12 creatures in your deck (Dragonstyle twins trigger ferocious on spells because prowess goes on top of the stack and resolves before the spell, which then looks for a creature with power 4 or greater). Noncreature Force Spike if you don't, which can be all you need when your opponent's tapped out for an early Walker you're not ready to deal with.
Well, that's my two gil on the matter.
November 2, 2014 1:56 a.m.
Achaikos58 says... #11
Ryx Take a look now. I made a few of the changes and want to see how this plays out.
Also, Keranos, God of Storms my thought there was not necessary to play him as a creature but for the free 3 damage that would apply for most draws. Additionally the thought that he would be a perceived enough threat that an opponent would potentially make attempts to focus him, allowing me to take care of them in other ways.
November 2, 2014 10:19 a.m.
Well it certainly looks like you've taken it in more of a Temur direction, which should help you in figuring out what the deck wants to do when you test it out against real opponents.
I still think you should have lightning strikes, they're just a great response card. Opponent flips over a morph into a deathtoucher blocking your big guy? Strike before combat damage. Opponent's at 4 life then taps a painland at the end of your turn for a steam augury? Strike them for the win. Mantis Rider? Strike it!
You know what goes great with Roar of Challenge ? Casting it on a Heir of the Wilds with ferocious - guaranteed 3-for-1 if your opponent has the blockers for it, and that's without pumping it up. Opponent has a board full of creatures? Awaken the Bear that Heir and make a 6-for-2 trade (I would laugh so hard if this scenario ever came true, but damn what a blowout it would be). I'm not sure if this is actually worth running in this deck, but it is something to consider, maybe sideboard for creature-heavy opponents.
I personally judge Walkers by the abilities they can use upon entering the battlefield, not their ultimate. Basically every Walker out there has "You win the game" in some form or another for their ultimate, some doing it more flashy or pronounced ways than others. Sarkhan for example, has fairly strong early abilities acting as an indestructible Stormbreath or spot removal for those 4 toughness creatures sitting just beyond the strike test (like Courser of Kruphix), and if you manage to ultimate him, you get card advantage your opponent will never keep up with. Also important to consider how long it takes a Walker to ultimate: Sarkhan can ultimate as early as his third turn on the battlefield, Xenagos needs at least four and Nissa needs five. It's just something to keep in mind when you're looking at them, it doesn't hurt to assume you will not get to use their ultimate unless you get into a stale board position.
Experience really is the best teacher, just made sure you pay attention during class. Figure out what sits in your hand too long, what's just sitting there on the board not doing anything, and what's actually working for you that you want to help further support. Against several of the opponents I play, Stubborn Denial is worth its weight in gold and saw an upgrade from a two-of to three-of card in maindeck. It's not just figuring out what works in general, it's figuring out what works against the people you play.
November 2, 2014 6:58 p.m.
Achaikos58 says... #13
Ryx I playtested the crap out of this deck and found myself doing quite well on mana. I dialed it back down to 20 lands and was able to work 2x Lightning Strike in there. This did play out and had good synergy with the rest of the build. Heir of the Wilds is an interesting thought for sure, especially if I have Surrak Dragonclaw on the board at the same time to play Heir with haste and then play Awaken the Bear right on top of it. Thanks for the feedback thus far.
November 2, 2014 11 p.m.
looks good but whats up with Keranos, God of Storms
November 2, 2014 11:27 p.m.
Achaikos58 says... #15
shadow63 My idea for playing him is the fact that in early playtesting I was running low on cards in hand after a few turns. With his ability it accomplishes two things. If I draw land, ill play it anyway and nothing changes. If I draw a non-land I get another card as well plus I get to dole out 3 damage the creature or player of my choosing. This is seeming to play in well to the aggressive play of this deck, plus it takes some of the heat off of my planeswalkers and other cards that are more menacing in this build.
November 2, 2014 11:48 p.m.
The mana base is a major weakness. With 20 lands, you're going to be drawing into mulligans too often. I get that the mana dorks are supposed to counter that, but over 1/3 of your lands won't get you the green you need for them. Not to mention that you have a lot of heavy 5 drops waiting to be played. Somebody just needs to start picking off your mystics and you're in trouble. You want to use mana ramp to vault ahead of the opponent, not as a crutch to keep up.
I'd start by getting up to 22-24 land range. Replace a lot of the mountains/islands with dual lands that'll get you green plus, like Yavimaya Coast, Temple of Abandon, Temple of Mystery, Wooded Foothills. See about getting some Sylvan Caryatid, their 3 defense & hexproof make them more resilient than rattleclaws.
November 5, 2014 1:27 p.m.
I agree with Vasagi, 20 lands really is too few for a deck so heavy on five-drops. If your opponent sees you relying heavily on your mystics, you can bet they'll be targetted quickly. I think temples are a bit slow if you want to do aggro, they're fine for midrange and control, but you're better off with painlands to be aggressive. Fetchlands are never a bad idea until your opponent plays Ob Nixilis, Unshackled (which should be never).
A word of advice about fetchlands: If your opening hand is a little light on land (you have two but would prefer to get a third), don't crack the fetchland until you need the mana. The more land you have left in your deck, the better your odds are of drawing it, which is the same principle for using them in the first place - you use them to remove the lands from your deck so you're not drawing them, thus improving your draws once you've got enough lands.
I'm still not sure what Nissa, Worldwaker or Xenagos, the Reveler are trying to do in this deck. They're already on the high end of your curve and they don't present an immediate threat to your opponent. 4/4 lands aren't all that intimidating if they were already tapped to bring Nissa out, and you're not running that many lands to begin with. You're not going to be making full use of her other +1 either, as you only really need to see 1-2 forests if even that during any given game. Polukranos and Crater's claws are the only things you really have to sink your mana into after you can afford to play the walkers anyway, and those are all one-time uses. Xenagos probably isn't going to pay for his own casting cost the turn he comes down, and his 2/2 haste tokens aren't really on theme for this deck.
Get your lands up to 22-24, and pay attention to what happens when you play live opponents.
November 5, 2014 9:20 p.m.
Achaikos58 says... #19
I am going to play this a little more in order to test some more land draws to see where I get. My first thought is to drop Roar of Challenge for two lands; possible two temple cards. I already have two cards that can help with an opponent creature wipe condition which is Polukranos, World Eater. Additionally, the more mana I have to feed him the more effective the ability.
Nissa, Worldwaker serves well in this build for a couple of reasons. She becomes a later game bomb with versatility for a few reasons. I generally do not run her +1 for elemental creatures, but do use it for untap. I will always use during 2nd main to regain any forests that I have plus get the loyalty counter. Her -7, plus other available mana, plus potential dork taps added to Polukranos, World Eater(for large board wipe) or Crater's Claws(for win condition). Additionally I could use the other +1 if I am swimming in mana and need to convert some to creature count.
Xenagos, the Reveler adds some additional synergy and some good mana ramp for a reasonable cost. The ramp could possibly feed Polukranos, World Eater or Crater's Claws while gaining a counter. The additional creature count generated by the +0 additionally will feed into the +1 in the upcoming turns due to creature count. HIs -6 runs with minimal risk as I run a lower amount of instant/sorc/enchantments and can add to creature and mana count. I would reserve this for more of an emergent situation personally as the +1 and +0 have other usefulness.
November 6, 2014 9:16 a.m.
I agree that taking out the Roar of Challenge for lands is probably a good idea, it's a nice card in limited but I'm not entirely sure it's standard-worthy. It can get you out of a late game board stalemate, but aggro decks don't want to reach the late game anyways.
The same goes for Nissa - she's not pulling her weight if all she's doing is untapping 1-2 lands/turn on her +1, as you don't have much in the way of mana-sinks. It sounds to me like you're using her ultimate as the justification for running her, which your opponent is not going to let you do. Walker Ultimate abilities all tend to be a "win-more" type of effect, that no opponent should ever let you pull off, and Nissa needs five turns on the board without taking any damage to use hers. Xenagos faces the same thing, your opponent is going to kill him long before his ultimate.
The only time your opponent is going to ignore your walkers is when they have a way to deal you lethal damage. I was in a game recently where my opponent had just played Ajani, Mentor of Heroes with 11 life, Sylvan Caryatid and an Elvish Mystic on the board. He +1'd Ajani to put three counters on his Caryatid, then passed the turn back to me. I had Surrak, Knuckleblade, Ascendancy, two mystics, and enough land on the board to do this: drew into Polukranos, played him, dumped three mana into making him monstrous to kill his Elvish Mystic, then swung directly at him with Surrak, Knuckle, and Polu - his Caryatid blocked Surrak, then I Ranger's guiled my knuckle for that eleventh point of damage (didn't have the mana to pump him on his own ability). Other than that, I will almost never ignore an opponent's walker, especially not long enough for them to use his or her ultimate ability. So if you want your walkers to survive, you need to leave back blockers to defend them, and leaving back your big creatures is going against what Temur aggro wants to do.
Polukranos, World Eater is very inefficient as removal, it's just a nice little perk added onto an already-amazing creature. You need three mana just to kill one x/1 creature, and you're not going to be drowning in a sea of excess mana between Nissa, Xenagos, and mystics. Green devotion strategies can use him better in that regard, with Nykthos, shrine to nix producing a ton of green mana and Nissa having plenty of forests to untap.
It really goes back to deciding what you want this deck to be though, if you want this deck to be aggressive, then you want to put as much pressure on your opponent as early as possible. If you want this deck to be midrange, then you'll want to make a few adjustments like swapping Rattleclaws to Caryatids, throwing in a couple Coursers, possibly a Hornet Queen somewhere. You just want all the cards in your deck to work in one unified direction, not necessarily relying on any one card, but simply saying "this is the strategy I'm using, this is how this deck plays and wants to win."
You can look to the lands for an example: Temple of Mystery and Yavimaya Coast are both green/blue duals, but they lend themselves to different strategies. The temple is slower, but softens the blow with Scry, where-as the coast is faster but hits you if you need colored mana from it. You can play a Coast on turn 1 into an Elvish Mystic, then lay a mountain on turn two and play a Knuckleblade, which is a prime example of what ramped aggression wants. You've taken two damage off the coast, sure, but you're swinging for at least four damage on turn three. The temple on the other hand, while it lets you influence your next draw and will never hurt you, prevents any turn one play on your part and certainly doesn't enable you for a turn two 4/4.
That's all for now, though you're certainly welcome to check out my Ryx of the Temur if you want to see what I'm playing with. Also: Stormbreath Dragon
November 6, 2014 1:39 p.m.
Achaikos58 says... #21
Ryx, so I played this deck in FNM and actually made some changes to it beforehand. Same basic deck but had put in Hornet Queen instead of Sagu Mauler as I wanted to test them out. I was quite pleased with them so I believe I will keep them around. After analyzing tonight, however, the creature that really felt the most out of synergy was the Dragon-Style Twins. I dropped them and put Sagu Mauler back in. I also played tonight with 2x Temple of Abandon and 2x Temple of Mystery. As this deck seems to be shifting towards some midrange play, I am going to bump up to 3x of each of those.
Also, after playing out Nissa, Worldwaker I do kinda see where you were coming from with her. I am dropping her out for 2x Stormbreath Dragon. Also, Crater's Claws very much became my MVP for the night. I am going to bump it up to a 3x.
Please let me know what you think now. Tonight the deck played very well; only losing to a very strong blue-black control deck and a crazy Sidisi deck.
Also I need a good direction for sideboard. Seeing as blue-black stuff really hurt me tonight what would be some good ideas to maybe counter some of that stuff?
November 8, 2014 2:45 a.m.
It's about figuring out what cards were your downfall in those match-ups and what you can do to respond to them. Blue-Black control makes me think of playing a counter-war with an extra Stubborn Denial or two and denying their targets with Ranger's Guile. You might also want to consider Triton Tactics and/or Prophet of Kruphix if they're freeze-heavy.
Sidisi, I'm assuming implies a delve-heavy deck that revolves around her ability to make zombies by milling. You'll want to take her out quickly, so running four Lightning Strikes would help with that. You might also consider Sultai-hating a couple Burn Away in your sideboard, since it totally screws up their secondary manabase. Interesting note about striking Sidisi: If you strike her when she comes into play, in response to her ability, your opponent still mills their library but doesn't get a zombie out of hitting a creature. The mill is an ETB/Attack trigger that will still resolve if she's dead, but if she's dead, the second ability that makes zombies won't trigger.
If you're not sure what else to put in your sideboard, throw in some general answers like enchantment-removal Naturalize and stuff like that. Destructive Revelry is better but it's also harder to cast, and the artwork isn't as cool as KTK Naturalize, I think there's enough nasty enchantments floating around standard to make them worth having around. Barrage of Boulders can be useful against token strategies, not sure if you see any of those but they're out there. Plummet for dealing with big, nasty flyers. Savage Punch or Setessan Tactics can be good at dealing with creatures your burn spells can't, remember that deathtouch from your insects applies while fighting.
Hornet Nest might also be a consideration for you, as early attack-deterrent, and you can strike it yourself if you have to, like if your opponent has non-damaging removal/exile for it. Going to midrange, you do want Coursers and Caryatids, with the Coursers taking over for Keranos in card advantage. Wooded foothills are still on the recommendations table, especially if you get Coursers since they have nice interactions (gain a life for playing the fetchland, lose it by cracking it, gain another from the fetched land + being able to shuffle your library if there's a bad card on top). I do know those are all desirable cards though, and come at a cost if you have to buy them.
Not sure if Awaken the Bear has as much use with this new direction for your deck, might be on the list to take out (for more strikes). Xenagos benefits from the addition of the tokens and the change of direction, making his +1 better and making him less clunky for what the deck wants to do (he wouldn't fit in my deck at all, it's too aggressive for him). You might also consider Genesis Hydra as something to ramp into in the mid-late game, being an acceptably-costed fatty that can bring a friend out to play, plus it gets around colored costs so if you're missing blue, if X is high enough you can still pull out Knuckle, Sagu, or Surrak...or even Hornet Queen.
Well, that should be enough food for thought.
November 8, 2014 11:30 a.m.
Achaikos58 says... #23
Ryx, thanks for the suggestions and I think this really hones me into what this deck needs to do. Awaken the Bear is out for Genesis Hydra.
I took many of your suggestions for sideboard and added in Arrow Storm for removal. I went this route since it is good damage, and I can almost always guarantee raid if I need to go that route.
Sylvan Caryatid and Courser of Kruphix are cards I do really want to add, however, I will need to wait in order to be able to afford those.
Thanks for all your help.
November 8, 2014 1:27 p.m.
Achaikos58 says... #25
Not that this affects play-ability, but all basic lands are now Zendikar lands. Always too pretty to pass up!
Piemanny says... #1
I must admit that temur charger will help with giving your knuckleblades trample, which is their only weakness. But then you could try nylea god of the hunt or surrak. I would personally not run 4 copies of temur ascendancy as the haste to creatures is not as important as the card draw effect it provides, and you are only running 6 creatures which can trigger this (assuming you do not morph your sagu maulers)Btw if you are aware that your opponent is running distainful stroke morphing in sagu maulers with enough mana to flip them on the same turn is an important tactic as it is the only time its vulnerable.
on a side note, Yisan, the wanderer bard, take him out, spending up to 9 mana and 3 turns to get out a savage knuckleblade is not worth it. and most of the time the opponent will kill him once he hits 2 counters. Replace him with either more rattleclaw mystics or some other beef.
Also if you can try and get some more frontier bivouacs as you have no turn one play, so a tap land which gives you all your mana is what you want.
I can imagine that you will struggle against aggro decks. Consider running anger of the gods as it deals with bloodsoaked champion in black and nicely deals with rabble master, mantis rider and sylvan caryatid.
Hope this helps. I am a blue green player at heart, and have been running my own brews of those 2 colours in standard for a long time. The addition of red is just a bonus.
here is my current standard deck if you fancy a look: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/25-09-14-TvU-temur/
October 30, 2014 4:40 a.m.